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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Drop Ds at camp bus


Make sure Dh calls the doc early in the morning. He has a headache again and we do not want the surgery postponed. May need to up the steroid, which had been tapering.


Depending on what happens with Dh,

trim hedges in the front yard

work on children's curriculum at church


make and cook a caserole

pick up Ds from camp bus

pick up Dd from her camp bus! How I have missed her this week!!


Right now, drinking my bulletproof coffee, eating bacon and trying not to worry about Dh.

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Good Morning Y'all  :seeya:


Sorry I went MIA I needed to take some time off and get my focus back.  Life is has been crazy, but oh so good.  


I started THM 12 days ago and have now lost 12.4 pounds as of today.  I'm planning school which starts in just a few weeks and managing the craziness which is our home and lives these days.  :w00t:


Tell me what I've missed and hope everyone has been having a great summer?!  :D



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Scout! :grouphug:


My day:

--pick garden (we're trading produce for eggs with one of dh's assistants :D)

--physical therapy at 11 (there goes two hours)


--daily and Friday things

--freeze peaches

--quick run-through of downstairs before dinner


We're having company tonight at dinner------ds is coming with the girl he's been seeing for a few months (she's nice--we met her in June) and dd's "friend" (she says their relationship is complicated lol) is coming up for the weekend (staying in town--he graduated w ds) from DC where he now works for a member of Congress. I think the ratio of extroverts to introverts is good enough to maintain conversation :lol:

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Good morning! Thinking of you, Scout. Welcome back, Tammy! I was pretty productive yesterday, hopefully I am on the right track! Dd1 has a big morning at jrs. This meet is incredibly stressful because everyone is stressed. The white hot national glare is stresses swimmers, parents, and coaches. I am hoping for at least one good race this meet. One this morning would be good.


To do:


Work on ds2's classes

Kon Mari (I like this as a verb) the piano music

General pick up/ need to enlist help

Read a little

Dinner at dmil's


Have a great day!

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Good morning

- tidy house- round 1 done

- organize my school stuff as best I can until tomorrow when I get the rest of my supplies (mainly a large 4" binder that I cannot get here and need to get from city)- well books and binders are done (I have at least 7 binders to recycle!!!)- well crap staples no longer recycles binders

- wait for stove delivery and install people- done

- go to store - done

- work on A&P notes, and study for HESI A2- nope

- read nursing study skills books I got from college library- nope

- dinner- done

- baths (family pictures tomorrow)- done

- get stuff ready for tomorrow- have gifts wrapped and card and in bag by door, girls' outfits picked out, soccer form and $ ready

- bedtime routine- done

- anything else I get done- helped dh close up camper

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Tammy! So nice to see your smile this morning - we have missed you!


For Today:

Done Call bank / cancel card

Done Library

Done Grocery store

Done Walmart

Done Instrument practice

Done Take kids to dollar store

SOTW history plans - nope

Done Submit educational plan

Call hotel? nope

Done Pet store after dinner


Lunch - hot dogs?

Dinner - ?

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Thanks for the hugs and kind thoughts!

Welcome back, Tammy. :)


Got the hedges trimmed. Left all the trimmings in the yard because it is too hot now. I'll pick them up tonight or tomorrow morning when it is cooler.


Dh needs a new Rx, so I will pick that up today.

Next up, make a casserole for dinner.


Trying not to think too far ahead.

Doing the next thing.....

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Yesterday I didn't finish all the work I had.  Blah.  Between the work being more complicated than expected, and me being kinda sick, and losing focus at times, and getting distracted by real life happening around me, I still have a pile of work as well as a pile a guilt to get through ASAP.


I started the day (after a couple hours' morning work) by taking my kid to the chiropractor for a sprained thumb.  Thankfully they got us in at 9:30 and didn't make us wait around, so I was able to drop the kids at the horse barn about 45 minutes later.  Still, a late start for an already stressful day.


Today's list:

  • Work from 6:30-9:30.  [done]
  • Kid to chiropractor.  [done]
  • Kids to horse camp.  [done] (Nanny will take them from there and drop them home at 5pm.)
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, and some clutter.  [done]
  • Work.
  • Get Nanny to sign off on kids' art scout badge.
  • Let's try again with the saddlery shop.  Time is getting tight.
  • Dinner out.
  • Lots of laundry.  Prepare the horse show outfits.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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What a morning. Woke up at 9:33 and have to be at work at 10...and it's a 20 minute drive. Not fun. Luckily I made it to work as it's one of the busiest days I've had in weeks. I am wiped out--just one more patient to go.


1. work

2. watch basketball game--DS13

3. pizza with T or J?

4. workout

5. dog training

6. walk dogs

7. paper pile

8. going to waterpark tomorrow?

9. pay chase cc

10. pay rent for work

11. Order herbs for office

12. complete 10 patient files.

13. 4 inches on baby blanket, start afghan.

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Closing credit card accounts and trying not to have a hissy fit over what it may do to our hard earned good credit score.


Also - while closing said accounts, I'm trying not to be derailed from the job even though the company is enticing me to stay with coupons or $25 restaurant gift card offers.



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