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Is unfriending the only option?


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My sister and I have been festering a conflict for years and it just blew up at our reunion over the weekend. It was pretty horrible and I'm pretty traumatized over it. What I post on Facebook was brought up in the blow up which is funny since I try really hard not to post much about this topic since I knew she would see it and I didn't want to pick a fight. Let's just say it's like if you had a family member who was a teacher and very pro public school you might avoid the topic or avoid posting things about homeschooling. And then you were at a reunion and someone else asked you about homeschooling and you talked to them about it and the family member took it as criticism of rheir carreer and completely went balistic on you. It was not about homeschooling


To complicate it further, I have a business relative to this topic I have been avoiding promoting on Facebook because of this family member but I am over it. I am ready to cut ties unless or until we have a mediator/therapist to intervene in any conversation. It was that bad. We do not live near each other and only see each other every few years. We will not be willing to have any in person encounters again either. But it is a sibling :(


I would like to make it so this person can't see what I post anymore but it appears I would have to unfriend them. Is that right? I'm having a hard time making that step. But it really was very horrible. I wish I could just hide my posts somehow.

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No, you can either block her or put her on limited profile so she only sees certain things. You can block her completely so she won't see anything you post, or you can put her on your Restricted list. If someone is on that list they can only see posts that you make public. 

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Ok that is helpful. Does it only affect my posts or also things like "likes"? I think she may have been talking more about things I have liked since I went thorough 6 years of post and only found 2 that were even on the topic and they were mild.


After I typed this I thought it was ironic that I was even still trying to keep the peace. She was horrible to me and has not given any indication of being sorry about it. It is very hard to sever family bonds like that though and just take a stand. It's where I'm at though. Sigh. So so hard.

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I'm pretty sure that if you change what posts come up on your sister's feed, she can still go to your page and see all that you've been posting.  


If the OP excludes her from the audience for her posts, she won't be able to see them on her own news feed or the OP's timeline. She would still be able to see any public posts, though, including Likes on public pages, as well as comments and Likes on mutual friends' posts.

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If the OP excludes her from the audience for her posts, she won't be able to see them on her own news feed or the OP's timeline. She would still be able to see any public posts, though, including Likes, as well as comments and Likes on mutual friends' posts.


she can also view facebook from another friend's account and see things that she can't see on her own.

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Things liked by my friends randomly show up in my feed, even when I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that said person hasn't been logged into fb for a while. Some of those things are pretty revelatory; perhaps they'd have thought twice about liking something if they'd have any idea that such likes would be used in future random promotions. After noticing this, I have become very discriminating about what I hit a "like" button for!

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I'm pretty sure that if you change what posts come up on your sister's feed, she can still go to your page and see all that you've been posting.  


No, this isn't the case.  If you block them from seeing posts, they can't see the posts even if they visit your page.  You can even make custom lists so that "everyone except A, B, and C" can see a post.



However, if you decide to unfollow someone (making it so you don't see their posts in your own feed) you can still go to that person's page and see what they've posted.

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