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Do you(usually) vote the same as your significant other?

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We usually do vote the same, but neither of us would hold it against the other for voting differently. I asked dh who he was planning to vote for the other night because I wasn't 100% sure. He told me and expressed the same reasons and concerns that I have. There are some issues we don't agree on completely and I prefer not to talk about a few of them since he does become a bit frustrated that I don't see those things the same way. Those issues are few and far between though.

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Dh is from an ultra liberal family and he was that way when we got married. I am a conservative and have always been so. Shortly after we married dh became a believer and is the only believer in his family of origin. I am a big believer in winning dh not by my words but by actions and the prayer. This has been hard because it is not my nature :glare: So a combination of dh becoming a believer and my willingness to try and keep my mouth shut and pray has had an effect on dh.


Dh was pro-choice until we thought we had lost our oldest at 6 weeks in the pg. My doc was pro-life and before he would do the a D&C he did an ultrasound. Ddh saw our sons heart beating and in that moment became pro-life.


Dh and his mother tried to get me to vote democratic in the 90s and I just quietly said character matters. They pounded it did not. As dh watched what happened to the presidency in the 90s it made him sick. He changed from a democrat to republican in time for the 2000 election. He was for McCain I was not. He did vote republican but grudgingly in 2000 and since.


We have been married 19 years and this is the frist year that we both like the candidate and that we are getting bumper stickers for our car and truck. Dh tends to be a bit more libertarian in philosophy than I do but for the most part we are now on the same page.

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Just curious.



My dh and I are similar. Right now, we have some differing opinions. No more talking politics on date nights.:D



I've always been fascinated by James Carville and ....Mary Matlin? Is that right? Anyone here like them?






We often differ, and often vote for different people. But so far, no major friction over our differences has erupted. We'll be voting for different people this year, unless I can get him on the Obama train. Or unless the Obama train kicks me off for some unforeseen reason. Or if he's unable to find an independent candidate he can stand behind with his "protest" vote. We are both united about who we won't vote for, so I guess that's something. We don't discuss that much, though.


I remain amazed at Carville and Maitlin (sp?). The differences, keeping such a strong relationship -- it astounds me. I'm not sure I do that well in my marriage when we *agree* most of the time.


Those two keep me hopeful that someday Kelli and I will have grandchildren in common. :D

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Just curious.



My dh and I are similar. Right now, we have some differing opinions. No more talking politics on date nights.:D



I've always been fascinated by James Carville and ....Mary Matlin? Is that right? Anyone here like them?







Funny you ask as we have an election coming up in October here in Canada.


The answer is surely no. My DH votes ridiculously right-wing -- Liberal Party, and occasionally a slightly more acceptable NDP.


I vote either Marxist-Leninist or Communist. I see no point in pandering to the populist parties.

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Mary Matalin's got her Ragin' Cajun, and I've got my Cranky Yankee! :)


My dh is never home when the Democrats call for $$ so I stop them right away to save them some time since they're not talking to the resident Democrat. One woman sounded shocked and started asking me about how this marriage could possibly work so I asked her if she'd ever heard of Mary Matalin and James Carville!


We always agree not to do yard signs or bumper stickers. But there is a Dem. donkey and a Rep. elephant ornament on our Christmas tree every year!



So here's my question about two-party households. Don't you find that your political leanings influence the way you live your life? Religion, child-rearing, finances, etc.? My husband and I are on the same page political, religiously, financially, etc. I can't imagine if our worldviews were polar opposites because we'd be in constant conflict over every day things, wouldn't we?

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So here's my question about two-party households. Don't you find that your political leanings influence the way you live your life? Religion, child-rearing, finances, etc.? My husband and I are on the same page political, religiously, financially, etc. I can't imagine if our worldviews were polar opposites because we'd be in constant conflict over every day things, wouldn't we?


No way. As Plaid Dad said about Waxwing, we both believe passionately about the needs out there, but sometimes we differ on the roads that lead to filling those needs.


We are not in conflict 99% of the time. We have the same core values, the same child rearing views, the same general (and most specific) goals for our kids, agree about how to spend our resources and our time. (Or rather, we respect how the other spends time, so it works out.) For the greater part of our marriage, we have been "equally yoked" with regard to religion (or lack thereof) and certainly morally.


We occasionally are a one-party household. But since we both vote candidate instead of party, it can get criss-crossed on occasion. I can see us putting opposing candidate's bumper stickers on our car, actually.


Maybe because we talk things out? I don't know. But it works. Finding the points of agreement rather than the points of disagreement is important, though. Mutual dedication to the marriage (which trumps our dedication to one another) has also been helpful.

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Just curious.



My dh and I are similar. Right now, we have some differing opinions. No more talking politics on date nights.:D



I've always been fascinated by James Carville and ....Mary Matlin? Is that right? Anyone here like them?







Dh and I used to differ. I was Conservative/Liberal and he was very conservative. Now he likes to say I'm more right wing than he is. We still agree on candidates, though, for now.

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Funny you ask as we have an election coming up in October here in Canada.


The answer is surely no. My DH votes ridiculously right-wing -- Liberal Party, and occasionally a slightly more acceptable NDP.


I vote either Marxist-Leninist or Communist. I see no point in pandering to the populist parties.



Do the Marxist and Communists have trouble getting on the ballot in Canada?


About what percent of vote would the 2 parties combined command?

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My DH votes ridiculously right-wing -- Liberal Party, and occasionally a slightly more acceptable NDP.


I vote either Marxist-Leninist or Communist. I see no point in pandering to the populist parties.


I opened your post wondering who was ridiculously right-wing in Canada but I guess it's a matter of perspective. :D


You go - it helps keep the mainstream awake

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