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Help me break this weight loss plateau :)


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Budget wise here is my advice. Skip nuts and seeds entirely. Veggies should fill half of your plate at every meal. Try not to snack. Eat enough at each meal that you don't need to snack. If you are hungry don't snack, instead have another small meal. Your body should adjust to just needing 3 meals if you are feeding yourself enough at each meal. I have a family of 5 that eat and never get close to spending 800 a month even when on whole 30.


Cool. Thanks. I eat 3 meals plus one shake a day if I workout. Due to my reasons for wanting to do this particular diet I was not going to deprive myself of the protein shake, so I think 3 meals will be a cinch. Oh look I'm in italics now. That's different. I was also going to give my kids their much beloved peanut butter sandwiches with apples and baby carrots for lunch which is rather cheap, so that will help.

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I have had great success with the grapefruit diet. Unfortunately I can no longer eat eggs or grapefruit. I am worried about the cost of a whole 30. I wasn't that worried before, but I watched a review on YouTube last night that said their whole 30 cost them $800. That's just not in the budget.


I just do not understand the mentality behind following a diet for long-term health benefit. Perhaps you can explain why a short-term diet is going to be the thing that sets you on the right course? What is wrong with finding the healthy foods you CAN eat, enjoy eating, and sticking with them?

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I just do not understand the mentality behind following a diet for long-term health benefit. Perhaps you can explain why a short-term diet is going to be the thing that sets you on the right course? What is wrong with finding the healthy foods you CAN eat, enjoy eating, and sticking with them?

I'm not disciplined enough to just stop eating ice cream and candy. If I have a diet with specific rules that I only have to follow for a month then I will break my bad eating habits. You could say I have depression and I abuse food the way that some people abuse drugs or alcohol. The whole 30 is like a detox program. I'm not trying to belittle drug addiction. That's so much bigger than anything I've ever faced, but food does have a hold over me and if I were to just "eat better" then I would cheat more and more frequently until I had a poor diet. If I can get over the addiction then I can have a candy bar one day without needing another the next.

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I'm not disciplined enough to just stop eating ice cream and candy. If I have a diet with specific rules that I only have to follow for a month then I will break my bad eating habits. You could say I have depression and I abuse food the way that some people abuse drugs or alcohol. The whole 30 is like a detox program. I'm not trying to belittle drug addiction. That's so much bigger than anything I've ever faced, but food does have a hold over me and if I were to just "eat better" then I would cheat more and more frequently until I had a poor diet. If I can get over the addiction then I can have a candy bar one day without needing another the next.

This is exactly how it is for me too!

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Slache- you are in the Portland area, right?


I am sure there are a lot of urban gardens, gleaning programs and such. I often get big boxes of veggies and fruit free on my local Buy Nothing group. Put out an ask or email different lists you are on for people who need help keeping up with their garden. I have a few friends who drop a ton of their stuff off here and then I prep/freeze/can it in exchange for keeping a sizable amount of it. Another way to get fruits and veggies cheap is to hit the farmers markets at the end of the day and make deals for taking a lot of their leftovers or damaged stuff. Just some ways to access "whole foods" without paying Whole Foods prices.


Sesame seeds are a good, cheaper alternative to nuts.

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Would you enjoy playing a sport of some kind? Basketball. Tennis. Soccer. Something. Exercise for exercise sake can be rather thankless. And as you say, probably invented by satan. :P I am glad I have something that burns a lot of calories but that I look forwards to doing and am sad when I have to miss it. It really does make a difference. Also, playing a sport makes weight training more fun because it is an investment in how well you can play. I bet there are ladies or co-ed leagues around where you live.

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Would you enjoy playing a sport of some kind? Basketball. Tennis. Soccer. Something. Exercise for exercise sake can be rather thankless. And as you say, probably invented by satan. :p I am glad I have something that burns a lot of calories but that I look forwards to doing and am sad when I have to miss it. It really does make a difference. Also, playing a sport makes weight training more fun because it is an investment in how well you can play. I bet there are ladies or co-ed leagues around where you live.

I agree I can't keep doing what I hate, I don't have it in me!


Depending where you are there is so much cool stuff out there (I have to drive for anything myself). I just joined Aerial Silks, absolutely LOVE it (good thing I meet dh before or I might have ran off with the circus)! They have all the circus arts where I'm going, trapeeze, rope and a bunch of other stuff, like classes to work on handstands, splits and backbends (which sounds incredibly cool to me but I may be weird). There is pole dancing, which sounds bad but is a hella' workout. There is dancing for adults, parkour, and gymnastics. You can build awesome muscles in parkour (american ninja baby!), gymnastics, poles or silks without lifting a weight just lifting your body. Katie plays roller derby, right? There is also just regular skating, ultimate(frisbee- would love this here!),  etc. I'm generally more of a lone wolf and prefer solo activities myself but there are so many things that are team or solo.

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I am so resistant to exercise for its own sake I used to run *while* kicking a ball. I'd keep my pace up to keep up with the ball and be interested in the diversion. But just run? I couldn't do it. It took a long while before it began to feel anything like fun.

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I hate all the things. In all seriousness I can't drive and our extra money goes to dept the Dave Ramsey way. Me doing something outside of the house is a terrible idea right now. Someday when John can watch his siblings and the credit cards are payed off I might learn to fly through the air with the greatest of ease, but for now I have to work out inside my apartment with limited funds.

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EFT - I'm beginning to feel like a broken record.  EFT for all.the.things.






These will help you with the mental-emotional side, which is paramount to long term success and makes the diet and exercise part seem a lot easier. I recommend both books because the blue one explains all the why, how, etc. a whole lot better.

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EFT - I'm beginning to feel like a broken record. EFT for all.the.things.






These will help you with the mental-emotional side, which is paramount to long term success and makes the diet and exercise part seem a lot easier. I recommend both books because the blue one explains all the why, how, etc. a whole lot better.

I've heard this recommended before but I cannot get over the epic woo. Is there any scientific proof of how and why it works? I'm all about prayer and positive affirmation, but EFT sets off all my bs meters :lol:


I'd give it a shot with a little more evidence if you've seen any :)

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I hate all the things. In all seriousness I can't drive and our extra money goes to dept the Dave Ramsey way. Me doing something outside of the house is a terrible idea right now. Someday when John can watch his siblings and the credit cards are payed off I might learn to fly through the air with the greatest of ease, but for now I have to work out inside my apartment with limited funds.


There are no parks or Ys in walking or biking distance? Sometimes when I was really scraping the bottom of the barrel energy wise, biking with the kids somewhere was all I could manage but dragging a kid trailer is decent work out and getting outside with the kids was a big mood booster. I'd give you our bike trailer if you lived closer- my 6 year old needs a promotion to a trail a bike thingy. ;)

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EFT - I'm beginning to feel like a broken record. EFT for all.the.things.






These will help you with the mental-emotional side, which is paramount to long term success and makes the diet and exercise part seem a lot easier. I recommend both books because the blue one explains all the why, how, etc. a whole lot better.

I'm in the car and it's late so I sent free samples to my Kindle so I don't forget. Thanks.

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There are no parks or Ys in walking or biking distance? Sometimes when I was really scraping the bottom of the barrel energy wise, biking with the kids somewhere was all I could manage but dragging a kid trailer is decent work out and getting outside with the kids was a big mood booster. I'd give you our bike trailer if you lived closer- my 6 year old needs a promotion to a trail a bike thingy. ;)

We have no sidewalks and the roads are busy. We'll be moving in the spring, hopefully to an apartment in walking distance of a park.

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Welllll, I'd recommend the Master Cleanse as discussed in the other thread (website is http://themastercleanse.org/, but I like the book better). 



Debunked: www.m.webmd.com/diet/lemonade-master-cleanse-diet


Unless you think that losing bone and muscle is losing weight healthily, then don't go for starvation gimmicks and bunk.

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I've heard this recommended before but I cannot get over the epic woo. Is there any scientific proof of how and why it works? I'm all about prayer and positive affirmation, but EFT sets off all my bs meters :lol:


I'd give it a shot with a little more evidence if you've seen any :)


Sorry, I'm a cynical old bag nowadays and rarely waste my time offer more than 1 or 2 sentences worth of "advice" because, IME it's rarely taken. This is from IRL experience as well as online. 



Anyone is free to try it or not try it. Or look for the info, or not - (although one does run the risk of finding the whackadoodles that "also do tapping" that way :lol:, which should no more be held against tapping than Westboro Baptist is against Christianity). Any "research" I did took place years ago so I'm not about to retrace my steps to find obscure links - there's not a whole  lot of money for double-blind studies on something that people can learn and do for free, IYKWIM.  There was one study re: cortisol levels drastically reducing, though, if I remember correctly.  Dawson Church was the researcher, maybe? Not sure how well the study was set up, but I didn't really care, either.  It was free and worth a shot, so I tried it.  It worked.


 I throw it out there when people want advice because it is what I know I can confidently offer as a viable option, having experienced it myself.  What one chooses to do with that info is up to them.  It's not skin off my nose either way.


ETA: I think they are starting to do neuroscans now because the mechanism is, it calms the amygdala.  But I don't think they have compiled all the evidence and released it yet.  Again, I haven't looked in a long time, so I could be wrong.  Maybe there's tons of info out there now.





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That was why I asked - I've heard people say it works who I trust, but I've also run into craziness that has zero basis in anything I could call evidence. I don't quite understand how the 'legit' tapping works and how to tell who runs in legit information vs woowoo nonsense on the topic.


Most posters on here are smart enough and skeptical enough that I'd trust their sources and judgment to be solid. It's a safer bet than most parts of the Internet.

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Sorry, I'm a cynical old bag nowadays and rarely waste my time offer more than 1 or 2 sentences worth of "advice" because, IME it's rarely taken. This is from IRL experience as well as online.



Anyone is free to try it or not try it. Or look for the info, or not - (although one does run the risk of finding the whackadoodles that "also do tapping" that way :lol:, which should no more be held against tapping than Westboro Baptist is against Christianity). Any "research" I did took place years ago so I'm not about to retrace my steps to find obscure links - there's not a whole lot of money for double-blind studies on something that people can learn and do for free, IYKWIM. There was one study re: cortisol levels drastically reducing, though, if I remember correctly. Dawson Church was the researcher, maybe? Not sure how well the study was set up, but I didn't really care, either. It was free and worth a shot, so I tried it. It worked.


I throw it out there when people want advice because it is what I know I can confidently offer as a viable option, having experienced it myself. What one chooses to do with that info is up to them. It's not skin off my nose either way.


ETA: I think they are starting to do neuroscans now because the mechanism is, it calms the amygdala. But I don't think they have compiled all the evidence and released it yet. Again, I haven't looked in a long time, so I could be wrong. Maybe there's tons of info out there now.

I totally agree and I'm grateful for the two sentences because I might be one of the people to try it, have my life changed and I would have you to thank.


But now I need to go to bed. Goodnight all.

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That was why I asked - I've heard people say it works who I trust, but I've also run into craziness that has zero basis in anything I could call evidence. I don't quite understand how the 'legit' tapping works and how to tell who runs in legit information vs woowoo nonsense on the topic.


Most posters on here are smart enough and skeptical enough that I'd trust their sources and judgment to be solid. It's a safer bet than most parts of the Internet.


Ok, I'll bite.  Sort of.  Nibble maybe.  If you think acupressure/acupuncture are woo, then you'll probably not be swayed by anything I say or any links I could give. The mechanisms are similar.


I can give you a few names of people who are "connected" to/use tapping if you want people that appear to be more about actually helping people and less about making a quick buck (I'm looking at Mercola here!!)


Lissa Rankin is an M.D.

Dawson Church is a PhD in Integrative Healthcare

Ruth Buczynski PhD, licensed Psychologist

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Patricia Carrington, PhD Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School - she is one of the EFT pioneers.


Oh, and I forgot Roger Callahan (the originator of TFT, the precursor to EFT) and Gary Craig (he simplified the TFT process pioneered by Dr. Callahan)


I make no claims about the education or expertise of these people beyond what I've written here.  However, if you want a starting point that isn't quite so whackadoodle or gimmicky, I recommend starting with these names, especially Patricia Carrington and Dawson Church as your google searches. :)


And I will just let you know how I learned about tapping.  From a Chaplain at my DH's military unit.  He introduced us to it at a wives' function so we were aware of Operation Emotional Freedom (tapping for PTSD veterans) if we ever have the need.


Hopefully you can find what you're looking for. :) Good luck.



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I looked in the article for studies/proof showing that the master cleanse, specifically, caused loss of bone and muscle. Didn't see anything there. Granted, some will see it as wacky no matter what; still others might use it as one of many tools to reach a goal (while also implementing other health-building tools like increased cardio, strength-training, not overeating, etc).

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Ok, I'll bite. Sort of. Nibble maybe. If you think acupressure/acupuncture are woo, then you'll probably not be swayed by anything I say or any links I could give. The mechanisms are similar.


I can give you a few names of people who are "connected" to/use tapping if you want people that appear to be more about actually helping people and less about making a quick buck (I'm looking at Mercola here!!)


Lissa Rankin is an M.D.

Dawson Church is a PhD in Integrative Healthcare

Ruth Buczynski PhD, licensed Psychologist

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Patricia Carrington, PhD Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School - she is one of the EFT pioneers.


Oh, and I forgot Roger Callahan (the originator of TFT, the precursor to EFT) and Gary Craig (he simplified the TFT process pioneered by Dr. Callahan)


I make no claims about the education or expertise of these people beyond what I've written here. However, if you want a starting point that isn't quite so whackadoodle or gimmicky, I recommend starting with these names, especially Patricia Carrington and Dawson Church as your google searches. :)


And I will just let you know how I learned about tapping. From a Chaplain at my DH's military unit. He introduced us to it at a wives' function so we were aware of Operation Emotional Freedom (tapping for PTSD veterans) if we ever have the need.


Hopefully you can find what you're looking for. :) Good luck.

Thank you for the distinct lack of Mercola. I do know a bit about acupressure and acupuncture - I was reading weirdness about chakras and such, not nerve reactivity in the body. I will do some googling regarding the list of non-crazies you gave. I appreciate the starting point :)

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We have no sidewalks and the roads are busy. We'll be moving in the spring, hopefully to an apartment in walking distance of a park.

I posted because I hate for people to be doing things they hate and you sound so beat down. Exercise shouldn't be a punishment we do to ourselves :( However, I understand that life brings limitations. I hope that your new location brings some new opportunities, being stuck inside all day with no access to outside sounds sad for you and the kids :(, until then if you are interested there are lots of youtube videos and free websites if you feel like trying something new in your home. 

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I looked in the article for studies/proof showing that the master cleanse, specifically, caused loss of bone and muscle. Didn't see anything there. Granted, some will see it as wacky no matter what; still others might use it as one of many tools to reach a goal (while also implementing other health-building tools like increased cardio, strength-training, not overeating, etc).

Do you have the approval of your doctor for this? Most don't. There are no studies supporting that this is safe or legitimately advances health either.


Weight loss based on not eating and taking laxatives are quite established to cause temporary at best results and harm your body in a myriad of ways, including loss of bone density and reduction of muscle mass.


There's probably no way a controlled university study where participants are asked to starve themselves and consume a mix of lemon water, pepper and laxatives for a prolonged period would be approved. Why? Because it would be considered too dangerous for human subjects.


Consuming laxatives to lose weight is disordered eating. Crash and extreme diets are frankly just trying on an eating disorder to either meet an arbitrary scale number or to self treat an extant disordered eating pattern like compulsive eating or sugar addiction.


There are no shortages of articles with details on why this is not a sound approach. Here are but three.







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Just as a side note because some misconceptions or errors are being alluded to or stated. I didn't use the laxatives hardly at all. I didn't see the point. It's not lemon water or a starvation plan. Calories, sometimes more than 1000 a day, are consumed. That's only a few less than my maintenance level. It's more than double what's allowed on the 5:2 or 4:3 approach. Over the course of a week, similar number of calories. Over the course of a (bad) week, far fewer sugar calories than usual. I'm not trying to convince you or anyone who would find this dangerous to give it af go. I didn't find it harmful and it did help me reach two goals. Now I have to work hard to maintain them. 10 days will not kill a healthy person nor ruin their health permanently (I don't think it ruins it at all, not in just 10 days). I know someone personally (close friend) who did this for 40 days twenty five years ago. She loved it then and still holds steady at a good weight today.

I imagine that this post, too, could be jumped. That's fine. I acknowledge and accept that some people have a negative opinion of this in any and all circumstances. I don't. I just posted again to clarify what I felt were misconceptions and/or errors in how this played out personally for me.


- - -


ETA:  I just read the links posted above and they actually confirmed for me that what I'm describing is alright.  More than one says that doing something like the Master Cleanse won't hurt you if done once or twice; it's when done repeatedly over and over again that could cause problems. I have talked about doing it repeatedly so am willing to revisit that idea; I don't personally think 2-3 times a year would be considered "repeatedly" (30 days out of 365), but I can check into that.  So per what the articles said, I love that doing it twice helped me reach a weight I haven't seen in 20+ years and that even now as I've gained back a little bit (which I totally expected; no shock there) I'm still at a weight I haven't seen for seven plus years. I'm thrilled that even with the expected gain once I ended, I'm still within a couple of pounds of my goal weight, which I hadn't even come close to after a year of trying. After a year of concerted effort (which included joining a gym for the first time ever and being faithful three times a week as well as power walking hundreds of miles), I experienced little to no fat loss and went up and down several times with the same 10 pounds. Now that I feel great at a weight I didn't know if I'd ever see again, I'm far more motivated to keep it off.  I was starting to lose motivation with how it was going before.  My "fit by 50" plan still has another year to go and so I will keep pressing on toward my health and fitness goals (my goals don't just include the number on the scale, by the way, but better BMI, hip-to-waist ratio, fat percentage, stamina, muscle tone, etc.).  This one tool was useful for one of the goals, but I still press on with the other ones. 



Slache, sorry about the rabbit trail, but since what I've done has been commented on so strongly, I wanted to address a couple of things that weren't part of my experience or understanding of how things work.  I'm done now because of what I read in the articles and wrote in the paragraph above. I hope you soon find the thing that works for you!


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Milovany- all of the calories one gets on the master cleanse are sugar. Lemons have minimal calories, water and pepper have none. Maple syrup more or less is the 500-1000 calories. I like maple syrup as much as the next girl (preferably with oatmeal cinnamon blueberry pancakes please!) but calories should come from real food, not liquids and not simple sugars. I could get the same weight loss results you got on Master Cleanse consuming nothing but three cans of coke a day or a Twinkie for breakfast, lunch and dinner (someone did that FYI). Doesn't make it sound nutritional advice.


Eat the food. Lift the weights. Have fun being active. That will do more for most people than any detox, cleanse or extreme restriction.


This isn't to jump on you. It isn't really even for you. It's general information for people reading the thread who might be on the fence about extreme and medically unsound diet schemes.

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Yes, I do admit/realize the calories one gets are technically sugar calories.  Each of the ingredients in the drink are there for a reason though (lemons, Grade B maple syrup and cayenne all have some great properties and dietary/nutritional pluses for this type of thing that you won't get in Coke or Twinkies at all), but yes, sugar calories for the energy. 


I enjoyed myself today with my sister visiting from out of town.  We had locally produced specialty pizza and ice cream for dinner and dessert.  I did realize today that while I still love the weight I lost with the cleanse, I do also want to enjoy food with friends and family and learn to live with moderation and enjoyment and just have it all be natural that way. 


Thanks for posting. 

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I'll chime in with my repetitious advice that it is all incredibly individual. Not the nutrition part but what you will happen on at the exact right moment to meet your particular mental and physical parameters. That does exactly zero to help I know  :glare:  . For ME, being a rebellious soul, a set of rules like a diet or plan is a disaster. I break rules as a knee jerk reaction even if it only spites myself. You have done amazingly well by yourself. Really. Be PROUD! You know the video work outs give you results so look around on YouTube for variety I guess? For me it's running. I lost weight on the no-S diet. For you it may be just deciding what your own " rules" will be. If you like structure a Whole 30 might work. Or not. Again, it's about you! I think eggs, salads, frozen veg, sweet potatoes, chicken and fish are the least expensive way. All that is a loooong way to say I think you are amazing and :grouphug:

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