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I eat protein instead and balance that off with some sweet vegetables (red peppers) or my favourite fruit. I try not to give in to my carb cravings anymore because I always regret giving in within minutes.:glare: Carbs make my body feel sluggish- especially potatoes. Luckily for me, by doing the above, I have managed to ward off my carb cravings and I rarely get them anymore.:)

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I hear you, Lynx, I totally do. Could you have a nice small bowl of mashed taters? Here are a few things that sometimes hit my carb cravings: yogurt (strange, I know), scrambled eggs, popcorn, high fiber and/or flax cereal, oatmeal, a whole wheat English muffin.... Do any of these appeal?


You know, though, there are days when you need to just eat that carb. I really believe that. Everything in moderation, I say. (Can't live that with ice cream, which is why I don't keep it on hand.) If you can eat just the small bowl of potato--and not doctor it to high heaven as I love to do with cheese, sour cream, baked beans, butter, etc.--that's OK in my book.


Here's some popcorn for ya. :lurk5: :001_smile:

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What do you eat when your carb cravings have reached ridiculous heights?


Major protein. A hamburger patty, with cheese. Eggs. Peanut butter (natural), yogurt.


And then I figure out why I'm craving comfort foods and do my best to fix "that". Sometimes (ok, often) it's emotional. I need nurture, care, attention, self care, sunshine, sleep. Sometimes it's that I've been on a "carb creep" binge and my body triggers a craving.

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I make Steintal Rosti for dinner.

Parboil and dice some yukon gold pots, cook about an equal amount of elbow macaroni.

In a large frying pan, fry up some diced bacon, and then add an equal amount of butter. Add some fresh rosemary. Now mix the potatoes and the macaroni and add that to the stuff in the frying pan. Stir a bit to blend but not to much. Now leave the potato mixture to brown as you would hash browns. After a crust has developed turn the potatoes once using a large spatula. Don't worry its supposed to break apart. Brown the other side. Serve warm.

Goes nice with some German sausages and beer.


I'm sorry this doesn't sound very helpful. But I find that if I put the effort into the starch dish and balance it out with plenty of fat, I don't begin a downward spiral of 1/2cup instant mash, that leads to a blue box macaroni dinner, that leads to a pan of deep dish brownies.


Go ahead have some carbs, just make them the best most wonderfully flavored carbs you can imagine. Then, clean up the kitchen and in the words of Ms O'Hara, "....tomorrow is another day."

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Major protein. A hamburger patty, with cheese. Eggs. Peanut butter (natural), yogurt.


And then I figure out why I'm craving comfort foods and do my best to fix "that". Sometimes (ok, often) it's emotional. I need nurture, care, attention, self care, sunshine, sleep. Sometimes it's that I've been on a "carb creep" binge and my body triggers a craving.


I'm sure it's a combination of all those things, plus it's week 3 of my cycle. Week 3, stress, and needing all of the above that you listed. I am not getting enough sleep, exercise, self-care, or attention. Not trying to sound pitiable here, it's just true right now.

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I make Steintal Rosti for dinner.

Parboil and dice some yukon gold pots, cook about an equal amount of elbow macaroni.

In a large frying pan, fry up some diced bacon, and then add an equal amount of butter. Add some fresh rosemary. Now mix the potatoes and the macaroni and add that to the stuff in the frying pan. Stir a bit to blend but not to much. Now leave the potatoe mixture to brown as you would hash browns. After a crust has developed turn the potatoes once using a large spatula. Don't worry its supposed to break apart. Brown the other side. Serve warm.

Goes nice with some German sausages and beer.


Oh. My. Gosh. I want to come to dinner at your house!

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I second the yogurt suggestion, only I add a heeping couple of spoonfuls of dry hot chocolate powder - ummmm....yummy....fixes the carbo craving a good one (mine is usually for chocolate)!


Mac-n-cheese never fails (my kids love it, I can hardly eat 2 bites), or baked potatoes with LOTS of real butter - that's being really naughty!

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