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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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traveled 100 km to take twins to Psychologist.


twins behaved dismally, and continued to decline in behaviour as we did the big shop, both twins screamed for an excessive amount of time......... We are hoping it is just a temporary relapse and tomorrow will be the beginning of a new run of non-screaming days.


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Good Morning...


Melissa  :grouphug: ...I hope things improve.  



Bible study 

tidied up bedroom 

watching the birds...some sweet little bird has been knocking on my window this morning

recon the yard before mowers arrive



quick tidy of main floor


cook something yummy for dinner


Have a lovely day! 

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Hmm. I have no idea what needs to get done today so I'll just make a list and see if I stick to it or not.


- collect all documents I need for DMV

- clean my room

- finish purging the kitchen items

- park with 2 youngest

- pool most likely after older 2 get home

- start purging kid's clothes

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Good morning! Here's to better days, Melissa... I have quite a bit of random silly things to do today. Some annoying, some frustrating. We have had a spate of, not exactly bad news, just annoying things and we are all trying to keep focus on just working hard and doing a good job, even if it seems there is no reward ever.


To do:

Take girls to practice

Lock down plans for meet in two weeks

Get some kind of answers from coach about hotel arrangements (this is harder than it seems)

Order new device for new toll roads (excellent...)

Pay some bills

Some college stuff/planning for next year

Clean bathrooms (didn't get to them yesterday)

Clean kitchen and plan dinner

Go to store if time

Track with ds3 (if his cold has improved)

Judo pick up


Have a great day!

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Good Morning, Ladies! It's gonna be another hot one here in Central California. 106 degrees today. Woohoo!


On the docket for today....

1) take DS to summer school - done

2) clean house for dd's American Girl Doll Party

3) 10:00-1:00 host dd's American Girl Doll Party

4) go to library this afternoon

5) finish paperwork for DS's school


And everyone needs to make sure they take a gander at the western sky at dusk tonight. Venus and Jupiter are supposed to be at their closest. It's been so cool to watch them approach each other the past several days. This is what brought about the discovery that there are actually planets.... they move around in a most obvious manner.

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This morning dh and I took dd to the airport for her first solo flight. She's partway to Dallas now (she's texting me right now from her layover--same plane). I may have cried just a little bit once she went down the jetway ;)



--breathe a sigh of relief once I know our friends have gotten dd at the airport!

--usual daily things

--plan meals for the next 11 days (we'll be following the FODMAP diet in hopes of narrowing down dh's and dd20's dietary issues)

--plan what I wish to accomplish while dd is away

--gardening as per usual. I picked my very first carrots, ever, yesterday!

--exercise of some sort (may go to gym when dh meets with trainer or may walk later)

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Still waiting for the work stress to decrease.  :/  I have a conference call at 2 that I'm not looking forward to.


Today I got up sometime after 9 and it took until 10:30 to get the kids out the door for horse camp.  (Camp started at 8am.)  Not an auspicious start to the day.


Today's list:

  • Kids up & to camp.  [done]
  • Basic daily cleaning.  [done]
  • Work.
  • Figure out plans for vacation.  (We might go somewhere tomorrow if it works.)
  • Drive kids to evening math camp.
  • Work.
  • Dinner out.
  • Laundry.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work.
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Good afternoon!


Melissa, hoping it was just a short-lived relapse!


Mom2CandJ, safe travels!


Krissi, thanks for the heads up!


Lucky,  :grouphug:


SKL, you deserve to have a stress decrease! I'm amazed at all you do for your family and job. They are so blessed to have you!



We are heading back to Greenville to dh's family for the rest of the week, so I might not be on much. 




fed and watered cats

went to co-op meeting

store on the way home

sorted laundry and started first load

fed ds and ate a snack myself, will feed others when hungry


To Do:

update checking account and pay bills

run to bank to make a deposit and get cash

do 3 more loads of laundry

pack for trip to SC

take cat food to neighbor


kids' practices (swim/play)






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I needed a handful of chocolate chips to get through the administrative stuff this afternoon.


But it is almost all done.


One more bathroom to do, but no dinner plans. Or rather, I can make dinner, but no one will eat what is left in the house.

Seriously, they would eat sandwiches for the third night in a row rather than a tortellini salad.

They drive me crazy.

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Kitchen got cleaned.

Grocery shopping got done

Dh got everything he  needed food and clothing wise to go to work.

Then I succumbed to lack of sleep and a new powerful antibiotic and slept in my armchair for an hour and a half.

I still don't feel all that good but I took ds to the DMV and got a paperwork issue figured out.  

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DD's party is done. Only a few girls showed up. I'm a little .... errr.. irritated with one of the girls who said she was coming, but didn't show up. But, the girls seemed to have a good time.


Now, I'm doing some VBS stuff. I don't know if it's the weather or what, but I have been so lethargic the past several weeks since it's been so hot. We have AC, but I am so ... Something or other. I just don't feel like doing anything. I hate this feeling!

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