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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Hi guys.  Been up all night so far (it's almost 5am here).  I have uncovered some mistakes made by other people and I am supposed to solve them, plus do the other stuff I promised overnight.  Ha.  Not sure this is meant to be.

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Good morning

- tidy house- round 1 done

- laundry- in washer and dryer

- take dd1 to Girl Scout camp- done

- drop off library books- done

- get a few things from store- done

- dishes- done

- school work- math 2 of 3 done

- pick dd1 up at 330- done

- dinner- done

- school work- hope A&P teacher posts out stuff today, we have assignments due tomorrow and are not able to to turn them in until she posts them, though I will start on my essay due this week (have all info just need to type the darn thing)- on she finally posted the stuff and gave us an extension for all but discussion until next Tuesday

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine- done

- school work

- anything else I get done- took a small nap with dd2

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Morning all! Not really sure what is in store for us today but I'll make a list of what I'd like to get done.


- finish wiping down my closet and organizing the clothes I'm keeping.

- go through my books and get rid of the ones I'm done with

-quick clean downstairs

- park with kids

- pool with kids?

-read for an hour

- exercise DVD or walk with dogs after dh gets homej

- load of laundry washed, folded, away

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Good morning!

I have to drive girls in for practice. Another college coach coming today, I think. I realized that I have to leave for the meet tomorrow. So lots to get done.


To do:

Take girls

Grocery store


Fabric store

Plan meets for meet

Snacks, etc.

Pick up house



Other random things...sports related mostly

Track practice

Judo pick up


Have a great day!

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Our new grandson, Elijah was born this morning at 7:34am....he weighs 7 lb and 9 oz.  I'm waiting to talk to dd, but everything sounds like a quick and easy labor.  



  • dental appointment for cleaning
  • hoping the AC parts came in and they repair our unit --I would love to sleep in my bed tonight
  • reading and staying cool suppose to be 99 here today. 
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1. return overdue library books

2. clean kitchen

3. laundry--fold the mountain

4. water new sod

5. buy milk, plan dinner for tonight and shop

6. stop by office with new ac filter and pick up fennel tea

7. speak to vet about kippy's medication.

8. work on shawl (knitting)

9. figure out dinner date with Dad

10. drop off L's volunteer application

11. water park with boys later?

******12. pay business comcast bill and electric!!!******

13. go to yoga class at 530--didn't happen due to IBS

14. drop L at friend

15. Write up calendar for L's online classes next year with him.

16. cat litter

17. laundry

18. kitchen-clean

19. yoga or walking

20. pick up xanax for dog--try it out.


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My day:


--bike workout at gym

--daily and Tuesday things

--order some camp care pkg items

--place Penzey's order

--garden: pick, weed, check fruit

--take dd to DMV for a state ID

--make sure dd emails the foreign language placement office at the university

--grocery run for the week

--reserve shuttle bus tickets for Denali National Park :D

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Plugging along here.  I slept 3 hours, got the kids up & out late, dropped them off at camp, drove to "the office."  Have at least one stressful conference call coming up.  Having communication issues with some clients, but muddling through.  Hacking away at the deadlines as best I can.


I need to leave about 3:30 to get my kids.  Then they have math camp this afternoon.  It has been suggested we skip that so I can work, but having the kids putzing around is no better than having them in math class while I work in the lobby.  (I have to have this conversation far too often.)


After math I suppose I will send the kids out to play while I work at home.


I wonder how late I can work tonight before I pass out.

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Well, I'm a little late this morning to the club, but I'm here!

** 2 bathrooms clean - done

** my bedroom dusted and vacuumed - done

** taxi service to summer school and VBS - summer school done, still have to pick kids up from VBS in an hour

** bookshelf dusted - done

** common living area vacuumed - mostly done


I'm working like mad this morning so I can have the afternoon to read. My goal this summer is to complete every single book I have started in the past several months, and then I can start on two more that are sitting on my night stand! I did get one done a couple days ago. That was relatively easy.  The one I'm reading now is tough.

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My closet looks awesome! It wasn't too out of control before but it was quite inefficient. Now it's perfect. I'm halfway done going through my books and realize I'm not the book hoarder in this house even though I'm the reader. 75 percent of the books that are not the children's books are dh's. How do I get him to part with books he really will never look at again?


We're going to skip the park today and just go to the pool after the younger ones nap assuming it doesn't rain .

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Human care done

pet care done

Medical care done

kitchen is clean

living room is tidied

1 1/2 loads of laundry have been folded

recycling has been put out

ran to the store for a rotisserie chicken

Ds made dh his sandwich for me.

Dh is out the door for a doctor's appt. and then work

Lunch is done


Now. . . .  get stuff together for the library.

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Congratulations on your new grandson, Tammy! I love the name Elijah.


Swim meet was long, gruelingly hot and Ds was not focused and did poorly. Dd has a cough and did not swim.


I am SO thankful for air conditioning!!! (Is your fixed, Tammy?! Mine broke the first year I moved here in a summer heatwave and I moved into a hotel until it was fixed! Me and the 70 lb lab in my avatar!)



pack for trip

double check Dd's packing

double check the list for DH


if I am not too wiped out, listen to the third installment of SWB's lecture series.


I can sleep tomorrow on the drive. Hoping this cold gets out of my throat for the convention. Not good to have no voice. I hate travelling while I am sick.

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I did most of my list, though I still have a few things to do. Almost all things were only sort of accomplished. Sigh. I still have a few things to pick up, though I am mostly packed. I think I can pack for a swim meet in my sleep.

Now, off to track and judo!

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