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Why I feel like a scatterbrained loser


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When I filed my taxes I made a transposition error in one digit of one child's social security number. Our refund came with a notification letter telling me that one child's ss number wasn't valid so changes were made, the refund reduced, etc.. It contained information on where to send documents to appeal, so I did that by registered mail. That was over a month ago but haven't heard anything, though I know the letter arrived. When I call the IRS number to inquire, I cannot get through to a human being due to "high call volume". 


Then I submitted the FAFSA and put dd14's birth "day" instead of dd19's. Their birthdays are in the same month and ten days apart so only one digit is different in the month and year part. We only found out the problem because dd19 couldn't electronically sign the application and I called to inquire. It could take over a month or more to correct the mistake. I just hope it's all fixed before the college bill is due.


I'm just kicking myself right now.  :(

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


House full of dyslexics/dysgraphics with EF issues here.  This type of thing happens.  


Sorry, T.  I know that's frustrating and so much is sitting on your shoulders.  Anybody could make that type of mistake, especially with so much going on in your life right now.

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(are you pg?  ;)  I became completely flakey when I was pg.  a friend knew I was pg before me - because I was so flakey.)  or menopause . . . .


Yeah, peri. Night sweats, too.


But you're not calling me flaky, are you? LOL.


Spacey, definitely.

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I've done stuff like that so often, that I've learned I have to proofread things over and over and over and over again.  I don't know why it is that way.  How does everyone else do it right on the first try?  :)





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I just remembered a funny (now) story to share with you, OP.


I took my son for a well-child visit with a new doctor when he was five.  I was pretty tired, run-down, scatterbrained, etc.  I filled out the wrong birth year (my other son's) on every new patient form.  The doc was really concerned at the visit, because according to his birth year, ds should have been developmentally further along than he was.


I could not understand why the pediatrician was so concerned with his development. 


I finally figured out what the problem was.  She thought he was seven, not five. 

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I just remembered a funny (now) story to share with you, OP.


I took my son for a well-child visit with a new doctor when he was five.  I was pretty tired, run-down, scatterbrained, etc.  I filled out the wrong birth year (my other son's) on every new patient form.  The doc was really concerned at the visit, because according to his birth year, ds should have been developmentally further along than he was.


I could not understand why the pediatrician was so concerned with his development. 


I finally figured out what the problem was.  She thought he was seven, not five. 


This is great! :)

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I have really bad pregnancy brain. I mentioned it to my midwife and she said that the more kids you have and the older you get, it seems to become permanent. That did not make me feel better.


Uh oh. I have four kids and haven't been pregnant for ten years. It doesn't look good for me, does it?

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