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Spin-off: Things you would like to do

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The thread on hobbies got me to wondering if there are things you would like to do or learn, if you had the time, or perhaps sometime in the future?


Just off the top of my head, I'd like to take some online Bible classes, study Hebrew, and learn to knit. There are other things I'd like to do or learn, but these three come to mind more often.


What are your unfulfilled interests?

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I want to go sailing on a ship that lets the passengers work as crew - I've wanted to do this since I read Captains Courageous at age 11 - my recent repetitive readings of the Aubrey/Maturin series (and Hornblower, etc.) have only deepened this desire.


I'd also like to go hang gliding. And learn how to juggle clubs (I have them - just can not juggle them without hitting myself in the face) and master more than three object juggling, too.

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I want to learn to knit, grow all of our veggies and some fruits and nuts, turn my yard into a wildlife habitat using plants that are native to Mass., and learn to ride a horse and to play the piano (not at the same time).


I also want to learn hang-gliding and parasailing, but my health prevents that.



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Learn to be a better artist. Will fulfill this year with dd as we go through Drawing with Children.

Take time to learn handicrafts- knitting, crochet, sewing with my machine, etc. - With dd starting with needlepoint

Learn to kayak- unfulfilled as of yet.

Become more educated about nature- There is a Master Naturalist program I want to participate in next Spring, hopefully this will come to fruition.

To participate in an Bible study geared to Spiritual Disciplines - unfulfilled as of yet.

Parasailing. I want to in order to overcome my fear of heights which has only gotten worse as I've gotten older.


I would also love to try being in a community play, volunteering somewhere, establish an exercise routine and join a book club. Once we move to a more permanent housing situation, I'll be creating our own naturalist garden with vegetables, herbs and flowers.

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Learn Latin.




Beats the heck outta me. But, yup, that's the goal.


Learn Latin.


terra, terrae, terrae, terram, terra, terrae, terrarum, terris, terras, terris.


servus, servi, servo, servum, servo, servi, servorum, servis, servos, servis.


bellum, belli, bello, bellum, bello, bella, bellorum, bellis, bella, bellis.


lex, legis, legi, legem, lege, leges, legum, legibus, leges, legibus.


That's as far as I've gotten. :blushing: Wish me luck.

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Well, there might be more, but these are the big, enduring ones.


1. I'd love to go back to school and get a degree in something that actually interests and challenges me, without regard for whether it would be a good career decision. Off the top of my head, I'd choose something like comparative world religions, because the subject just fascinates me.


2. I've always, always wanted to take voice lessons. I love to sing, always have, and suspect I might have been reasonably good at it with a bit of encouragement and training. My daughter has a great voice, and we are making sure she has a chance to develop it properly. And watching her get better and better has caused me pangs of something in between wistfullness and downright envy. Even at this late date, I'd love to see what I could do with the right training.

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I'd like to learn to sew. My dd has taught herself, and is surprisingly good, by hand, we don't have a sewing machine, but I'd like us both to learn on a sewing machine, and I'd love to learn how to quilt. I'd also love to learn how to make earrings. And to learn how to cook chinese food! I can cook everything in the world, no matter how complicated, but for some reason I'm afraid to try chinese!

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Woodworking. I'd LOVE to learn how to do that and then make some of my own furniture.


Ocarina. I have one. I need to learn to play it! It has a beautiful sound and is so portable... you can take one anywhere and have music wherever you go.


Winemaking. I'd love to have a home winery, and do everything from growing the correct grapes in the perfect soil through bottling (and enjoying!) the wine. Yep. Every single part of it.


Hee hee, my top three come down to art, music and wine. That's kind of encouraging, actually!


And here is one wish... I wish I liked cooking better. Then I could have art, music, wine, and good food on my list. ;)

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After my kids head to college, I'll take up the violin once more, then go to college to study Latin. I'd also like to become fluent in Spanish and learn Greek. It would be fun to learn to make movies.


If I had the money, I'd also travel extensively.

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There are so many things.


I'd like to study philosophy.

I'd like to learn how to knit something harder than a scarf or a pot-holder.

I'd like to quilt.

I'd like to have an herb garden.

I'd like to be Martha Stewart.:D

I'd like to take an independent course in Japanese to get back my fluency.

I'd like to learn to kayak.

I'd like to finish writing my book that I haven't touched since my 11 year old was 6 months old.

I'd like to do agility with my Springer Spaniel.

I could keep going. . .

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I want to learn Latin. I really, really do. I want to get over feeling intimidated by it and dive in instead of standing on the edge just getting my toes wet.

I want to knit better (I'm a good intermediate knitter and I have knit sweaters but it's still too much like work).

I would love to work p.t. as a paid therapist (I have the degree, but not the license and it's hard to get a job or clients with that combo).

I want to write books. I want to be a published author.

I want to grow a higher percentage of our food.

I want to lose a ton of weight and be in good shape again (I trashed my hip and knee in February and it's still not right).

I want to live in Israel for 6 mths to a year.

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