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89 baby! My fasting bg is 89 woot!


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First time I've had my fasting below 90 in I can't remember, mostly I've been 100+. After having a 117 again the other day after a heavier than usual carb day I had dh buy me some chromium and I dropped my carb intake. Not sure which worked or if it was both. The bad thing is though that I felt nauseous some yesterday so I didn't take the chromium in the evening. I was at 59 carbs yesterday, 43 net. So, not super duper low but fairly low, my normal is 100 to 150 total(mostly in the form of lots of veggies and some fruit) which isn't high by SAD measures but not real low by LC measures. I had a bit of my carbs at breakfast (3 cups of yummy broccoli), some almonds for a snack and then a bunch of green beans and some kombucha with lunch but no carbs at super. Maybe I need to structure my carbs like that more....

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I was so excited, we'll see if it was a fluke or not but I'm doing my best today to replicate yesterday, fingers crossed. This is the best it has looked in ages and I've tried so many different things for fasting with little to no effect so actually having it look good I was stunned.

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Isn't it crazy that if your body has trouble handling carbs it turns out the best thing to do is eat fewer carbs? It's completely crazy to me that the ADA tells patients to eat between 45-60 grams of carbs per meal, plus more for snacks.

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Well, I'm keeping food similar to yesterday, we'll see if I have the same results tomorrow am. Of course my calorie count has also been lower than usual, which I've heard can have an effect (not that it has done anything for me before) and I don't know how long I can keep up with eating this amount but I'm ok with it today so we'll see how far we can go. It would be nice to finally have some positive change, I had talked to the dr the last I was there because I've yet to make any effect on my bg, I think I had maybe 2 days that I tested that I was under 100 in the last 6 wks plus, maybe and those were still around 95. The dr suggested we try chromium next and then look at metformim.

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Drumroll please today is 84!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


yesterday stats-

1400 cal- 93g F- 54 g Carb/15 g Fiber- 101 protein


I took 400 mg of chromium- 200 before breakfast and 200 before lunch, I forgot before supper 


I felt ok yesterday even though I was lower on food again but I was hungry after super, not starving but hungry. 

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88 this am- 1500 calories 55 grams carbs 15 grams fiber- weight is down some as well which is a bonus I'll take


Going well so far, which has surprised me considering the last few attempts I had. I haven't been grumpy (which is usually horrific) and only one 5 min headache, a little bit of hunger before meals but not starving (I do have an electrolyte mix that I take every am- started that a few months ago). This level seems to be working very well for me but I will need to be finding some ways to get in some extra fat calories as I know I cannot sustain this level of calories long term with my activity level.

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88 this am- 1500 calories 55 grams carbs 15 grams fiber- weight is down some as well which is a bonus I'll take


Going well so far, which has surprised me considering the last few attempts I had. I haven't been grumpy (which is usually horrific) and only one 5 min headache, a little bit of hunger before meals but not starving (I do have an electrolyte mix that I take every am- started that a few months ago). This level seems to be working very well for me but I will need to be finding some ways to get in some extra fat calories as I know I cannot sustain this level of calories long term with my activity level.


If you drink coffee or tea, cream can go a long way towards fat calories. Make sure to get pure cream and not one with thickeners.

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Fantastic!  So happy for you.



If you drink coffee or tea, cream can go a long way towards fat calories. Make sure to get pure cream and not one with thickeners.

What is the deal with thickeners? I did a quick search and I can't find anything related to thickeners and blood glucose levels. I usually use coconut cream from TJ's, it has xanthum gum but it is high in fat calories and very low in carbs. I don't do dairy.

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I had a bit of funkiness last night, first I had a vigorous yoga class in the am, sweated my butt off and I missed my lunch time dose of chromium as I was out of the house unplanned. Next we ate way early due to a swim party and I ate a bit more, although just in fat calories. Well, I played hard at swimming and left pretty hungry.


Right when I got home my bg was at 107, which was higher than I expected considering how it has been running, my activity and it had been 3 hrs since I ate (I've been more like sub 100). I went ahead and ate part of a beef hotdog and went to bed a bit later. Well, then my sleep was off and I slept in 1.5 hrs (which is extremely rare for me), when I first got up I checked and my bg was 100 but I rechecked twice after that and it was 80s, which makes me think I didn't get cleaned well and get a good read on my first test. I guess we'll see how the rest of today goes, which will hopefully be a bit more normal!


I don't know I was reading about exercise sometimes raising levels and I wonder if that is what happened to me, it has seemed sometimes that when I really push it hard I end up with higher levels so perhaps that has been somewhat of an issue before. 

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What is the deal with thickeners? I did a quick search and I can't find anything related to thickeners and blood glucose levels. I usually use coconut cream from TJ's, it has xanthum gum but it is high in fat calories and very low in carbs. I don't do dairy.


I don't think thickeners are necessarily bad, I just meant that if you're going to buy cream for the fat (didn't realize you don't do dairy), then you might as well get all fat and not fat+thickeners.



I don't know I was reading about exercise sometimes raising levels and I wonder if that is what happened to me, it has seemed sometimes that when I really push it hard I end up with higher levels so perhaps that has been somewhat of an issue before. 


Exercise definitely raises blood sugar temporarily, even though it lowers it in the long run. Once we had access to a lab within walking distance of my house, I threw off a fasting blood glucose test by walking to it the morning of my blood draw. (I got 115 , I think, when it's normally in the 80s.) The doctor asked me to drive there going forward, even though it's only a mile away. It's interesting these tests are all calibrated for people who are lying in a hospital bed or who drive everywhere. 

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I don't think thickeners are necessarily bad, I just meant that if you're going to buy cream for the fat (didn't realize you don't do dairy), then you might as well get all fat and not fat+thickeners.




Exercise definitely raises blood sugar temporarily, even though it lowers it in the long run. Once we had access to a lab within walking distance of my house, I threw off a fasting blood glucose test by walking to it the morning of my blood draw. (I got 115 , I think, when it's normally in the 80s.) The doctor asked me to drive there going forward, even though it's only a mile away. It's interesting these tests are all calibrated for people who are lying in a hospital bed or who drive everywhere. 

Interesting. I knew it was supposed to lower bg in the long run but I hadn't really read about any increases. Exercise in general seems to help but when I push too much it seems that it ends up being more harmful than helpful. I wondered on some of my readings on really active days that part of my increase was due to my activity level raising levels on its own but also increasing my appetite more than it needed to be. 

Remember, too, that home glucose meters only have an accuracy of 10-20%, depending on the brand. Look at trends and ballparks, and don't sweat anything that is within 10% of what you think it should be!



My levels have been down today as they have been the last few days so it seems I'm still on course.


I'm feeling it more today, which I expected to hit at some point, I've upped my fluids so hopefully it passes soon.

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I'm feeling it more today, which I expected to hit at some point, I've upped my fluids so hopefully it passes soon.


Add a tsp of salt to a glass of water before you drink it. If you're burning glycogen you're losing water and electrolytes along with it. I can't tell you how many times I came up with elaborate theories about what could be wrong (health problems, not enough sleep, I'm getting sick, must have skipped my medication) and when I drank some salt water or salty broth it went away. You'd think I'd have learned by now but I did the exact same thing this week.

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Yes, I've been chugging some salted water when I think about it and it seems to make a difference.


I had a blood draw (they had to take a ton of vials for all my tests!)this am and a health assessment, unfortunately I couldn't get an appt until 10am, which meant I had to fast until then. By the time they checked me I was at 69, oops! I was thinking right before I went to bed I should have had a snack since I was going to have to fast so long but I didn't. I was also a bit dehydrated because I didn't drink enough, needless to say I haven't felt that great today.  I did bring my electrolyte drink and some breakfast with me and ate it in my car as soon as I was done, which was good, I didn't feel dizzy or anything but wasn't ready to exercise. I've upped my calories and carbs a bit today to replenish. 


On the plus side on my last health assessment I lost points for my glucose being at 100 but didn't this time. My draw was for my hormones, glucose, vitamin levels etc. I've just switched things in the last week so I'll be interested to see if there is any change bad or good with my A1C since last time, I know it is supposed to be an average for a few months and it was not looking good before I switched so it could go either way, the bigger test will be in a few months time.


My average has been around 1500 cal/ 35-40 g. net carb/ 65% fat/25% Protein/10% Carb

Energy and mood have been good; Digestion good


Fasting levels have been 85-92

1 hr readings are around 90-110


I've found I need to go to bed with bg at 90+ or it will be higher in the am

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