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Exercise Thread ~ June 7th - June 13th


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What? Like 20 C degrees? Or would that be sweltering for you? ;)  At 20 C I'm wearing a sweater and a scarf. 


20 degrees C is definitely shorts and t-shirt weather here. It may go up to 30 (plus humidity) in August, and down to -30 (plus wind chill) in January. You have to be prepared for anything! 

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It's been a busy and fun week.  2 of my boys are out of town, so mostly it's just me and my youngest son (my dd17 is working).  We've been having fun.


Sun-rest day. I had to drive my 2 boys to their friends, which was 3 hrs of driving.


Mon-ended up being another rest day. I had a super early doctor's appt, an hour from home, then went grocery shopping. My son and I hung out by the pool the rest of the day. :)


Tues- 3 mile run, 1.5 mile hike (it was a hard hike! My son was a trooper). And 30 mins of yoga.


Wed- 3 mile run, followed by some squats, presses and planks.  First time I've done weighted squats in months.  I did 3x3 with 26lb.  My right hamstring cramped up during the second set.  It hurt.  Spent lot of time stretching.  Then my son and I went to the zoo, so another 2.5 miles of walking.  I had wanted to come home and do yoga, but I was so hungry that I ate and am now having a glass of wine.  Yoga will probably not happen.


We have been enjoying this summer weather! 

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Not much garden work this evening.


Parked at the free car park on the edge of town and walked in to do a bit of shopping and collect Hobbes from the book shop to which he had walked after school.  Walked back to the car carrying the shopping.


After supper, and after I had recovered from strawberries and cream, took the dog for a brisk walk through the woods.  12,000 steps.

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So, I made it through Primary Series Ashtanga class, ya me! It went well and I had no difficulty at all with the strength aspect, I threw in a chataranga every time it was a possibility and never felt any fatigue with it, it is amazing to me how much stronger I am, in March I was doing none at all! I felt pretty good with most of the poses, much room for improvement in some but overall pretty decent. I was afraid I would be tired and wore out from all the stories I had heard about the difficulty but I felt energized and really enjoyed it. I definitely need to hit my backbends and headstands more, I was hitting headstands more but have been slacking. I've had definite improvement here but much more to go. My backbends, well I don't care for them so I don't practice them much so I'm not that good at them. Our next class is in 2 wks so I'm hoping to hit those everyday, not intensely but at least once, my headstands are more a mental instead of physical block. 


Also went for a nice walk on the river again, hoping for another walk before bed. 

When I first was getting back into shape it took me 6 months to complete the couch25k because of kids and life- but it was all good and the slow progress meant I didn't get shin splints.  


Tuesday:  30 minutes on elliptical on high resistance and then stretching in the a.m.  2 mile walk with dh at lunch time.  martial arts class in the p.m.


Wednesday: One of my sensei (she's been on maternity leave) asked if I would mind serving as her training partner in jujitsu a couple of times a week so she can be ready for a seminar in the Fall.   Let me think, do I mind getting to one-on-one train with a wonderful black belt, outside of class hours? Hmmmm... hard one.  So today's workout is jujitsu; I'm doing a happy dance.  I'll probably also walk a few miles with dh in the evening and do my kettle bell 100 swings and 10 TGU.

Ya for you, you must be so proud and excited. 


Today was strictly weights. I am still really stiff and sore in my neck. I need to roll it more with my ball. 


I made super yummy blueberry muffins yesterday with almond and hazelnut flour. I love hazelnut flour. It was a recipe from a new cookbook I bought, Gluten free, Sugar Free BakingI'm trying to cut back on rice because so many gf products are rice based, but I love to bake so I need non-rice based baking. :D I can't give up baking! In fact the first thing I bought after my celiac diagnosis was a gf dessert book. That speaks volumes about me. ;)

LOL, I've never been much of a baker, even before. My daughter now bakes some but I usually just buy her some gf mix because it is easier and I got tired of trying things out and not liking them. I usually like almond meal cupcakes though, never tried hazelnut, I do like hazelnuts though but I bet it is expensive.


I'm in week 3 of Insanity Max 30. People are noticing.  :coolgleamA:



I walked for about an hour and a half at the gym, then did some legs and abs stuff. I think I'm going to sign up for the Yoga class nearby, but for next Saturday, as the time doesn't work well for me this week.

Good luck on the yoga class, I hope you enjoy it!

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Spent 3 hrs with the kids at the river with our friends, the outside temp gauge read 100 F when we came home, I told my friend we should win some mom points for that one. It didn't feel too bad to me since I'm been used to being outside lately and the humidity is low for our area (55%) compared to August when it gets to 90%.

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I don't remember the last time I posted--oops! Nothing organized since Monday's walk and training session. I've done a lot of weeding, planting, trimming, and mulching in the yard and fruit/veg gardens. Lots of flights-of-stairs equivalents from walking up and down the hill :D


My shoulder is sore. Range of motion has increased, thankfully, in two directions (raising my arm in front over my head and raising my arm straight out to the side). I hope to get back to physical therapy next week----dd's appointments have been messing with my schedule!


Tomorrow I hope to walk to the gym for training. The humidity level will be much higher than today's lovely 45%.

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Almost - 19 degrees C.  I was still wearing light-weight jeans, a camisole and a t-shirt.  So it's not as if we have bikini weather.... ever, in fact.


For 19 degrees I'd add a coat over my sweater, socks, and boy brief undies to fully cover my rear.



20 degrees C is definitely shorts and t-shirt weather here. It may go up to 30 (plus humidity) in August, and down to -30 (plus wind chill) in January. You have to be prepared for anything! 

 If I experienced -30 I think I would curl up in a corner and hibernate.  I'd have to for self preservation. At that temp my body would go into shock and shut down. 

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negin and Mom-ninja, thanks for sharing those workouts and the blog. I'd like to try them one of these days.


I'm leaving soon to go to my bootcamp. It's arm day I believe. My face sweats so much compared to the rest of my body. I wonder why. I'm taking an extra towel today to help prevent my eyes from stinging from the sweat that inevitably runs into them.

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30 minutes on the elliptical then stretching and drill work for bjj and kettle bell.


Tonight I have martial arts class.  The big news is that I'm going to the pool for some laps and to ease my muscles in the cool water- by myself because kids are all either at work or at camp.  I think this is my first solo swim since 1992.

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I did the second workout of C25k week 4, then did some arm stuff and walked on the treadmill for 40 minutes.


Now I am sitting in an infusion center while my DH gets his first treatment of MS medicine. I am grateful for my workout this morning because I know it helped burn off a lot of stress I am having today.

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2 more hours of doubles tennis tonight. It was a lot of fun!  Also walked the dogs a couple times and vacuumed the house. It would be interesting to see the # of steps, except every time I moved my feet on the tennis court would probably be counted as a step. 

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:grouphug: Pink Tulip 



Yesterday I rested and was a lazy sea slug and ate too much, gf waffles and chicken for dessert, which I'm paying for at 3:15 as my bs got too high.


Well, I did do some light yoga stretching and skill work for about 45 min, that's it, no walks even.


Today plans for more of the same probably, I woke up with a crick in my neck day before yesterday and it is still there. I am getting in my new yoga dvd and might try out one of the workouts, there are 15, 30 and 45 min ones, we'll see, a lot depends on sleep, which isn't looking good.

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Pink Tulip. I'm sorry you and your dh are going through that. 




negin and Mom-ninja, thanks for sharing those workouts and the blog. I'd like to try them one of these days.

I'm leaving soon to go to my bootcamp. It's arm day I believe. My face sweats so much compared to the rest of my body. I wonder why. I'm taking an extra towel today to help prevent my eyes from stinging from the sweat that inevitably runs into them.

You need to wear a good old fashioned 80's sweat band across your forehead. And post a pic. 



 I woke up with a crick in my neck day before yesterday and it is still there.

You too? Ugh, I hate it when I get that. I am still working out all the tightness and soreness from my neck and it's been almost a full week. 



I woke up nice and sore. My back muscles are asking me what I did to them yesterday. Who knew that a bit of kickboxing punches would work those muscles so much? Did my scheduled HIIT anyway as it's mostly lower body focused, and figured the blood flow would help loosen things up. 


So I did HIIT Cardio Sweatfest which I renamed, "Good Morning! How about we kick your @ss to start the day?"  Very fun moves in this video. I love new moves I've never done before. 

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You too? Ugh, I hate it when I get that. I am still working out all the tightness and soreness from my neck and it's been almost a full week. 



I woke up nice and sore. My back muscles are asking me what I did to them yesterday. Who knew that a bit of kickboxing punches would work those muscles so much? Did my scheduled HIIT anyway as it's mostly lower body focused, and figured the blood flow would help loosen things up. 



Geez, I hope it doesn't take a week here! I thought my yoga might work it out but not so far and I've made it sore in different parts by working on my shoulderstand/plough etc. We worked on a move in my primary class and I can't quite get it, which bothers me, but I might need to back off a few days. I've noticed too that my traps are really starting to grow, well my shoulders, chest, upper back and arms are all getting bigger, which is kind of cool, go yoga!

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Hi all! I have been exercising, but not posting it here, for some silly reason. Of course, now I have a busy weekend with limited workout time and I think to post here. But ballet recital is tomorrow and then we are DONE with ballet for....several weeks, lol.


I have mostly been working through Tracy Anderson's Meta program, with some added arm and ab work. I find that part of her workout to be too frantic, so I just sub those sections from another workout, like her mat workout. I haven't had the energy for much extended cardio, but maybe soon.  I am hopeful.


I have also been trying some t tapp. I borrowed a "instructional video 1" from a friend and tried it out. It is ...ok. I finish feeling like I did a nice yoga routine. One thing I have noticed is that after I did it, I felt physically warmer and that lasted for a while. Not sweaty warmer, but like I was making more body heat. Given my issues with cold in the winter, I will be returning to that in December.  I also tried "instructional video 2" and found it again very similar to a yoga class, with lunges etc. 


if anyone is interested in checking out T tapp, there are a bunch of videos on youtube right now. Just do a search on youtube and then use the filter "longer than 20 mins" and you will prob get all the longer videos right at the top of your search. There are a lot of them.


So, I know T tapp has a lot of love from devotees and I was very curious. People claim that they have lost a huge amount of inches with her. Her videos are quite expensive so there is a bit of a mystique around the whole thing. I have to admit, that it does not click with me. If it does for someone else, that is wonderful. I like tracy anderson workouts and some people can't abide her stuff.  I think both Teresa Tapp and Tracy Anderson make some pretty wacky claims about their programs, and I think they are both full of Grade A Baloney. I will give some credit to tracy anderson in that she has reined it in, and rephrased a number of claims in the past few years. But they are both hustling to make a buck.


One thing I do find confusing about t tapp, is that it is clear that her system is very form specific, like the yoga I have done. There is a form you are striving to attain and you should always be working towards that the best you can. When Teresa Tapp has people working out in her videos with her, they do NOT demonstrate good form. I realize she is trying to show a variety of body types and fitness levels doing the workout, but it creates a huge dissonance. OTOH, she is always, and i do mean always, she NEVER shuts up, harping on form. OTOH, the people next to her and behind her, her purported success stories, are all over the place. It looks terrible. Either form isn't that important or the form is almost impossible to attain. And when people say they don't get good results with t tapp they get told 'it's because you don't have good form' so....?


Anyway, we are finishing up schoolwork and doing some testing next week. Summer activities start soon, ds2 is going to be starting swimming lessons next week, before the schools even close. I think they are expecting a bunch of toddlers to show up. I hope they can cope with my 10 year old, lol. I always think I will have all the time in the world to exercise once summer comes but it has its own challenges, and it always ends up being a pain in the butt, lol.


How do the rest of you all cope with it, if summer means no schooling? Does a change in home routine mean you have to adjust your exercise schedule?

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2 mile surprise walk last night with dh.


3 mile walk this morning with dh.  Bo staff drill work and katas and stretching.  I wanted to get to some yoga for bjj but don't know if it will happen though.  I also need to clean:(

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How do the rest of you all cope with it, if summer means no schooling? Does a change in home routine mean you have to adjust your exercise schedule?


Yes,  I adjust and adjust.  On the up side I generally have more down time- which of course means I can squander it just as easily as accomplish things.  My exercise goals for this summer are to work on all the things I don't have time for in the school year... bjj, Goju Shorei Karate forms, spinning kicks, and bo staff.  I am about to be adding in Danzan Ryu Jujitsu seminars and I need to get my formerly sprained elbow arm back up to full strength with some focused weight training.  


Basically I've decided to dress each day in work out clothing and do stuff on and off all day long around my children's and husband's schedule.  So if you see a gray haired lady in running shorts (with ugly knees) in the grocery store, it's not because she's deluded enough to think that shorts look great on her, it's that if she takes off the work out clothing she doesn't get her goals accomplished.

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How do the rest of you all cope with it, if summer means no schooling? Does a change in home routine mean you have to adjust your exercise schedule?

I have to be intentional with exercise in the summer for it to get done. I either work out in the morning or in the late evening (walking then), and this year I've added my twice-weekly training sessions.

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Basically I've decided to dress each day in work out clothing and do stuff on and off all day long around my children's and husband's schedule. So if you see a gray haired lady in running shorts (with ugly knees) in the grocery store, it's not because she's deluded enough to think that shorts look great on her, it's that if she takes off the work out clothing she doesn't get her goals accomplished.

I do this too, but not every day :)

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I have mostly been working through Tracy Anderson's Meta program, with some added arm and ab work. I find that part of her workout to be too frantic, so I just sub those sections from another workout, like her mat workout. I haven't had the energy for much extended cardio, but maybe soon.  I am hopeful.

Did you read the blog post I linked above? There's a section for Tracy. I think it'll make you laugh. 

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Jumping in to post what I have and haven't done. :)  I did get to yoga the other day, right before bed and it was wonderful.  I ran 3 miles yesterday.  But last night I woke up at 2:00 in the morning because my legs were hurting so much.  My dh is wanting me to get checked out. I've been having a lot of muscle soreness, despite that fact that I'm not doing "a lot" of running compared to what I had been doing.  Today I didn't run, because I was so tired, but then started in on my summer project.  I ripped out the carpet in our spare room (old play room, now exercise room). There is hardwood underneath.  We can't afford to refinish it right now, but I'm sick of the nasty carpet.  It's over 20 years old and really gross.  So I'm about half way done (I hope!).  I have the carpet and padding out, I took out the tack boards, and I am working on the staples.  I HATE CARPETS.  Putting them over hardwood is just so wrong.


I'm hoping for a run tomorrow morning before I start in on the room. I'm planning on some Yin yoga tonight.  My back hurts from all the work I did.  

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Did you read the blog post I linked above? There's a section for Tracy. I think it'll make you laugh. 

I read it and thought it was hilarious, loved it!


Jumping in to post what I have and haven't done. :)  I did get to yoga the other day, right before bed and it was wonderful.  I ran 3 miles yesterday.  But last night I woke up at 2:00 in the morning because my legs were hurting so much.  My dh is wanting me to get checked out. I've been having a lot of muscle soreness, despite that fact that I'm not doing "a lot" of running compared to what I had been doing.  Today I didn't run, because I was so tired, but then started in on my summer project.  I ripped out the carpet in our spare room (old play room, now exercise room). There is hardwood underneath.  We can't afford to refinish it right now, but I'm sick of the nasty carpet.  It's over 20 years old and really gross.  So I'm about half way done (I hope!).  I have the carpet and padding out, I took out the tack boards, and I am working on the staples.  I HATE CARPETS.  Putting them over hardwood is just so wrong.


I'm hoping for a run tomorrow morning before I start in on the room. I'm planning on some Yin yoga tonight.  My back hurts from all the work I did.  

(hugs) I agree with your dh, it sounds like you should get checked out :(


Oh, I hate carpet too and almost any hardwood is better, you can keep it clean!!

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I did an hour of Yin last night and a 3.5 mile run this morning.  Each run feels harder than the one before.  I think I'll run over to the office and get blood drawn Monday afternoon. So frustrating.  I think I'm just getting old.


Rieshy, I can't say if I sweat more.  I didn't work out hard when I was young.  I can remember when I was in HS, during gym class, if I started sweating I stopped working. :D  



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I mostly took the " vacation" week off. I did do yoga. I don't think I've skipped 5 days of running since I started. It felt good to sleep but I think my mood suffered. I was going to start back this morning but my allergies are so bad my eyes hardly open soi opted for 5 miles inside on the elliptical. Next is soccer and swimming if it doesn't storm.


Redsquirrel- I don't have to change my workout schedule because I do it very early. It's actually better because I don't have c-op and other things going on.

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I ran out of time to post yesterday, but I went to the gym and walked for about 90 minutes. I also did some arm stuff, which I am feeling a little today. I spent the rest of the day cleaning and doing a ton of laundry to get ready for DS17 coming home last night after being gone for the last two weeks. Boy, did I miss that kiddo! He is home for today and then leaves tomorrow for another week. In all, I had close to 19,000 steps.

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I played doubles tennis for 2.5 hours last night, which was awesome. Then played ladies doubles tennis early this morning. Perhaps my pre-game routine was a little rough (6 hrs sleep, still feeling the wine), but my partner and I did not play our best this morning.   :coolgleamA:   It was fun to get out and smack the ball around, though it didn't seem to want to go where I wanted it to!

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With the kids home, nothing has changed. My kids are just waking up when I get home from my daily workout. Luckily dh is home to watch the little ones in case they wake up before I get home.


Yesterday was a rest day. This morning I took an hour+ long walk, and I got my 10K steps in by the time I got home. I'm not sure what I did wrong, but the top of my foot is in a lot of pain.

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Another 30ish minutes of yoga this am, planning some core later and a walk if it stays clear (it has been pouring here). Still keeping it nice and easy with the yoga as I'm still sore. 


My back and neck are still sore, I think a bit better though, I hope so anyway.

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