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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

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I have physical therapy then the farrier. When he leaves I pick up the girls.from school and head to the doctor 45 minutes away. Quick bring them home and head to meet a friend to walk if it doesn't storm and from there I go get foster D's from his visit with bio mom. I plan at least 6 clothing changes during the day.

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My list is longer than the day :eek:


--gym w dh

--school w dd

--physical therapy 10:30

--daily things

--Tuesday-specific tasks

--garden: weed, water seedlings (it's going to be 89F)

--yard: neaten border edge of perennial bed farthest from house, mulch that bed w pinestraw

--errands: grocery store for rolls, library

--watch endoscopy video w dd (link from hospital)

--make faux Kind bars for dd

--box rental textbooks for Amazon return

--book something for Alaska trip

--dd ballet 5:30-7:30

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Good morning!



breakfast for dh 

fed cats

coffee for me


To Do:


school with ds

ortho appt for ds

pick up ingredients for dish dh wants me to make for his party at school


take ds to swim practice if it doesn't get cancelled from rain



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Big Mental Tasks:


Volunteer work (publicity, communications)

Calendar Overview for the week

School Overview for each child (where are we, where do we need to go)

Work a bit more on transcript/course descriptions/syllabi/lesson plans for work in progress and next year.


Laundry (load #3 currently in the washer, 2 loads out to dry, two more loads to wash)

Kitchen clean

Stairs clean


Basement areas cleaned off for where new-to-me bookshelves must go (getting four more...and this will be Thursday's and Friday's to-do list to fill them up and get rid of boxes) Including: Camping gear, Swim Gear, Hand-me-down clothing bins, and toy area.


Basement floor swept/cleaned up (especially dog areas)


The rest of the week...well I'll just take it day-by-day

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We are back from camping - it was a good trip, though I managed to flip myself backwards off the hammock and bang myself up a bit. That was a few hours after I tripped and fell backwards out of the kids' tent. So graceful. Dd is getting an asymmetrical pixie cut today - her hair has been very long for a very long time, but I think it will look beautiful. Her hair is so thick I think she can pull it off. Her friend is coming along for moral support. :D


For Today:

Done Drop off textbook rental at UPS

Done Banking

Done Dd and friend to haircut

Done Mail mortgage payment

Done Trash bins to curb

Done Music practice

Set up meeting with director

Send lesson confirmation email



Lunch - leftover hot dogs

Dinner - baked BBQ chicken

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Oh let's see

- dishes- done

- laundry- Done

- fold laundry- done even the d@mn socks

- tidy house- round 1 done

- school work- all I got left for math is taking notes on the chapter (just for myself) now to do A&P later

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dinner- in crockpot- girls ate

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine

- more school work

- start researching Fenton Missouri vacation

- anything else I get done- took girls out to play, had dd1 pick up all of her outside toys so they don't blow around in the storm, charging all electronics that use batteries except my phone (will charge when get back in with girls) so that if the power goes out we have some sort of access to the outside world. (Luckily my mifi modem thingy is also on batteries and can be charged in my car along with my Fire and both cell phones if need be). Looked up flight for dh to take his CDT exam- it's cheaper for him to drive so we are going to make a vacation out of it (well for me and the girls at least)

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Good morning! Regular sort of day here. Hopefully the water temp of the summer practice pool is high enough to swim in this afternoon. Waiting on a email for practice times and locations.


To do:

School for all (odds and ends for dd2 and ds3)

Chores for all


Summer planning session (with Dh via email)

Tickets to buy for LC sectionals ( we need 3!)

School administration

Write finals for dd1 and ds2

Ds3 meet up with friend before practice

PM practice

Judo pick up


Have a great day!

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I was up until 5:30 working on my computer issues!  Ugh!  Then I had to get up at 7 to get the kids up & out.


And then I slipped into their bed to take a nap.  5 hours later ....


My sister had texted me to ask if I was working at home today.  I replied, "yes."


A bit later she texts "we're stopping by to say a very quick hello!"

Me:  When?
Her:  Now

Her:  :)

Her:  Just a hug and kiss and we gotta leave for a vision therapy appt.  (She has 2 preschool kids.)

Me:  I am in the shower so I need 5 minutes

Her: OK

Her: We left cookies on your porch.

Me:  I'm out of shower now and can be down in 1 min if you want


Too late.  ;)  Whatever!  Please give me some notice!  I have told her that before.


Oh well, at least I finished my shower.


I am supposed to be getting lots of work done today.  So far not so good, but there is still about 1 hour left.


Next I change into TKD clothes and go pick up my kids from aftercare.  Family TKD, quick grocery stop, dinner, read-aloud, and kids' work.  Kids to bed and then back to my work.


That's about it for today.


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Ate lunch

Ds made dh's work sandwich.

Dh heated up leftovers for his dinner and left for work.

I vacuumed the hallway and the stairs

Dd's friend came and they had some bunny time and have now gone out.


I am wiped out from vacuuming but really don't want to stop being productive since there is so much to do around here.  I'm going to finish translating my dad's funeral stuff.  

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Long back and forth with doctor and pharmacy to get my meds after 6 days without and daily increasing pain.  There might have been some heated words exchanged with the office manager of the pharmacy.  


Going to get some temporary meds while I wait for the real meds to be delivered in a couple of days (they are specialty meds that can't be gotten normally).  

Also going to go get some pizza for hungry teens.  

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