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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

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I missed Saturday's thread because I was out all day.  Kids' horse riding, soccer game, swimming, then a visit to the grandparents.  It was a good day.


Sunday will be hectic.  Church, Sunday school, kids' dance, then home to see a visitor from out of town, then to the city for the annual Asia Festival, and at some point fit in my work and my kids' homework.  And I'm probably forgetting something.


Gotta go to bed pretty soon.

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Tentative list depends how I feel when I wake up.  Saturday I had a headache all day and only got through a few things but mostly slept, and then hurt my foot.  Headed to bed with an ear ache, sore fot and headache, hoping to wake up feeling better.

To do Sunday:

Finish the declutter/rearranging in livingroom
my schoolwork

I am just going to do them in 15 minute chunks and work through them all as much as I can. 

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Take a book onto the deck and READ something other than a textbook

Clean up desk area (disaster zone)

Take a walk, do some yoga

Cook something for dinner

Prepare for little weekend trip

Surf around to possibly find a new canine to join our family.

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Good morning

- dishes- done and done for the morning (if I had a dishwasher I wouldn't need to wash dishes 2 a day)

- tidy house- round 2 done

- finish math- done

- dd1's meds- Done

- start the week's A&P assignments- started, hope to do a bit more after go to bed,

- dinner- done

- baths- dd2 done, dd1 done

- bedtime routine- done

- anything else I get done- cleaned stove burner plates (eww), balanced check book, helped dh fix lawn mower, gave dd2 a bath (she was dirty from "helping" daddy) before her nap, load of laundry in dryer

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Good Morning....slept in and hanging out with the family.



  • hit Costco for a roast for tomorrows supper
  • quick tidy of the main floor
  • pull school schedule for the new week
  • plan what to do with Sophia this week
  • wash the dog and her bedding 
  • call both sets of parents to check in

Have a great Sunday everyone!

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Rainy day so we'll have to drive to the farmers' market instead of walking, which is a bummer.

Plan meals for the week

Write grocery list

Go grocery shopping (might as well since I can't garden much today :()

Clean up some school things

Plan what we'll do for chemistry and math (prep for the SAT Math 2 subject test in June) this week


Go for a walk once the rain clears?

Shoulder exercises 3x

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Plans changed for today.  Guest not coming, kids too tired to get up for church.


Revised plan:  kids' dance/gymnastics, auntie takes kids to Asia festival while I stay home and work.  Much better.


When the kids get home, then I'll check their homework and pack up for tomorrow, put them to bed and work some more.




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So slept late today and then lazed around reading a book I started last night until I finished it.  I thought it was the first in the new series but it is like the 12th.  You would not have known that, it could stand alone in its own right.  SO now need to put the 1st one on hold at the library and start the series from the beginning.  

Did some reading online for my course, then uploaded the 65 new pictures from our field trip last thursday into my album on facebook.

Now alternating between kitchen, laundry and reading the book I need to finish for my big project next week.  

Need to also add to the list that I need to prepare the documents for my teens for their credits since Nov. Our facilitator meeting is on Wednesday and I have to show proof or they won't get them awarded.  So very important I get this done.

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Haven't really started working yet.  Plans got delayed some more, so the kids finished their homework and some other school stuff, and I finished some laundry and housework.  Once I had the house to myself, I opened the fridge to see what leftovers we had to eat.  I ended up cleaning out the fridge.  I also decluttered the kids' game / art cabinet and a few other things.  Then I did a little reading.  Then I typed a long letter to an old friend who sent one to me.  And now I'm on here.  Next I'm going back downstairs for some more coffee.  Will any work work actually get done?

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Whew! What a weekend! 


Dd's graduation went very well. We had a lot of friends and family make it, but we missed those who couldn't come. It was beautiful, and the food turned out great. 


Ds was baptized today. I'm so glad we did it while we had family from out of town here. 


I'm doing laundry and have to pack. I go to TN tomorrow to keep my nephew for 2 days. Ds is going with me so he can continue schoolwork and to help me if I need it. Dd is staying here because she has auditions for the summer musical. 


I won't be on much the next few days, but I hope everyone has a great week!




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Supper time update.

Making meatloaf as my ds11 requested tonight.  Several loads of laundry washed/dried/folded/put away.  Got some work done gathering evidence for 2 of my teens electives.  Groomed the dog 1/3 of the way (sort of, he is starting to look like I gave him a hair cut with a weed whacker-  he actually needs a shave, but for now I am settling for cutting out the mats that accumulated over the winter months, and then I will take him for a proper grooming week after next when I have a moment).  Made progress on my school assignment, hoping to finish reading the book and taking notes/getting quotes by tomorrow night then I can start the actual assignment itself.  Waiting for a reply from my teacher clarifying some questions I had on a smaller assignment so I can get that one done and submitted.

Kitchen table is nearly cleared, it was covered in school projects(theirs and mine), clean laundry, and projects they made at the field trip last thursday.  Nearly done sorting it all out and putting away.  Dishes also nearly done though kitchen will not be completely done until we finish dinner tonight.

Hauled the old area rug out of the livingroom and to the alley for bulk pick up.  Have to wait until oldest is home tomorrow to try and haul the old broken tv out still need to finish up and do the floors and dusting in there.

SO lots getting done even if it is not stuff initially on my list

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Took my nap.  I think I needed it even if I didn't wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.  


Now I'm going to use Hive Tackle Power to get through my evening.


I had sort of an early dinner - eggs and a gluten free waffle since all I had for lunch were a couple of rice crackers and two pieces of cheese.  Hmmm.  No fruits or veggies there.  I'll do better tomorrow.


Dd is cleaning the bunny cage.  


Dh is doing something in the garage.


Ds is getting his own dinner.  


Now I need to stop procrastinating and start working on sorting through mail.  


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