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FLL 3 not popular?


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I'm surfing around the forums and saw a few places mentioning how FLL 3 is not so popular.  Of course I have already purchased it for 3rd grade in the fall.  What do you use after FLL 1 and 2 if you don't use FLL 3?  What do people not like about it?

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I have never noticed such a thing. I know not everyone like FLL, and that is fine, but I've never noticed anything specific about FLL 3.


I adore all of FLL and used 1-4 with both my kids. My biggest problem with FLL is that it stops at 4. Now that is a pain in my rear!

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I have never noticed such a thing. I know not everyone like FLL, and that is fine, but I've never noticed anything specific about FLL 3.


I adore all of FLL and used 1-4 with both my kids. My biggest problem with FLL is that it stops at 4. Now that is a pain in my rear!




My kids lament at least once a week that the series stopped. My eldest says, "SWB should forget writing history. It's boring anyway. Grammar. That's what she should write. Who wants history?"






We still have not found grammar that upholds their standards from FLL. My boys are picky about their grammar. I think they just refuse to like anything if it's not FLL. 

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It's different in tone than 1 and 2 and considerably more work for the child, if I recall.  So, while many people love 3/4 and many people love all four, the difference is big enough that those who happily used 1 and 2 are caught off guard with 3.

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Oh it's plenty popular and works great for many. :)


My 2nd DC used FLL3, but not 4. (It wasn't written for #1.) The spoon-fed baby-steps drove her bonkers, but she did make it through 3. Following DC never made it through FLL 3 and just went to R&S after FLL 1/2.

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I'm surfing around the forums and saw a few places mentioning how FLL 3 is not so popular.  Of course I have already purchased it for 3rd grade in the fall.  What do you use after FLL 1 and 2 if you don't use FLL 3?  What do people not like about it?


"Not popular"? Huh. On *this* forum, in particular, I cannot imagine such a thing. Not everyone likes it, because not everyone likes every single thing, but that doesn't mean it isn't popular.


Besides, you bought it. Presumably you reviewed it and liked it yourself, so why wouldn't you use it even if others don't like it?

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I wonder if you are seeing WWE users switching after 3 vs. FLL. I do see that. WWE can start to get repetitive after the third year and there are several writing programs that start around third grade. We switched to CAP writing and rhetoric, for example.


The other thing you might be seeing is that some people may use FLL 1/2 as a gentle intro to grammar before many grammar programs of their choice start in third. I am considering that for my rising first grader as there are few grammar programs for grades 1/2 as a standalone program. If SWB had a continuing grammar program through grade 8, I know I would be more inclined to consider it all the way through. But if I know I have to use something else, I think starting at the entry point for that program makes more sense. We are looking at MCT, for example, which starts in third or fourth grade, and I want to start at the beginning of that program.


I don't see much of a dislike for FLL 3 vs. 1/2, but others may have another viewpoint.

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I like FLL.  I used 1-3 and part of 4 with my oldest.  I'm not going to lie, sometimes I just got bored with it (3 & 4).  Also, I felt he needed help in certain areas, so I would supplement with something else that would give more exercise.  I do like the gentle intro to diagramming.  If you don't have older kids, you may not see the benefit in diagramming, but it helps tremendously in piecing things together and figuring things out.  FLL is a great way to introduce it.


My oldest is in 5th grade, and I am using Hake Grammar...aka Saxon Grammar.  You know, at first he hated it, but he actually likes it now, and he GETS it.  It's spiral just like the math program.  They get two vocabulary words with each lesson.  The vocabulary words are more difficult words.  They need to remember them because they show up in other lessons.  I have started making my oldest write the vocab words on an index card so he can easily refer to it if it comes up.  It serves a dual purpose of copy work and organization.  Hake has diagramming, but you need to have some diagramming background to do it.  The lesson always has 3 questions/sentences they have to diagram in each lesson.  Lesson 82 & my son is finally diagramming with accuracy.  He is actually enjoying grammar, and doing FLL has helped tremendously in doing this grammar program because of the memorization of all the parts of speech.  


Hake/Saxon - many have a love/hate relationship with it (same with the math program...people love it or hate it).  I think it's a solid program.  It has 30 questions every day, and I make my child do every.single.one.  It takes him a while sometimes, but it has improved his grammar skills tremendously over this school year.  I did buy the Rod & Staff grammar.  It's ok.  I prefer Saxon, especially because it's secular.   :)  I do give some Rod & Staff lessons if something needs to be enforced.


Now WWE, I quit midway through 3.  I think it's a good program too, but I would just get bored with it, as would he.  I would use the skills taught in WWE in other lessons - science, history, etc.  I have bought WWS 1 to use with him over the summer, or the beginning of fall.  I also like the CAP Writing & Rhetoric. It's pretty gentle - at least the first book that we are almost done with.  It's very teacher intensive.  I have used one of the supplement IEW books with him as well.  They all teach different skills.  Apparently I'm ADD when it comes to using a writing program.  


And I do love FLL & WWE because they are scripted.  You know, sometimes it's nice to not have to put extra thought into teaching a lesson.   :)



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