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Master Planning and Scheduling Thread for 2015-16 School Year

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I've started out on pen and paper, but I am thinking of using a day to day word type document.  So the day (day 1 - 130, say) and the headings for subjects for tat day and what to do.


I used a program that laid it our for us that way this year, and it has worked really well for us.  A few subjects have somewhat open-ended goals for each day while others are exact.  I have been looking around for some kind of chart option, but nothing I have seen looks any more usable.

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I'm a pencil and paper gal. Each kid has a notebook where I write their daily assignments and chores. I spend time in the beginning of the year to figure out what needs to be done each day, but I certainly don't write down a year's worth of assignments. I've learned my lesson that that never works. When I have a subject that I have to actually plan out, I only do about a month at a time. I make sure I have the books and supplies and figure out what I need to do each day. I do my personal note taking on Evernote. That way I can see it on all of my devices. 


Can you share more about how you use evernote?  Thanks!

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I use Excel. I've made a spreadsheet where I can easily update it if we do less/more than originally planned for the week. Each subject has a tab, each tab can be updated to show what we actually did, which updates what will get done the following weeks. Then I have a weekly schedule tab that I use to print out two weeks of schedule at a time.

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Trees die because of me. :blushing: Paper lover here.


I plan everything out in Word, print it, revise, print it, revise, print it, revise.... When I talk to my husband about "next year's line-up," he sarcastically asks, "What version are we up to now? Fifth Grade English.17, I think?"

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Homeschool helper app on the iPad has been awesome. It's my third year using it and it's exactly perfect for me. I usually start with a table on word to organize the extra bits I want to mix in to history and English, but then it all goes into the daily planner app.

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We are moving to a more interest led homeschool, and hopefully some online classes, so I'm not planning all that much, but for our core content subjects (Latin, Literature, grammar & math) I'm thinking of trying the spiral notebook approach that someone posted last month.  Basically I'll just write out the assignments for each day with check boxes.


I'm hoping this works! 

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I use a custom database that dh created on the mac for my planning and scheduling. I hate paper. Paper is never where I am and it is a nuisance to change. I make plans, I schedule out a semester at a time, I email pdf's of each weeks schedule to the kids. I would have used a program that was already out there, but there wasn't much for the mac when I started homeschooling. Dh took one look through the available choices and decided I needed better. Every year he makes updates and changes as our needs have changed. 


It is handy having a db developer in the house.

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Scratch out some brainstorming on paper, then go to Word to make a list for each subject (easy to rearrange/insert). Then transcribe into yearly planner.


I didn't plan ahead last year, being down to one student, but I will plan the coming year as it's time to up the expectations. Having it on paper seems to shift the tone from me piling on work to the grade level demanding it.

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Trees die because of me. :blushing: Paper lover here.


I plan everything out in Word, print it, revise, print it, revise, print it, revise.... When I talk to my husband about "next year's line-up," he sarcastically asks, "What version are we up to now? Fifth Grade English.17, I think?"



I just sent dh my OneNote notebook so he can see the list of materials and such that we are planning to use. I guess I need the valediction that I'm awesome, LOL, because it does look impressive.

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I would seriously enjoy doing that for a living--I'd even ProClick things together--but I don't think I can do it fast enough for most people to be willing and able to pay what would equal a fair hourly rate.



My Google Sheet planbook with a printed weekly list has been working out well for me this year. For next year, the printed list will be simplified a bit, but otherwise I'll keep things the same.


Somebody is doing this now

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