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token wedding gift ideas?

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I work w/ a man who is getting married next week. I'm guessing he is in his early sixties, the woman he is marrying is almost 20 years younger. He is a widow. They are getting married next week, very quietly, no party or fuss. I would like to do something for them - but something that isn't a big deal, nothing monetary or fussy. Just some kind of small acknowledgement. I don't know them that well, but I've worked w/ him for a year and have met her multiple times and had nice chats. Any ideas?

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The mall in a neighboring town has a store that has personalized gifts & will personalize while you wait. From small things like paperweights with name/date engraved to picture frames and afghans (I think these take longer to personalize). They range in price & size. They also have light catchers & ornaments to personalize. I forget what the name of the store is (I rarely go to the mall) but we used it for a baptism gift.

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