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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Yes. Me. The bridal shower countdown is on. It is Saturday! 27 people expected!


> find homes for stuff that belongs in thebasement from girls room clean out yesterday

> laundry

> balance checkbook

> put clothes away in my room

> fold laundry

> put away purchases from homeschool conference

> plan out the week with a master to do list

> menu plan the week

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The raim has stopped. I'm hoping for some sunshine later.



--cancel training session for today (cycle not cooperating this am)

--exercise, probably a walk

--school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG

--library returns and pickups

--get books from university library older dd checked out for younger dd's research paper (next year she'll have a university ID and be able to check out her own books)

--grocery shopping

--get last needed seeds and random garden items from locally-owned store (may do tomorrow)

--daily things

--Monday-specific tasks

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Good Morning....


The sun is shining here...but I fear it's just temporary.  I'll take it though. ;)



  • play with Sophia all day --dh is playing with her so I could finish up the breakfast dishes.
  • vacuum the main floor
  • laundry-2 loads and ironing
  • read and hope to get Sophia to take a power nap :)  Nana and Papa will need a mini break, she's intense!
  • make something yummy for dinner

Have a great day everyone!!

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Hi!  It's another "big deadline."  Ugh.  My work email is not working.  Our computer people are not responding to my email about it.  Mondays rock!


I sent both of the kids to school.  Here's hoping they stay for the whole day!  And here's hoping they don't bring home too much make-up work, because they have a science test to study for tonight ....


Today's list:

  • Get kids up & out to school, including breakfast, lunches, and some last-minute school stuff.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, some clutter.  [done]
  • 2 loads of laundry.  [done]
  • Work until 4:45pm.
  • Work breaks for:
    • pay bills  [done]
    • a little exercise
    • a little reading
    • a little housework
    • summer camp signups?
    • consolidate donations for pickup tomorrow a.m.
  • Kids to swim team; Mom walks and/or works.
  • Kids to soccer practice; Mom walks??
  • Dinner.
  • Read-aloud?
  • Study for science test.
  • Other homework.
  • Prepare kids' bags and clothes for tomorrow.
  • Kids to bed.
  • Work until all the 4/20 deadlines are met.  :)
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Good morning

- dishes- done

- laundry- load in washer and dryer

- fold and put away laundry

- tidy house- round 1 done

- read

- get dd1 off bus- done

- shopping- well I got dd1's Girl Scout snack

- dd1 Girl Scouts- done

- organize my school stuff- started on it though I did finish my Canvas assignments (required for online classes)

- dinner- done

- baths- done

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done

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Good morning! It is a beautiful day here. I have all the regular Monday things, plus a dentist appointment for dd2.


To do:

school for all

"encourage" teens to work harder

school administration

sports administration

oversee chores


pick up downstairs


PM practice/aikdo


Have a great day!

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Happy Monday all!! I'm determined to make this a fun and productive week!


-grocery store


- wash cloth diapers

- put away laundry

- clean downstairs

- get dinner in crock pot by 1

- help kids clean their room

- put all spring/summer clothes in proper places

-store all winter clothes

- pick up pet sitting key

- see how April budget is going

- figure out gift idea for sil's bridal shower

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make bread

make dinner

make lists!


update checkbook

quick trip to grocery


Today and tomorrow are the calm before the storm. Beginning Wendnesday we have a ten day blizzard of end-of-the-year events. May used to be crazy, but most of our activities now end in April and May will be fun without being ridiculous.


But my washer and Dh's car are broken (and using up all our availble funds until Friday) so I am a bit handicapped in my ability to get ahead in preparation.

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I slept well.  I don't know if I passed the stone or if it moved to another less painful place temporarily but I will take whatever I can get.


My computer wouldn't start this morning.  I did a diagnostic which said it was unfixable but to reboot.  I rebooted and it's working just fine now.  Ds says that it says it's unfixable when it can't find anything wrong. . . 


Breakfast is done.  Kids are super tired and I've been letting them sleep in but now it's time to get a move on.  

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Human care all done

Pet care all done

Kid chores are all done

Dd has done her vocab.  She's on her last week and then she'll be done with the book!  For some reason she balked when I thought out loud about just getting the next book and continuing on. . . . so I guess I'll let her be done for this year.

I have sorted all the mail.  



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I forwarded all the important emails from my inbox on my phone, to my personal email.  But the attachments did not forward.


The computer guy says he can restore me shortly.  We shall see.


Ugh.  Aint nobody got time for this.

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it's Monday here.  Moody teen boy as always.  I survived the first angry bout.  The sick girl is finally up, but not speaking.  And she is dressed in all black.  Her way of protesting the day?  


we only had 4 school subjects but it's noon and not a single one is done......


I am doing laundry and packing for vacation.  And avoiding my moody kids.  

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Started late, which is what happens when I have to take Nyquil the night before. 


11yo is finishing an AHG badge by doing a college - and I had to run out and get tissue paper for it first thing, plus supplies for AHG meeting tonight. 18yo is finishing up collecting her creative writing "bits" together for her charter teacher and our guest teen is working on her biology backlog. Oh, and 18yo is taking our oldest daughter's high school portfolio to show @ AHG...hey, it cost us a special class and earned her a scholarship, so we schlepp it around and share it all we can.


DS is at college, carless, waiting to find out when repairs are done; he'll take bus home. DH will be home in 1/2 hour to begin preparations for his prostate biopsy today, to which I need to drive him and bring him home, then off to AHG meeting.


Good thing we have leftovers in the 'fridge for dinner!

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School is done, dinner is in crock pot, diapers are drying, laundry is away, and I've had a heart attack reviewing how April's budget is going. How are there 10 more days of April and so little money left in the budget!this is our first month doing an envelope system and it is going well for the first month but there is certainly a learning curve.


Kids are playing outside in this beautiful weather while I clean downstairs.

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Resolved my email issue.  Sat in the car and worked on my laptop while the kids did swim team and soccer practice.  Spent the evening doing math, science, and religion (the kids have a ton of homework plus 2 tests tomorrow).


I shouldn't be taking a break.  I have a deadline in 45 minutes.  :P  Then another, bigger one 3 hours after that.  But I just had to check in.  :P

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