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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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call nurse to tell her what happened Sunday

clean kitchen


didn't get to lesson planning so do school by the seat of my pants which I hate doing but since most of what we do is the next thing, really isn't as bad as it sounds.

ds - physics  - including making sure that we resend all assignments from my computer since they don't always seem to go through from ds' computer.

dinner - figure something out

dh - work


hopefully feel better on Monday

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-Strip beds and wash all laundry in the house.--done!

-Do 4 basic school subjects with dd1.--done!

-Do reading cuddles with dd2 and ds1.--done!

-Dd2's math time.--done!

-Pick up a few items I've run out of at the grocery store.--done!

-Make dinner.--done!


-Fold clean laundry.--only 3 more loads to go

-Remake beds.--kids' are done, one more

-Put away laundry.--not done yet

-Prepare batch of bread dough and cut onions, mince garlic, etc. to prepare for Tuesday's lunch orders.--1/2 way done

-Violin lesson for the little two.--nope

-Finish organizing the playroom.--are you kidding?

-Plan FHE lesson.

-Do FHE in the evening.

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up at the crack of dawn , milk cows and process twins.


Dh broke a rib yesterday :crying: So I have been sort of hovering to try and intercept lifting bending things for him- I think I need to back off as he is starting to give me the look- But he is in so much pain poor guy.


Got possession of our investment house today, and found a possible tennet


Tried really hard to get ds11 to complete his morning school work...SIGH!


4 loads of Laundry washed, and hung. One more to go


Had phone call from case manager- yet another access visit :cursing: . I guess if they use up their 4 access visits for the year right at the start of the year then we can be in peace for a few months towards the end.... trying to find something positive here.


Cooked chicken bites and salad for tea.


Still to do


Ds11 schoolwork for tomorrow morning.

Tidy kitchen

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Melissa I am sorry your dh got hurt!  Hope he heals soon.


Already stressed about this week, so much going on.


Take oldest for bloodwork and hope to God it is back for her doctor visit tomorrow.  I can't believe I wasnt' paying attention!


Go to the bank


When check clears tomorrow, feed and grain store for chicken food, bird seed, and rabbit food.


NYC trip tomorrow to oldest's doctor, borrowing a car because we only trust mine around town and we can't all fit in the truck.  Leaving at 10am for a 4:15 visit, it's going to be a long day.  She is not doing well at all.


Fill woodrack today


school with youngest


We spent all weekend clearing out a ton of stuff, a friend had a dumpster because they are moving but barely filled it and let us use the space.  Our attic and every closet and storage space has been purged!


running laundry and dishes now



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A typical Monday here:


--gym w trainer at 11

--school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG

--house things, including lots of laundry

--Monday-specific chores



--continue working on transcript

--continue research for next school year

--order leotards

--go see Cinderella tonight w dd :D

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I lost my phone on Friday. Last time I saw it was in my house but I suppose it could be at my brother's house. Number 1 thing on my list today is find it. After that anything goes.


- find phone

- laundry washed, folded, away

- computer room clean

- kids clean their room

- school

- lunch at my house with friends

- kung fu for ds maybe

- dinner out with a friend

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Good morning

- dishes- done

- laundry- in dryer

- tidy house- round 1 done

- try to call IRS through out the day- already did once and the call volume is too high so they hang up on you. Well got through and they said it could take up to 11 weeks. WTH it's not like our return is complicated

- dd2 WIC visit (she has low iron, barely but they want to keep an eye on it)- done

- read

- take dd2 outside since it's supposed to warm- done

- get dd1 off bus- done

- PTO meeting at 6- done

- dinner- done

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine

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I didn't finish everything I'd promised to work on over the weekend, but at least I got a few things off my list.  I also got a conference call out of the way (including drafting the bullet minutes) this morning.  And backed up my email for an upgrade.  And finished my first cup of coffee (about to go get my second cup).  Almost feel ready to work now.


Today's list:

  • Get the kids up & out, including lunches.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms and kitchen.  [done]
  • Work until 6pm, taking breaks for:
    • a little exercise [Walked up and down the stairs a lot.  I am afraid to do much more because stuff isn't working right today.]
    • a little reading [done]
    • a little housework [done]
    • at least 1 load of laundry [load 3 is in the dryer / partly hung up, loads 1&2 are folded/hung & put away]
    • I think I have a fixit appointment  [no, it's tomorrow, actually 2 of them.]
    • pack up some donations - the pickup is tomorrow a.m.  [done]
    • check in with kids after school, get them going on their homework [done]
    • call 4H  [got voice mail, they close at 4:30.  Try again tomorrow.]
  • Help kids plant trees, take photos.  [tomorrow or Weds]
  • Kids' homework, piano, chores, more badge work.  [Just homework today.]
  • Dinner, probably mac'n'cheese.  [done]
  • Kids to gymnastics, take computer and work.[done]
  • Kids' bags and clothes ready for Tuesday. [done]
  • Kids to bed. [done]
  • Work from 10-midnight.
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Good morning! I have a long list for today, probably will serve as my list for week. Sorry about your Dh, Melissa. I hope he heals quickly. Lizzie, keeping your family in my prayers today.


To do:

School for all

Chores for all



Dust downstairs

Pick up study

Read a little

Work on quilt

Some art

Some bills

PM practice/aikido

Grocery store during practice


Have a great day, everyone!

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Melissa, praying your dh heals quickly!


Lizzie, so sorry you are stressed.  :grouphug:



breakfast for family

saw Daddy, sister, and nephew off (going to the beach)

worked on endowment scholarship application with dd



To Do:




drop dd off at play/musical practice

monthly mom's meeting



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Well, since about the second I submitted my post above, I've felt like crap (physically).  Basically I have spent most of the morning in the bathroom.  I haven't been able to sit and do more than a few minutes of "work" work since the early conference call.  I did get a little housework done, only because sitting or lying still is too uncomfortable.


I hope the worst is over and that I bounce back soon.  People are expecting output.  Ugh.


I hope everyone else has a good day.  It is so beautiful outside.

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human care done.  Today's laundry crisis was finding a clean shirt.  Don't tell anyone, but I'm wearing my sleep shirt over my pants.  Note - I had pants!  


Called and talked to the nurse.  Basically it is "wait and see" if this gets better or worse.  And I'm supposed to not talk any more.  I have teens.  I can text them for some of it but dh refuses to text so I have to talk to him.  No one but me knows sign language!  


Dd has emptied the dishwasher.


Pet care is done.


I'm working on vocab with dd.  

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human care done.  Today's laundry crisis was finding a clean shirt.  Don't tell anyone, but I'm wearing my sleep shirt over my pants.  Note - I had pants!  


Called and talked to the nurse.  Basically it is "wait and see" if this gets better or worse.  And I'm supposed to not talk any more.  I have teens.  I can text them for some of it but dh refuses to text so I have to talk to him.  No one but me knows sign language!  


Dd has emptied the dishwasher.


Pet care is done.


I'm working on vocab with dd.  


If dh refuses to text, could you text your kids and them call dh? 

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human care done.  Today's laundry crisis was finding a clean shirt.  Don't tell anyone, but I'm wearing my sleep shirt over my pants.  Note - I had pants!  


Called and talked to the nurse.  Basically it is "wait and see" if this gets better or worse.  And I'm supposed to not talk any more.  I have teens.  I can text them for some of it but dh refuses to text so I have to talk to him.  No one but me knows sign language!  


Dd has emptied the dishwasher.


Pet care is done.


I'm working on vocab with dd.  


If dh refuses to text, could you text your kids and them call dh? 

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If dh refuses to text, could you text your kids and them call dh? 

He's in the same room.  I'm just a super slow texter and he's impatient!  If he had a laptop with him so he could read what I type on a normal keyboard, it would be ok.  I'm a very fast typist.  But then I  do try to use a pad and paper but he doesn't want to stop what he's reading to look, so maybe not.  It's ok.  He's at work most of the time!  And he can't text or even talk on the phone there.  I'm just grumpy because what I really want to do is to yell!  

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I'm falling apart.  

I am wearing black socks.  But the socks are different.  Oh well.  No one can see.  I did find a non-sleep shirt to wear when dh got up.  (He works swing shift and is sleeping where the dressers are so that's why sometimes I'm clothes deprived.  That and the whole keeping up with the laundry issue.)  


I am not talking.  My throat still really hurts.  And I'm starting to not be able to hear much which means the swelling is going up and closing off my ears too.  Time to take more anti-inflammatories.  Not sure what to do if they don't work.  Call the nurse back?  The doctor's (specialist) is gone this week but she did say that his partner could help me if needed.  I don't know if I'm being a drama queen or not.


Went on errands,  Got dh a pork bento box for lunch because I don't think I can handle cooking right now.  Came out of the store, looked for my keys.  Realized that I had left the car running with the keys in it and doors unlocked in the parking lot.   :svengo: I'm not going out again today unless I have to.



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Realized that I had left the car running with the keys in it and doors unlocked in the parking lot.   :svengo: I'm not going out again today unless I have to.


I've done that before.  Good thing nobody was out looking for a car to steal that day.  :P


I hope you feel better soon.

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Jean,  :grouphug: , hope you can get some relief this evening.  


Dd went swimming, got a little sunburn on her face.  It's really hot here!  (90+)


Library trip will have to be tomorrow, because both dh and I are having happy hour out by the bbq.


Start laundry this evening so I don't have to worry about it tomorrow.  (Jean inspired me)    :thumbup1:


I think I'll find a movie to watch this evening, go to bed early.  

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