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Good Morning!!



Busy day. I am cooking meals for DH’s parents. it’s a long story. Anyways, making chicken noodle soup, baked ziti and beerocks. I’m making enough for us, too, so it’s three meals I don’t have to worry about this week.And I am also making bread and carmel sticky buns. 

This afternoon late I have to work the snack bar at the football game Baby cheers at. 

I’m tired already and I just got up. but the chicken is in the oven for the soup. In a little while I will get the bread going.

Ooh. I got a Booya/h for that. It’s “Day in the Kitchen” Booya/h.

Edited by KrissiK
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Good afternoon!

I hit the floor running this morning, though I feel like I haven't accomplished all that much.  Drove The Youngers to their scoutmaster's house where they spent the morning making Viking helmets and swords for their Viking-themed campout next weekend.  Their scoutmaster is an art teacher and also makes beautiful hand-carved things out of wood.  Her husband helped the girls make fun sword designs with the band saw.  
Anyhoo.  Meanwhile I went back to the consignment sale because it is half-price day and it was nice to look more than 10 minutes without having teenaged girls complain that they were done looking and can we go home now.  😁

Then stopped at grocery store, brought everything home, slurped some leftover soup, and then went to pick up the girls.  Then home, some more cleaning.  And now sitting around with afternoon coffee and finding that wool mattress toppers are very expensive.   
Falafel and Lebanese Fattoush salad for dinner.  All the girls went to the future in-law's for dinner and a dance.


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Good afternoon!

We went to early service and Sunday school and then home.  Ate various things.  Made up the little charcuterie boards and now waiting for dd14 to finish making her cookies.  I'm sweaty from working around the oven.  After book club this afternoon I'll head straight over to church group fellowship and then home to collapse.  This is a whole lotta peopling for one day.


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Sitting comfy watching sportsball. Fox was showing the Chiefs and the Bears, but I guess that game just got too boring, so they switched to Dallas and Arizona. The score is a bit more realistic. I love the Chiefs,  but I was getting a little tired of seeing them pan over to Taylor Swift who is supposedly now dating Travis Kelce. 

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We sportsballed this weekend. Watched live, that is.

Well, at least on Saturday.

On Friday, we went with the church on a chartered bus to see the Isotopes (minor league baseball) play the Oklahoma Dodgers. We never got there. There was an accident or something in a construction zone, and we crawled in bumper to bumper traffic for 3 hours. The pastor and a couple of other families had gone separately - the pastor early, the others took a different route - and got to see the game. There were only 9 people in our little section where we should have been. The pastor was sending pics to someone of our empty section, parts of the game, and the fireworks. He mentioned today in the service that they couldn't refund our money, but are giving us free tickets for next season.

We (bus folk) decided to go to dinner since we missed the game, and arrived at Cracker Barrel in Albuquerque at almost 9 pm (we had left the church at 5:20pm). I bought a fountain nativity in their gift shop. The Isotopes won.

On Saturday, we got a Take 2 - going with the Boy Scouts to see the 2nd to last game of the season. It was scouting day, and fan day, or something. We rode with another family and arrived without incident. We ate hotdogs and popcorn, because you can't go to a baseball game without having a hotdog. It was good. It was also our first baseball game ever. We've never watched it. But, it was fun. And we got to see the fireworks at the end. The Isotopes won again.

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Morning, Happy Monday.

It's another rainy manic Monday.   Actually Monday's aren't manic at all since I don't teach the first class hour.   So I'm just relaxing and taking it slow but I'll have to get up and get ready in a few minutes.

Dd ran into a door over the weekend and has a line of cuts on her face.    She has a habit of jumping around her room and moving through the house at a skip rather than walking and in the dark she ran into her door.   

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

Oh boy Renai!  What a crazy weekend!  
(((Dd of Toto)))
We just got back from the kids' dentist appointments.  We had to change dentists but fortunately the new one is really nice and will also schedule all three kids at the same time.  We were in and out of there in an hour.  Then stopped by Hobby Lobby which is in the same strip mall.  Then to gas station and home.  
This afternoon we have the usual events.  The girls have a court of honor at scouts tonight so I will have to miss Bible study again.  Dd14 has earned her Life rank and both girls will get a few merit badges.

We are beginning to think it is time for Chester to get a baby brother.  I will see what litters his breeder is planning for this spring.   

Edited by Susan in TN
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The girls ran into Ben Rector (singer) at their music lesson.  And got a selfie with him.   They are ecstatic! 😂  We were actually singing one of his songs on the way here (Range Rover) because we are getting close to having a quarter million miles on the (van) motor, lol.  The girls listened to his music a lot after David died and it was so good to hear them sing and dance and smile at a time when it seemed our whole world had fallen apart, so I am very grateful for him and his music.

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

I got 5 (five!) BSA award patches tonight!  Duty to God, Castaway Club, Sea Base Out Island, Snorkeling, and Kayaking.  ☺️🏆

Gymnast will be earning her first patches soon. She's getting a Founder's patch, and will be attending a BSA workshop (3 classes) starting this Saturday for her Birding patch. Or badge. I don't know if there is a difference.

I did the training to be an adult leader, and found out my application was never turned in by the former Scout Master and I have to fill it out again. Something about things getting shredded... At least I did my training and that counts for something.

Oh, and she made the Celebration dance team! She was worried about not making it in. I got the text of her acceptance as we were buying Boba on Saturday.

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Good morning!

My brain is full of Willy_Nilly and I need to get some focus.  I need to make a phone call to reschedule an appointment and then meet dd20 at the alterations shop to get her dress hemmed.  The two youngests have planned to watch a movie at a friend's house tonight but the only vehicle that will be available is the van which she refuses to drive.  Sigh.  I will deal with that later.  In the mean time I need to get up into the attic and see what is up there that needs to come down for the yard sale.

Why is it so difficult to find the right pair of shoes for a wedding?   


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Good morning!

I woke up thinking I had a day with nowhere to go but alas and alack.  Thus and soforth.  Grocery shopping is done and things are put away and I need to stuff some lunch into the face and have another coffee and then run off to string quartet.  The girls requested Candy of Sadness so I bought them fruit gummies in the shape of cute animals.  They are still sad about their Spanish teacher.


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I'm tired.  Stopped in the driveway just long enough for the girls to get in and took them to the park and now I'm back - casserole is ready to go into the oven and salad is made.  Imma let my brain veg a bit.

The super fun thing is that we played Haydn's "Joke" quartet today.  😁  I didn't realize what it was until we got to the very end.  Haydn would get annoyed when people talked during performances (horrors!) so he wrote in some long and random silences toward the end to catch the offending parties - probably a member of the Esterhazy family or a friends and relations.
If you fast forward to about 2:45 you get the gist. Also the fun of catching the audience unawares. 


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Good Morning!!!


Friday Eve!!

Work and school!!

I have two classes to teach today and a family meeting in the foothills.  Another delightful family.

High school football game is tonight. There’s a shortage of officiates so a lot of the games have to be held on Thursday nights this year. I don’t blame people for not wanting to become refs. Parents are idiots. I wouldn’t take that kind of abuse if I were a ref.

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Good morning!

I killed another spider but this one was in the garage.  It looked like a black widow, but might have been a brown widow.  I've decided that the big wooden rocking chair will be included in the yard sale.  I think it's time for it to go. 😭  Also, I found the electric trimmer.

Imma look on youtube and see how you put a sawhorse table together.  I have the end pieces but somehow it is not intuitive for me.

Anyone used a rowing machine before?  I've always wanted to try one.


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3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

I killed another spider but this one was in the garage.  It looked like a black widow, but might have been a brown widow.  I've decided that the big wooden rocking chair will be included in the yard sale.  I think it's time for it to go. 😭  Also, I found the electric trimmer.

Imma look on youtube and see how you put a sawhorse table together.  I have the end pieces but somehow it is not intuitive for me.

Anyone used a rowing machine before?  I've always wanted to try one.


Bazooka, flamethrower, or napalm?


(Rowing machines are booty-kickers.)

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6 hours ago, Susan in TN said:


Anyone used a rowing machine before?  I've always wanted to try one.


Rowing machines are among my favorite workout equipment.  The movement feels good, like a real workout but it doesn't bother my knees or ankles or other bad joints.  I wish I had room for a decent one at home. 

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Happy end of the week!   Thursdays are my Fridays (for now) and it is wonderful.  I can not believe how much easier a four day week feels than a 5 day week.  I wouldn't have thought it would make that much of a difference.  

We just wrapped up week 3 of classes and so far so good.  Things are mostly going smoothly.  

Tomorrow I'm sleeping in as late as I can, then go meeting my brother for lunch.  He's up from Florida for an unknown amount of time. 

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19 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

Seems like it's always raining these days. We finally got sun yesterday, but today was all cloudy and gloomy, and tonight comes the rain again.

NOAA said that from June 1st we had rain for 13 out of 16 weekends.

We haven't had any rain for a few weeks, which isn't all that unusual for August/September I guess.  The rest of the summer seemed much rainier than usual.

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2 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

We haven't had any rain for a few weeks, which isn't all that unusual for August/September I guess.  The rest of the summer seemed much rainier than usual.

We've had almost non-stop rain for weeks.  It felt like it had been forever since we had seen the sun.  I may have to get my Happy Light out early this year.

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