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1 hour ago, Renai said:

I don't think I've ever heard of that movie. 🤷🏾‍♀️


12 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

I don't think I've ever seen the movie either.   

It's a drama based on real events. A fisherman raises a baby seal and the town is all pissy because they're killing seals for the fish industry. I think his daughter found him? I don't remember. 

OK. She didn't. Here:


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We haven't seen Andre but do periodically get Sammy the Way Out Seal from the library. Don't recall if it's set in Maine.


I made 28.5 pts of apple butter on Sunday. I don't really like apple butter, especially in such quantities. I haven't counted but I probably have 20 pots left from last yr (out of 40).

Did all the things today, most before noon since we had 2 afternoon dr appts. Oh, and I tried the Apologia audio book for the first time. The boys were not as attentive to sit and listen with the book with me putting dishes away. Hopefully, they can learn without me reading.

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Good morning!

I agree.  Today should be Friday.  Except I'm not ready for Friday.  Dd25 and Fiancee are leaving in a few minutes.  Dd17 is doing her zoom chemistry class.  I have a load of laundry going.  Dd14 is curled up on the loveseat trying to pretend her sister isn't about to leave.  When dd25 comes to visit it makes me think of the song Josie by Steely Dan.


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I dyed my duvet cover finally. First time dyeing, which was fun, but I should have started with half the bottle of dye instead of the whole thing. Instead of a green cast, it's pretty solidly sage green now. Not bad, but I would have preferred it to be lighter. No splotches, which was good. I forgot to add salt and dishsoap too. I was hurrying, trying to finally make time to get it done. Oh well. And it's more duck egg blue than sage green. Much bluer than expected. I'm looking at it going hmm. Not bad but I don't think I would have bought this. Dh likes it better than how it was, nearly white. But I like nearly white. I'm actually thinking of trying the dye remover now. Hmmm.

Definitely bluer than This. Hmmm

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5 hours ago, Junie said:

It feels like it should be at least Wednesday or Thursday.


5 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Friday. I vote for Friday. Of a three-day weekend. Anyone? Anyone?


3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

I agree.  Today should be Friday.  Except I'm not ready for Friday.  

Indeed! I was just sure it was Tuesday all day yesterday and was very disappointed to find out last night that it was actually Monday. Ah well 😅...Happy Tuesday! 

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Hi again! I'm jumping back in after another long break, with the hopes of sticking around this time. 😊 I've so enjoyed reading this thread over the years—y'all were good company when our homeschool days felt endless. (Both of my kids are spectrum-y and high needs so I was nearly always either overwhelmed or burnt out.)

I don't think I ever did a real introduction, so maybe I should do that now!

I'm Andrea, and I just officially retired from homeschooling. DS21 is a senior Biology major and DS18 is beginning his freshman year as a music composition major, both at our local university. They both have scholarships and are living at home to avoid college debt. They also share a car—which in practical terms means that I still end up having to drive to the college multiple times a week when their schedules don't match up 😅, especially since my oldest has two part-time jobs this year.

I thought I'd have lots of time on my hands once homeschooling wrapped up, but life had other ideas, as I now have four part-time jobs. 🙃 My primary work is running an online student creative writing community (on a forum a lot like this one, actually), which is the biggest blessing in my life! We've got over 100 teenagers from all over the world writing and fellowshipping together daily, and I've grown to love those kids like they're my own. 💕 DS18 is part of the group, and it's been absolutely amazing to share this experience together. 🥰

My work with the student writers has also lead to some other opportunities, primarily book editing, which was a dream job of mine when I was a kid. I fully edited a book for one student author late last year, and I'm currently in the middle of line edits on another student's novel. They're both looking to publish sometime in the next year, and I'm excited to see what happens for them!

I also teach singing lessons and just recently became the vocal coach for a local teen musical theater group. All of these jobs added together still don't earn me anywhere near a full-time salary, but I love kids and it's all genuinely fulfilling work, so I don't mind too much (most of the time, anyway!).

Hmmm...what else? DH is a teacher and the tennis coach at our local high school. All four of us sing in the choir at our church, three out of four of us are writing novels, and we're all huge board game nerds. ❤️

Oh, and I like emojis more than is probably healthy. It's definitely a product of spending so much of my time talking to teenagers. 😊 I would love some conversation with other adults during the day!

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13 hours ago, Dianthus said:

Oh, I like the Andre trailer. Maybe I'll order that next! So hard to find clean movies. 

I have no idea if it's clean. My mom would not have cared. The new Little Mermaid is, as is Forence and Ulysses. Artemis Foul! I liked that one. I'm picky because I don't do OMGs. 

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Hmm. Duvet is currently in the wash with the color remover. It doesn't appear to be having any effect. Maybe because I used the "color fixative". It did drip on my rug in front of the washer and removed the color from that. 

I wonder if I dyed in yellow if it would cancel out some of the blue. Hmm. 

This is why I'm not a crafter.

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Hey Caayenne - good to see you again!  You definitely have a lot on your plate!

I drove the girls to the scout shop in The Big City and on the way home realized that I've made it to ONE Bible study so far and since they are skipping next week, I won't be able to make it until October.  Nuts.  There are too many things going on Monday nights.  

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39 minutes ago, Dianthus said:

I wonder if I dyed in yellow if it would cancel out some of the blue. Hmm. 

This is why I'm not a crafter.

Maybe if you tried a quick yellow wash to tone down the blue, and then did a bit more green? Almost like dying Easter eggs? That might be more trouble than it's worth, though. 🤷‍♀️ (And I'm not crafty at all, so I admire you for trying!)

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19 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Hey Caayenne - good to see you again!  You definitely have a lot on your plate!

Hi Susan! Likewise! (And likewise! 😅)

19 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

I drove the girls to the scout shop in The Big City and on the way home realized that I've made it to ONE Bible study so far and since they are skipping next week, I won't be able to make it until October.  Nuts.  There are too many things going on Monday nights.

Aww, I'm sorry! I hope that October arrives very soon!

It's amazing how much driving we still need to do with nearly grown kids, isn't it? My youngest still doesn't have his actual license, as he's pretty much always too busy to get his driving hours in. And since my guys share a car, having another driver wouldn't really solve our "everyone needs to be a different place at the same time" issues anyway. 

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2 hours ago, caayenne said:

Maybe if you tried a quick yellow wash to tone down the blue, and then did a bit more green? Almost like dying Easter eggs? That might be more trouble than it's worth, though. 🤷‍♀️ (And I'm not crafty at all, so I admire you for trying!)

I have just discovered that the color remover worked  in 2 small spots so now it has 2 bleached spots. 😢 ugh

And now I found that m IL is visiting in a couple weeks so I need to get everything tip top and then this hassle. Ugh ugh

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Tried another round of color remover, this time using stovetop method instead of washing machine. Wow, works better. Now it's an off peach color. Will attempt a redye, this time mixing colors hoping for a pale succulent green. If that can be achieved overtop peach. Did it outside in our turkey fryer because this chemical smells horrible. Not feeling very crunchy right now but hopefully it all comes out in the wash

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Good Morning!!


Humph Day!!

School and work. 
I think DD1 had a migraine last night. This would be her first. She had had a horrible headache all day. On the top-back of her head, so it wasn’t sinus. And she was throwing up last night. I looked it up and it sounded like migraine symptoms. I gave her some ibuprofen and she had some essential oils that she rubbed on her wrist and temples. I don’t know.  I always feel so inadequate in situations like this.

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Good morning!

It's cloudy, cool, and occasionally drizzling. It's the kind of weather that triggers my POTS symptoms and gives me a headache for three days. So yuck. But it is kind of exciting to have actual weather instead of yet another day of 105 degrees or more. Fall is coming, y'all! 

I've been up to my knees this morning planning for our teen writing class that starts on Tuesday. We're studying The Hobbit this time around, and the students are very excited. 🥰 It's a LOTR-loving crowd, so it's like Christmas is coming early this year to the forums! They are also thrilled because Bilbo's and Frodo's birthdays are on September 22nd, so everyone will be able to celebrate while the class is going on! 🥳

I need to get the class discussion forum ready to open on Friday, and we're trying out something new this time where the veteran students will each take a new student under their wing to show them how everything works and make sure they feel welcome. The students are all being very sweet and offering to help me in any way they can, but it still means lots of typing up housekeeping posts and replying to a small mountain of well-meaning questions. 🙃

I've got just enough time for a shower, and then I'm off to the college to drive DS18 to his tap dance class and then back to campus in time for his composer's meeting. 


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Good morning!

I am making myself sit for a minute to clear my head with ITTing.  Except for stopping a second to set the timer so I won't forget to leave for string quartet.

Our vehicle situation is not great.  Dd17 refuses to drive the Big Van without more practice on it and that is frequently the only vehicle available.  Also, driving into the Big City Beautiful University on Monday afternoons is a daunting enough task even with a "normal car" so I don't blame her much for that.  When dd20 gets married in December I will need to purchase another vehicle to replace hers.  Fortunately there's not a whole lot going on after that for a few weeks so hopefully I will be able to find something decent.  

For tonight, I expect that the girls will need to walk to youth group and Advent Choir.  It's only a mile and a half and the weather is lovely.  
Anyhoo.  Grocery shopping and gas is done, groceries are put away, dinner is prepped and laundry is rudely staring at me.  I need to iron my embroidery project and mow part of the lawn but I think I'll do that tomorrow.


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Dd25 told me this weekend that it was only recently that she stopped checking eggs in the grocery store for spiders.  I was like what?!?  And she said that when she was a little girl, she asked why I was opening the egg carton at the store and apparently I told her that I was checking for spiders. She swears it's true and only recently  discovered that people are checking eggs for cracks, not spiders.  I can't even imagine. 🤣

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5 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Our vehicle situation is not great.  Dd17 refuses to drive the Big Van without more practice on it and that is frequently the only vehicle available.  Also, driving into the Big City Beautiful University on Monday afternoons is a daunting enough task even with a "normal car" so I don't blame her much for that.  When dd20 gets married in December I will need to purchase another vehicle to replace hers.  Fortunately there's not a whole lot going on after that for a few weeks so hopefully I will be able to find something decent.  

That sounds really rough!

We're in a similar situation, in that the vehicle our boys are sharing is twenty years old. It's in the shop right now, as the mechanic broke the hood release cable while they were replacing the alternator for the second time in two weeks. We are hoping to keep this car running so that DS18 can continue to drive it throughout college, but it's starting to look iffy—and either way, we'll need to help DS21 get a much more reliable car by the summer. He'll most likely be driving across the country to his first real ecology job (there aren't a lot of those in Texas 😅), and the twenty year old Honda Civic isn't likely to make it. He's working two jobs and saving up money, so he'll be able to pay for part of it, but the odds are great he'll need us to help with the payments for awhile.

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36 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Dd17 refuses to drive the Big Van without more practice on it and that is frequently the only vehicle available.  Also, driving into the Big City Beautiful University on Monday afternoons is a daunting enough task even with a "normal car" so I don't blame her much for that.

I get that. I don't like driving into the city either. And neither of my guys are comfortable driving on the highway at all yet—Texas drivers are aggressive!

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We got back home and had lunch, and now I'm hosting a Zoom writing room for the students while multitasking my way through an endless to-do list! I'm doing things, but more things keep adding themselves to the list! 🙃 

DH just came home briefly from work to pick up the same thing he forgot twice earlier. He says he must be getting old, but I wonder if it might be sleep apnea. He's been super tired lately, and his dad got diagnosed around this age. 

We have choir practice tonight, so I need to figure out what we're eating for dinner sooner than later. We have four packs of chicken, so I'm thinking chicken might be involved...😂


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What the carp is wrong with people?  The first of ds18's string quartet was scheduled for 5:00.  The next week 5:30.  I just got an email that confirmed tonight for 6:15.  Who is deciding this?  And why are we not finding out about it until 4 hours beforehand?  It is making me very pissy because as previously stated, we are struggling to get people where they need to be as it is - and ds18 will now be late to Advent choir.  I have said I will not send an angry email at this point but if ds18 doesn't have a conversation with them about this pronto, that email is going to happen.

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2 hours ago, Susan in TN said:


What the carp is wrong with people?  The first of ds18's string quartet was scheduled for 5:00.  The next week 5:30.  I just got an email that confirmed tonight for 6:15.  Who is deciding this?  And why are we not finding out about it until 4 hours beforehand?  It is making me very pissy because as previously stated, we are struggling to get people where they need to be as it is - and ds18 will now be late to Advent choir.  I have said I will not send an angry email at this point but if ds18 doesn't have a conversation with them about this pronto, that email is going to happen.

Lemme know when it’s bazooka time.🤨

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Good Morning!!!


Friday Eve!!

School and work!! I gotta huge problem with a new student I need to try to solve. Don’t know what to do or how this is going to turn out.

I hate driving. California drivers are complete idiots. People are just selfish and have no consideration for anyone.

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New Jersey drivers aren't exactly passive.   But I've seen some really crazy sh** lately.     First I thought people just forgot how to drive during covid, but lately they seem to have gotten more aggressive and likely to do really stupid stuff.  It's crazy.  

Dd16 doesn't want to learn to drive.  She had a mini-freak out the one time dh brought it up.  She has anxiety so I completely understand because if anything is an anxiety inducing activity, it would be driving. 

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Good Morning!

Happy Thursday!

Hoping to get some more items knocked off my to-do list.  We might go to the library today for the first time in a long time. 

As for driving, I love driving.  Especially highways.  Even in traffic.

I do not like driving in snow, ice, or bright sunshine.

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DS finished in-the-car driver's ed yesterday. We will go in for his learner's permit test (and to get my license renewed/upgraded to REAL ID) maybe next week. The plan is for him to stick with a permit for 2 years and do lots of practice. (Insurance doesn't go up until he gets the actual license.)

Tomorrow is Toyota Day, which is good because we were getting kinda mad--sales guy apparently back-dated our purchase to the day we test-drove (2 weeks ago) and it was already counting against us on the warranty, free trial of satellite radio, etc. I was ready to call him and gently explain that he was talking us out of buying another car from him in as little as a few months when our other jalopy goes splat. But the car has arrived and we will go do the paperwork when they open in the morning.

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It's still cloudy and raining, which means I've still got a headache. But it looks like this should clear out of here by tonight, and there isn't a high temperature above 90 degrees for the next ten days. 😊 Walking weather is almost here! 

Today is the one and only day of the week I don't have to drive anyone anywhere, so I'm trying my best to get a million things done today. I taught two voice lessons this morning, and now I'm working through my to-do list. Next up is getting the Writing with Hobbits class forums all ready to open for posting in the morning. Class doesn't start until Tuesday, but the students get to post intros and start chatting with their new classmates tomorrow. 💕

I might need to go to Trader Joe's. It depends on what I want to cook for dinner. I was thinking we might have pineapple chicken since I have everything I need to make that, but chicken gnocchi soup sounds better for this weather. 

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8 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

My dream is to drive the Pacific Coast Highway.

So beautiful!

I'd never been to middle Tennessee, but we went this summer for the student Gathering, and now I want to drive the Natchez Trace Parkway. ❤️ And of course, the Appalachian Trail has been on my bucket list for years. But someone else will have to do the actual driving! 

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1 hour ago, caayenne said:

So beautiful!

We'd never been to middle Tennessee, but we went this summer for the student Gathering, and now I want to drive the Natchez Trace Parkway. ❤️ And of course, the Appalachian Trail has been on the bucket list for years. But someone else will have to do the actual driving! 

😂 I've driven enough of the Natchez Trace to know that I don't want to do that road trip, lol.  It's a curvy, boring road that has nearly the same view - trees on both sides - for some 400 miles.  Unless you stop and hike along the trails.  There are some nice bits then.  Same thing with hiking the AP - I just couldn't hack it mentally.  Forest claustrophobia. 
Now the Blue Ridge Parkway?  Totally worth it!  THAT's a beautiful drive!
If I do a long hike, it will have to be along the PCT/John Muir.  Have you ever read Wild by Cheryl Strayed?  Not kid friendly, but a really interesting book about a woman who hiked the PCT totally unprepared in a sort of mid-life crisis.

I loved the hiking dd17, the scout crew, and I did at the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico.  I also want to do some hiking in the Sedona area.

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3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

😂 I've driven enough of the Natchez Trace to know that I don't want to do that road trip, lol.  It's a curvy, boring road that has nearly the same view - trees on both sides - for some 400 miles.  Unless you stop and hike along the trails.  There are some nice bits then.  Same thing with hiking the AP - I just couldn't hack it mentally.  Forest claustrophobia. 

😅 I'll take your word on it then, but we don't have 400 mile roads with gorgeous trees in Texas. When we drove out of Memphis toward Nashville and the trees suddenly got so tall...❤️

I love trees, though. I might change my mind if I got to see them all the time, I suppose. 🙃

But yeah, the point of making the drives would be to stop and hike. I can't do the really steep hiking in the Rocky Mountains anymore, but forest hikes are wonderful! 

3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Now the Blue Ridge Parkway?  Totally worth it!  THAT's a beautiful drive!

Also on the bucket list. 😊 DH and I (who are both rather obsessed with all things Scottish) are really hoping to go to the Highland games at Grandfather Mountain at some point, so hopefully then. 

3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

If I do a long hike, it will have to be along the PCT/John Muir.  Have you ever read Wild by Cheryl Strayed?  Not kid friendly, but a really interesting book about a woman who hiked the PCT totally unprepared in a sort of mid-life crisis.

I just looked this hike up. It looks amazing, but likely way more than I could handle with POTS. Any kind of significant elevation and my legs turn into lead weights and my heart races.

Take lots of pictures if you ever do it! ☺️

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25 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

So I was so proud of myself for remembering to take the chicken thighs out of the freezer for tomorrow night's dinner (West African Plasas) and then I realized that only two people, neither of them me, will be home for dinner tomorrow.  Maybe only one.  Oh well.  Back into the freezer they go.


1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

😂 I've driven enough of the Natchez Trace to know that I don't want to do that road trip, lol.  It's a curvy, boring road that has nearly the same view - trees on both sides - for some 400 miles.  Unless you stop and hike along the trails.  There are some nice bits then.  Same thing with hiking the AP - I just couldn't hack it mentally.  Forest claustrophobia. 
Now the Blue Ridge Parkway?  Totally worth it!  THAT's a beautiful drive!
If I do a long hike, it will have to be along the PCT/John Muir.  Have you ever read Wild by Cheryl Strayed?  Not kid friendly, but a really interesting book about a woman who hiked the PCT totally unprepared in a sort of mid-life crisis.

I loved the hiking dd17, the scout crew, and I did at the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico.  I also want to do some hiking in the Sedona area.

Sign me up for the Sedona trip!

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

If I do a long hike, it will have to be along the PCT/John Muir.  Have you ever read Wild by Cheryl Strayed?  Not kid friendly, but a really interesting book about a woman who hiked the PCT totally unprepared in a sort of mid-life crisis.

I loved the hiking dd17, the scout crew, and I did at the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico.  I also want to do some hiking in the Sedona area.

Wild was awesome. yeah,  not kid friendly, but a great book. I want to do the PCT at some point. Well, at least parts of it. It’s a long hike.

We were in Sedona at New Year’s. Gorgeous. but crowded.

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4 hours ago, caayenne said:

😅 I'll take your word on it then, but we don't have 400 mile roads with gorgeous trees in Texas. When we drove out of Memphis toward Nashville and the trees suddenly got so tall...❤️

I love trees, though. I might change my mind if I got to see them all the time, I suppose. 🙃

I can totally see why it might be good for you - TX is definitely different (I've driven there once, only as far as Waco, and already it felt like I'd gone halfway around the world!  It's so big and open!) and you might love it so much!  The other good thing is that if you ever just get tired of it, you can turn off periodically and take another route.  The forest hikes are generally easy and usually involve streams and pretty things like that.

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