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4 hours ago, Junie said:

Good morning!

Happy Tuesday!

Going to the allergist today to figure out how to safely add gluten back into my diet. 😊

I had bloodwork done today.  We'll go over the results in two weeks. And, if everything is good, then we'll do challenges with wheat, oats, and barley (one at a time).  

ETA: It's a Gluteny Booyah!!

Edited by Junie
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Goldie came up to me and used my leg as a scratching post, which is his way of letting me know that he wants to go outside. But then he noticed that Lorinda the peacock was guarding the back door, so he thought better of that idea. I offered him the front door as an exit, but that was not acceptable.

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Hi Lorinda!    

My day has not gone the way I expected because ds18 forgot that his cello lesson was postponed until tomorrow morning, which means that I can't go grocery shopping tomorrow and had to go today.  So that is done, though I forgot the main purpose of stopping by The Depot of Homes - getting van keys duplicated, and was too tired to go back and do it and then after Aldi also had to stop by Kroger to get styrofoam cups for dd17's Spanish class.

But the pork shoulders are now done and groceries are mostly put away and I've finally gotten a bit of lunch.  Imma just sit here for a few minutes.

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Good Morning!!!


Humph Day!!

We’ve been hot and humid around here, but I think the end is in sight. at least for this go-round. 

Work and school today. I picked up oldest DD early from school yesterday. She wasn’t feeling well.I’m pretty sure it was allergies and heat. She seemed to be feeling better last night.  We are still without a washing machine. I guess I may have to take a load to my mom’s house. DH has been trying to fix it himself, but couldn’t get it all taken apart. He doesn’t really want to buy a new one because #expensive, but… I don’t know. He does have a lead on a repair man, so he’s going to call that number today. Meanwhile, I have dirty clothes piling up.


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Good morning!

Pup has been walked but now I need his brush or comb to get a couple burrs out of his fur but I can't find either one.  It's only supposed to get up to 80* today.

Ds28 just left for the office in The Big City and dd20 just left for her classes, so things are clearing out around here.  I need to divide the pulled pork into freezer bags, but first have to organize the Big Freezer so I have space to put things.


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I made a phone call to a medical office!  BILLING issue!  And it wasn't terrible.  I only had to press one button and then talked with a very helpful person who knew exactly what was going on and told me to just sit tight for a few weeks until they can get everything straightened out.

Also I sent a text.

i have another phone call to make but I might wait until later.

Pulled pork is in the freezer.

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On 8/15/2023 at 10:10 AM, Susan in TN said:

 The consumption of leftover rice  pudding is not helping. 

Would an overconsumption help?


On 8/15/2023 at 5:44 PM, Susan in TN said:

My kids are asking me to play more Zelda because "it's the most entertaining thing we've seen in a long time, no offense, mom." 😂

My daughter has been teaching me to play Voxiom.

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Good Morning!!


Friday Eve!!

School and work!! 

I think today is the last really hot day for a while. Glad about that.

DH got the number of a washing machine repair man from my aunt. They don’t work on LGs and they said the problem DH was having getting two pieces apart was likely because those pieces are rusted together. So… we are getting a new washing machine. Which will be expensive.

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Good morning!

The kitchen currently resembles Grand Central Station.  Dd17 is making Mexican hot chocolate, dd14 is making pupusas, dd20 is making her lunch, and ds28 is making French toast.  Our galley kitchen is not big enough to handle this many cooks, so I got the coffee going and have escaped back to my bedroom.


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Good morning!

My four o'clocks (the ones that were mercilessly cut down last fall) are blooming!  I'm so happy they survived.  Also the garden mums are thinking about blooming.  It looks promising.

Smalls, the male betta, seems to be taking good care of the baby cherry shrimp.  Dd14 saw him go up to one that had gotten stuck on a plant, take it in his mouth, and then spit it out somewhere else. 

There are a few projects I need to get started on and/or continue.  Dd17 actually asked to be taken to the bank to get a bank account (which I have been trying to get her to do for over a year with no success) because she discovered that she needs a bank account in order to sell stuff on etsy or ebay.


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Last night I got my bloodwork results back concerning my allergies to wheat, oats, and barley.  They all came back negative!!!

When I read the results online I actually burst into tears.  Dh came rushing up the stairs to find out what was wrong.  He was relieved to find out that there was something very right. :)

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28 minutes ago, Junie said:

Last night I got my bloodwork results back concerning my allergies to wheat, oats, and barley.  They all came back negative!!!

When I read the results online I actually burst into tears.  Dh came rushing up the stairs to find out what was wrong.  He was relieved to find out that there was something very right. 🙂


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Good Morning!!!



Ugh!! It’s gonna be one of those mixed up everywhere days, I just know it. My two older girls have soccer practice at 8:00. DH left an hour ago to go hiking. He left early so he could finish his hike before the thunderstorms. Our washer has been broken for a week. couldn’t get it fixed. Two parts are rusted together. New one comes tomorrow. But, I have to go to my mom’s and get a couple loads done. Have to run out to the farm and pick tomatoes and zinnias. Have to go grocery shopping. Have to clean the house because we’re having a staff meeting here on Monday. Baby cheers at her first game tonight. Svengo. Willy Nilly.

First high school football game last night. We got clobbered 31-12. I sat with my cousin and we visited, so that was good.

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I have always loved zinnias except for their "annuals" designation.  I struggle to plant anything that isn't a perennial.  Also, there's not much sunny space at my house.

I got the girls to the eagle project, then stopped by Lowe's to get copies of the van keys made, then came home and walked Pup and had some breakfast and then sewed hooks onto dd20's pants so she can hopefully wear them now and got a big jar filled with lollipops and then did a good bit of decluttering and organizing and cleaning in my bedroom.  It's a lot better but there's still a ways to go.  Some of it will just have to wait until I'm ready.   Imma get some more coffee and read a book.

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