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  • Slache


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  • KrissiK


Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

I spent a good while last night brushing and combing little burrs out of Sir Pups-a-lot's fur and found a couple more.  He just loves to dash into the bur shrubbery.

Dd14 is making a couple of cobblers to test out her recipes.  The girls spent a little time this morning looking up their names on the Urban Dictionary.  

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Well, our first update is that our Box Project friends urgently need an overdue appliance payment and some food, so I'm covering that today instead of school clothes and supplies tomorrow. They don't go back until the 7th, so I expect to be able to help a little with school things before then.

I remember my mom having to juggle expenses like this mom does. It's exhausting being poor.

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The cobbler recipe is excellent.  We made one with fresh berries and one with frozen.  Both are delicious - we made one in a square baking dish and one in a glass pie plate, so they turned out slightly different.

1 1/2 C + 1/4 C + 2T sugar, divided 
1 1/2 C self-rising flour (or all purpose plus 3/4 tsp salt and 2-1/4 tsp baking powder)
1 1/2 C milk
6T butter, melted    
2 1/2 C fresh or frozen blackberries, rinsed and patted dry.    
1/2 C raspberries

Note: If using frozen berries, be sure to add them when they're frozen. If you let them thaw, they'll be mushy, and the consistency will be off.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Combine 1 1/2 cups of sugar with 1 1/2 C of flour in a large bowl.

Stir in the milk, then the melted butter. Mix until well-combined.

Pour onto the bottom of a greased 9 x 9 inch baking dish.

Distribute the berries throughout the top. They’ll sink in further as they bake. 

Sprinkle ¼ cup sugar over the top, reserving 2 tablespoons for later.

Bake for 50 minutes. Remove from the oven and sprinkle remaining 2 tablespoons sugar on top.

Bake for 10 more minutes, or until the top is golden brown.

Serve immediately

Edited by Susan in TN
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We have fevers. We JUST got over the monkey pox. Stamp.

What are we naming the peacock? 

8 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Good Morning!!!




We got 100 degree + temps in the foreseeable future. Yuck. I hate this part of summer.

Fairly busy day today. Baby has therapy, then I gotta take her back to the optometrist for some measurements they forgot to do. I’ve gotta start getting stuff thought about for the upcoming school year.

It's 105 here. Still better than being cold.

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We have air quality warnings again from the wildfires.   As opposed to the air quality warnings from high heat/humidity/pollen counts.   

This whole summer has been alternative hot, sunny with crappy air or torrential downpours with thunderstorms and tornado warnings.  

The lake we belong to has been closed to swimming a few times due to bacteria levels, caused by the excessive rain followed by high heat.  

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Our air quality was green yesterday, yellow this morning, and is currently orange and creeping closer to red. 😞

My O2 levels are good, but I didn't feel well this morning.  So I did the responsible thing and went back to bed. :)

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School update: Amazon decided getting me the history book I pre-ordered 6 months in advance is not at all a priority. They will finally give me my money back if I don't have it by the 20th. School starts the 24th and it's a 1200-page textbook.

Excuse me while I go delete things from my wish list and shopping list, my saved payment card number, and anything else that's not nailed down.

ETA: The homeless support place is going to get cash, not things from their list.

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Welp, about 4pm my phone gave me a reminder about a ukulele play and sing at 6pm in The Big City.  I had forgotten all about it and nearly didn't go but then I metaphorically kicked myself in the butt and made myself go.  It was nice.  We did The Hero of Canton from Firefly.  ❤️  So. Shiny.

In other news, the electronic signs on the highway were warning me to limit travel due to smokey bad air.  

I said butt.

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12 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Good Morning!!!




We got 100 degree + temps in the foreseeable future. Yuck. I hate this part of summer.

Fairly busy day today. Baby has therapy, then I gotta take her back to the optometrist for some measurements they forgot to do. I’ve gotta start getting stuff thought about for the upcoming school year.

4 hours ago, Slache said:

We have fevers. We JUST got over the monkey pox. Stamp.

What are we naming the peacock? 

It's 105 here. Still better than being cold.

It was 99 degrees today. I called dh to see if he was working inside or outside. If outside, I was going to tell him to come home. I could feel him rolling his eyes at me over the phone when I told him thus. He was working inside.

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Well, we are now on our third major plumbing problem of the summer. Woohoo. The pipes that connected our house to the city came apart. Flooding of Noahic proportions. DS and I managed to shut it all off. But, we have no water. We do have a hose coming from our neighbor’s house so we can use that water to do dishes and flush the toilet. DH got some drinking water from the store. hopefully the plumber can come tomorrow.

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The power appears to be out for everyone else on the block after a couple of what appeared to be transformer explosions. Two trucks have arrived. (We got re-wired a few years ago after I happened to answer a survey call during a change in ownership of the electric company and answered candidly about the frequency of outages, so our power is still on.) I'll bring neighbors  cold water later if it's still out.

Air quality is code orange today, because Canada is still on fire. 😔 No walk for me.

[Educational Content Warning]

I'm going to cancel the history book order as soon as they'll let me if I still don't have it. I have SWB's three History of the World books and I'm confident DS will like them. In fact, if the Cole & Symes book does appear, I will still probably use HotW as at least a read-aloud. It won't cover quite the same ground, but I can flex.

Giving Week for today was done yesterday. DS is doing a load of laundry and reading now (drum lesson later); my exciting plans include the office supply store, curbside groceries, writing next month's challenge, perhaps writing a final report card now that we have the final geometry grade (huzzah!), and drafting some emails. Oh, and previewing the book for this weekend's class. Lunch and dinner will need to happen at some point.

I'm going to go with the parent-graded option for math, just as I did for chem. I signed DS up this morning.

/Educational Content

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Good Morning!!

COFFEE!!~D (made from bottled water)


DH is home from work today. Hopefully the plumbers can come today. 

I don’t know what I’m going to do today. Not laundry, I know that. I did manage to get some dishes washed yesterday by hauling water from the hose and heating it on the stove. I feel like Laura Ingalls. We’ll be using paper plates today.

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DH went down to the plumbers, paid our last bill (it wasn’t overdue, we just hadn’t paid it yet, since it was only 3 weeks since the last time they were here) and asked them to come again. 🤣 Since all our water is shut off, they consider this an emergency and will come this morning. Thank goodness. We are getting water from the neighbor, so we can go to the bathroom. And we have drinking water. It’s just very inconvenient.

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Good morning!

We are having Thunderstorm, Part Deaux! but it seems to be rolling out of the area now.  I got the coffee going first thing just in case the power went out.  Priorities.

Imma walk the Pup, go to Aldi, (and maybe The Lobby of Hobbies) this morning and this afternoon ds18 and I will go to the local community college for a class registration session.


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Good Morning!!


Humph Day!!


Busy day!! Gotta take DD1 to work, then go to the farm and pick cucumbers (if there are any) and tomatoes and zinnias from my mom’s garden. And feed her cats. My mom is taking the two younger girls thrifting today, so that will be fun for them. I am meeting two friends in the Big City for lunch and then will swing by the optometrist, hopefully, and pick up my new glasses.


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Morning.  It's another rainy Wednesday.

Dh is working from home since we have guys here redoing the roof and siding on our garage.   Which means I can't do my yoga since he's here and camp is happening at work. 

I did go into work to clean up my storage room a bit yesterday.  It's a total mess with piles of stuff that need to be put away.  I ended up falling off a step ladder and landing flat on my back, thankfully on a clear spot on the floor and I didn't land on anything.  But my butt is bruised and achy.   I've just been sitting on the couch on a pillow since it happened.  

Between the fall and the cramps I'm still getting (probably from HRT) I'm taking a lot of advil.  

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Good morning. We filled the Little Free Pantry (good thing, as it was empty except for a couple of ketchup packets!), swung by the library, and are home for the day.

It's pouring. Very dark. The air quality is better than yesterday, but I'm not going for a walk in this. I hope it will clear up.

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Back from the farm. Found 4 cucumbers and picked them. Tomatoes aren’t ripe yet. Picked a huge bunch of zinnias and now I have bouquets in jelly jars all over the place. I’ve been doing that all summer. it makes me happy. Zinnias make wonderful cut flowers for bouquets. They are so vibrant.

Edited by KrissiK
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I skipped the Lobby of Hobbies because I was soaking wet from loading groceries into the van.  It's still coming down pretty hard out there.  Just a few minutes ago there was a lightning strike close by - the flash and boom-crash were almost simultaneous.  Made us all jump.  There's a flood watch - the creek out back is already getting a bit high so we're keeping an eye on Bob's back yard.

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I joined Weight Watchers yesterday.   I was a member for a little while last year but stopped when the promotion I was doing ran out, thinking I could continue on my own.  I couldn't.  So I'm giving it another try.  I only lost a few pounds last time but I'm doing better with exercise now (when my butt isn't bruised) so hopefully it will go even better. 

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This weekend is younger dd's birthday.  Her friend from Michigan will be here Friday to celebrate with her, which is nice.  Hopefully the lake will be open for swimming at some point while they are here.    I have to spend most of next week getting ready for 4H fair but I took Monday to do a field trip or something.  I'm thinking Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island since we've never been.  Which is sad and pathetic since I've lived in NJ my whole life and we live only about 40 minutes from Liberty Park where you can catch the ferry.  

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The puddle at the end of the driveway is now ready for bird-bathing. We did get to take a walk. Super muggy.

DS got his pottery back from the class he took. I bought a small piece from him to hold a hair elastic in the kitchen. (I always want to pull my hair back when I cook and then have to traipse upstairs to get one.) It's a lovely color.

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