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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

Ds28 has the week off work.  The entire corporation worldwide shuts down 4th of July week.  Dd20 will still work most days, but with the youngest girls gone it will be pretty quiet around here.  A friend told me about a 4th of July concert and fireworks at a local city park that I think we might go to.  And bring a picnic dinner.  I had planned on brats and burgers for the 4th but I don't know if I have the courage to bring those for a picnic.

In other news, I channeled my inner Junie and entered a sweepstakes contest to win a trip.

In a bit I will run to the grocery store to pick up a few items and then channel my inner Jean to clean up the sticks and branches that fell in the storm.  And maybe work on the invasive vines that are taking over the creek trees.


Oh look at that!  It's a Junie-and-Jeannie-Power Booyah!

Our thread. . .  
is a very very very fine thread  
with nice friends on the Hive    
we help each other to thrive    
and everything is cozy because of you! 

La-la, la-la-la, la . . .


Jean, 6/2023

Edited by Susan in TN
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They said another strong storm would be blowing through yesterday so I put off #ignored #ITT gathering sticks until today.  The storm missed us, so it was a pretty quick job.  I cut a couple more vines that were overtaking the bridge willow tree, but when I started poking around the vines by the driveway, I was roundly scolded by a robin.  Boy was she mad.  But eventually I saw her nest nestled among the tree branches and vines so I skedaddled and hopefully she has calmed down. 

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3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

That squirrel is back on the grackle feeder even though I filled the squirrel feeder with more corn and peanuts. 😠  Go eat your own food!

Adventures in Susan's Backyard, part 3. Why Savoy the Squirrel won't eat his own food...

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Good morning!

I went outside barefoot in my pjs to put the flag on the mailbox.  Too bad I don't have rollers for my hair, lol.

I decided we'll have brats and burgers for lunch and then easy picnic food for dinner - hard cooked eggs, spicy corn salad, and cherries.


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Good Morning!

Happy Wednesday!

I think we're going to take the rest of the week off.  Maybe the rest of the month.

Between holidays, Vacation Bible School, and dd20's wedding, we have plenty going on without trying to learn something.

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Good morning!

I gotta get dressed and go to string quartet.  We usually meet after lunch but someone had a scheduling conflict so we are getting together this morning.  
Other than that, I need ds28 to start helping me figure out a replacement laptop.

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Super weird week this week.   I feel all off schedule.  

We have been having either extremely hot and humid with bad air quality or torrential rain and thunderstorms.  Nothing in between, which means we haven't been doing much outside yet this year.   We also lost the keys to the kayak locks so will need to cut them off before we can get the kayaks out.  

I've been working on cleaning up from last week's camp, setting up for next week's camp (that I'm not working), getting stuff ready for the 4H fair in a few weeks, and trying to eat better, exercise more and get stuff done.  

Yesterday was very productive.   I got quite a bit of exercise, ate healthy, finished a bunch of projects, cleaned my living room (somewhat, not done).  

I have a feeling today is going to be less so.    I'll go in to work to take care of some stuff and I have math class this afternoon but that will probably be it.   

Tomorrow I'm running some stuff up to the Farm where we are having the 4H fair and then meeting my mother for lunch.  

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Good Morning!

Happy Thursday!

Woke up with a pretty bad headache, but dh brought me food so I could take some Advil.  Took a shower and then got Second Sleep.  The headache is still lingering, but it is much reduced.

Doing some wedding prep today and (sigh) I probably should feed people.

Edited by Junie
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Good morning!

Took Pup on a walk - I've increased his walk route just a bit for my own benefit.  We have a really great area and town for dog walking and I need to make myself take advantage of it rather than seeing all the other walkers around town and thinking about taking longer walks.  I need to do better in channeling my Inner Jean.

Went to Aldi and have all the groceries put away.


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Weekly egg report:  holding steady at $.97/dozen at Aldi.

Oh, and here's something really exciting!  All their packages of all natural chicken breasts had a 50% off sticker, so I grabbed a few packages.  When I was in the checkout, the manager was called over and he told me the computer wasn't calibrated to take off 80% but they would honor the price and I stood there with the Blank Blinky Look of Dumbfoundedness because I had no idea what he was talking about.  But when I looked at the package sticker, sure enough, someone had written an "8" over all the "5s".  So the chicken ended up being like less than $1 a pound!

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23 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

So this morning I made scrambled eggs with onion, tomatoes, and red bell peppers (w/optional tortillas).  I haven't cooked with bell peppers, I think ever, because dh was allergic to them.  It was pretty tasty. 🙂

This is one of my favorite ways to eat eggs.  Sometimes I add hot sauce. :)

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2 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

So this morning I made scrambled eggs with onion, tomatoes, and red bell peppers (w/optional tortillas).  I haven't cooked with bell peppers, I think ever, because dh was allergic to them.  It was pretty tasty. 🙂

Matt LOVES stuffed bell peppers. I hate them. I think he uses rice and onions and sausage? There are like a bazillion recipes online. They're cheap, easy and filling.

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3 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

So this morning I made scrambled eggs with onion, tomatoes, and red bell peppers (w/optional tortillas).  I haven't cooked with bell peppers, I think ever, because dh was allergic to them.  It was pretty tasty. 🙂

This is one of my go-to ways for preparing eggs. I'll usually put spinach instead of tomatoes though.


2 hours ago, Junie said:

This is one of my favorite ways to eat eggs.  Sometimes I add hot sauce. 🙂


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9 hours ago, Renai said:

I've accepted a teaching job at a local Christian school. I'll be teaching a combo 4th/5th grade, which...will be very different from what I've been doing.

yay, Renai!! How exciting.  You will do great. And it’s a good age, too.

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We are back. We went to San Luis Obispo and visited the Mission! It’s a beautiful mission and the church is still an operating Catholic Church. continuously since the 1700’s. We shopped a little, too. SLO is a great town. Then we went to Pismo Beach and had lunch. it was terribly crowded, so we thought we would go to Avila for beach time, but we couldn’t find a parking place. So, we drove up to Cayucos (about 20 minutes north) and found a parking place and the girls played in the water and iNapped for an hour. Then we got ice cream and came home.  We had a great day.

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21 hours ago, Renai said:

Hi! It's been a while.

Hey girl.  Will you still be teaching at dark o'clock?

10 hours ago, KrissiK said:

We are back. We went to San Luis Obispo and visited the Mission! It’s a beautiful mission and the church is still an operating Catholic Church. continuously since the 1700’s. We shopped a little, too. SLO is a great town. Then we went to Pismo Beach and had lunch. it was terribly crowded, so we thought we would go to Avila for beach time, but we couldn’t find a parking place. So, we drove up to Cayucos (about 20 minutes north) and found a parking place and the girls played in the water and iNapped for an hour. Then we got ice cream and came home.  We had a great day.

Sounds lovely!  California is an amazing place.  Plus a bit of crazy.

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Good morning! 
I slept late due to ds18 getting me out of bed just after midnight because the toilet wouldn't stop running.

Chester is overjoyed that the girls are back home.  He was so excited when they came out of their room this morning, as though he'd forgotten they came home last night, lol.  The girls had an amazing time at camp despite bumps and bruises and a kayak-paddle-gash on dd16's nose and dd14 having gotten into trouble for breaking a table.  They both have official COPE names now - Goggles and Moose and are now going through camp withdrawal sadness.

I am also not sure what is going on today.  Maybe working on the toilet.  But first,



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