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Happy Mother's Day!

I get to clean the bathroom and finish laundry this morning since I didn't do it yesterday.  I had my usual barometric pressure is weird headache yesterday so took it easier.   But still needs to get done and dh will be making dinner.   

I also have to run out and buy a plant for my mother.  She's impossible to shop for so plant it is. 

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Good morning!

Happy Mother's Day!

(((((those for whom Mother's Day is difficult)))))

Ds27 got up at Dark o'clock (which is REALLY early these days) to make baked French toast with fresh berries for breakfast before he had to leave for church/work.  After early service and Sunday School I stopped by the grocery store to grab a couple things and also splurged on some tulips for my mom who is flying in tomorrow.

The rest of the day will be cleaning and setting up the guest bed and stuff.  The kids will help.


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Thank goodness for pre-made templates on-line, photo-paper and a good printer. DS’s graduation party invitations are made and in the mail. This party has not been on my radar at all. Well, actually, for some reason I thought it had to be on a weekend, but he’s graduating on a Thursday afternoon, so my mom said, “Just do it that night.” And we are. I’m going to order a party tray from a local Mexican Restaurant and a cake and call it good,

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Good Morning!!




School for some, work for others. DD1 has her Spring Choir Concert tonight. I hope I remember to go. It’s one of those weeks.  Too much going on and I cannot remember what day it is.

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

Nobody has anywhere to go until Scouts tonight.  I will need to leave around rush hour to pick up my parents from the airport.  Otherwise some kids have a physics test to take and other various tasks to work on.  The Two Youngers can't do any math until the laptop is fixed, which ds27 is working on.  They are not devastated about it, lol.  I am planning to make scone dough and I just realized I need to get started on the clotted cream right now.  It has to bake for 12 hours.  I should have done it over night.



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39 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

Chocolate might also need to be involved.


I made the scone dough and put one batch in the fridge to bake in the morning and another batch in the freezer for when you all come to visit.  Hint hint.  So then I consulted Chef Google and found that making lemon curd is fairly similar to making hollandaise so I am a little tempted to try it.  Maybe some day.

Puppy has been shaking his head less than usual but I am not fooled.  I suspect his ear is still bothering him.

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Good Morning!!



School for some, work for others. 

It’s supposed to be hot again today, but cooling down a bit next week.

DD1’s Spring Choir Concert was last night. They did very well. The elite choir sang too many whiny dissonant songs, which got a little old,  but otherwise it was very enjoyable.

DS went to urgent care yesterday after work and he’s got an ear infection, too, so more medicine. Hopefully this will finally kick it.

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16 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Why do you bake cream?  I don't know what clotted cream is, but somehow that seems "wrong"! 

It thickens the cream and gives it a nutty-buttery taste.  It's what they serve with scones in England.  Very tasty.

15 hours ago, KrissiK said:

I have never had clotted cream.

Mine turns out kinda clumpy and not as smooth or fluffy as what I had in England.  Still good.

14 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Filipino pork adobo is so yummy. 


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Good morning!

My parents had a good flight in and we had scones with clotted cream and jam and also bacon for breakfast.  Imma have to make more coffee.

In a little while we're going to run out to the garden/vegetable stand to buy some annuals  for my pots out front.


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Morning, Happy Humph Day.   

It's been a pretty good week so far.  I've hiked each morning, had pretty good days of class.   We are almost done with the year.  This week, next week, off for Memorial Day, then two more weeks and done.   A week off then I teach one week of camp and done until August (unless there's a problem).   

Things are still up in the air if we're getting a new landlord or not.  That is my #1 source of frustration these days.   I'm getting sort of official/unofficial information from two different sources, but lately I'm getting the feeling that I'm being played by both sides.   Or at least, being given just the information that they feel helps their case.   Both have opinions on what I should be doing but really, my part is so small I'm not sure why they bother.  One is mainly trying to be helpful I think, and keep me updated on what's going on, but it all is very discouraging.  So, I'm just going to do what I need to do for my own stuff and not worry about the rest of it until something actually happens.  

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Good morning!

Grandma and Grandpa are still sleeping.  Pup has been walked and the Two High Schoolers are in their last online physics class.  All the flowers we planted in pots yesterday look like they have survived the night.

I have been gifted a cold from someone.  I'm zinc'ing and vitamin C'ing and hydrogen peroxiding my ears in hopes of knocking it out quickly.


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