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1 hour ago, Dianthus said:

Killing 2 birds with 1 stone?

That's dumb. I know they're both one side of the political spectrum, but they're completely unrelated and this is a very Catholic city so our leftist views are wonky to begin with. Hubby thinks it's to get it to pass because a bunch of people want one, but not necessarily the other. I know Congress does EVERYTHING like that and it makes me cray cray.

Political Booya. That's just sad.

Edited by Slache
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  • Susan in TN


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Good afternoon!

That's great news, Toto!

Busy morning.  I went to bed much too late last night due to the festivities (moms of graduating seniors are invited to attend the tutorial's high school formal) and we had delicious food and dancing (there was a dance instructor teaching the Charleston and other 1920's dances) and I did The Wobble and they had casino games where ds18 cleaned up at the blackjack table, lol.  Dd16 (aka Nine Toes Nine Fingers Molly) did as much dancing as she could get away with with stitches in her finger and a broken toe, svengo.
So I got up, ate, walked the Pup, and then brought dds14&16 to their annual doctor checkup.  Since then I have been putting out fires.  Ds18 has a job interview in an hour (double svengo) and that's it for the day.  I am ignoring all the tasks that were supposed to be done on Monday, because that's how we roll - ITT Forever!
 I feel like munching on all the foods but I know it's just because I'm overly tired and anxious.  I should probably drink water.


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On this episode of As The Warrior Princess Kicks, I mowed for 45 minutes in the back meadow. I won’t say yard or lawn because two foot high grass (despite all my weed whacking efforts) doesn’t count as lawn. I actually didn’t get it all done. The high grass meant having to clean out and restart the mower multiple times. So I still have that pesky back corner (about 100 sq ft) to do. But my muscles were quivering at the end and even Xena knows when to throw in the white towel. 

Then I took the mower out front because such high grass means that the undercarriage needs to be blasted with a hose. Only Xena couldn’t get the stupid hose connected. So I went inside, got some water and then went out and conquered that stupid threaded connector thingy. So booyah!  Take that, hose!

Now the mower is all purty and ready for tomorrow’s adventure. The back lawn is all chewed up and muddy etc and some areas are going to need the weed whacker because the mower can’t mow those areas but it’s getting there.

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Had fun teaching my Home Ec class about laundry today. my class is nothing if not completely practical.

Baby had her dentist appointment which was fine. no cavities.

I think that’s all i have to report. My allergies are insane. I took a couple of Benadryl and will now collapse in bed.

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Good Morning!

Happy Thursday!

Things are going to get insane here pretty quickly, so I might not be on the board much for the next few weeks.  Two college girls are coming home and we have to do annual standardized testing.

Also, I have a feeling that wedding plans are going to ramp up once dd20 gets home. :svengo:

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Good Morning!!


Friday Eve!!

Slept like the dead, but woke up a little groggy.

School for some, work for others today. Not too much on the docket. Still slogging through paperwork at not a great speed.

Jeannie, I hope you got some sleep.

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I got to sleep in again since ds didn't have to go to class again.  His semester is up next week and some of his professors are just having the kids who need extra help finishing up assignments come in.   Plus some don't require the final if you already have an A.   He has an 111% in one class, an 89% in another (but professor is just working with those who haven't finished), and we don't know about the other because the professor isn't using the blackboard system to record anything.  But that class ds said he doesn't have to take the final if he got an A on a test yesterday, so looks like he has an A so far.   

I had super weird dreams last night.  Probably due to having pop-tarts for a snack.   I need to get some good, high quality dark chocolate in the house to have for snacks.  I'm having trouble resisting completely but I'm good at making decent choices if they are available. 

Today is the last day I'm taking the progesterone.  Then I'm supposed to get a period and call the doctor.   I just can't wait for the fun to start.  

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Good morning!

May the Fourth be with you!

I had a hard time getting up this morning.  Nevertheless.  I need to go to the bank and pharmacy, though I'm not sure which pharmacy.  Orchestra rehearsal tonight.  And maybe I can get to the remaining scout things that need to be done before the high adventure trip.


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Tomorrow morning, I'm going to zoom out and have blood drawn for my thyroid levels for my new endo. I already know she isn't The One, but I'm stuck with her for the moment, which is to say that (1) finding a doctor who can correctly treat Hashimoto's is dang hard, and (2) I don't know how many referrals my insurance will approve, or how often. I'm not well, although I'm not bad enough to really complain; I just know that when I'm depressed and want to sleep so much, I'm not well.

That is all.

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Good Morning!!!



School and work!! I get to take two trips into the Big City today. First one this morning to visit a family and do a reading assessment. Then i drive back home, pick oldest DD up from school and drive back to her annual ophthalmologist appointment. I always dread this one. He is the only pediatric ophthalmologist is the Valley, and he treats everyone from birth to 18 years old, so it takes a long long time to get through the appointment. I feel like we are doing well when we get through in under 3 hours. But, they have WiFi, so I will take my laptop and get things done while we wait.

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Morning.  I have cramps.   and allergies.   It's not fun but hopefully also won't last very long.  

One class today, I got to sleep in a little bit, so a fairly easy day.  I might see if I feel up to taking a walk after class, they weather looks pretty nice for a change.

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Good morning!

(((Ellie))) and (((Toto))) hope you all can get a little relief soon!

I went to All the Places this morning: Walgreens (nope, wrong pharmacy), UPS, gas station ($$$$$$$$!), CVS (not open until 9?!?!?), Aldi, bank, CVS (🙄 hate this CVS because ptsd but at least the head pharmacist wasn't there) and finally home and eating leftover eggs from breakfast.

Tonight I'm going out to eat and the town's Art Crawl (if it's not raining) with a couple friends.

My peonies are starting to bloom. ❤️ The dark pink always start blooming first, then white, then light pink.  

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Last night on my way home from rehearsal I noticed a line of traffic a mile long to get into the airport.  I was wondering what that was all about until I heard this morning that Tay Tay is going to be in The Big City all weekend.  They are closing down streets.  People are Very Excited.  Plus four university graduation ceremonies and Oprah.  I will not be going near the city.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good morning!

I had a lovely dinner with friends last night, though it was drizzling a bit so we didn't go to the art crawl.

I should probably put my laundry away.  Dd16 has a graduation brunch to attend and Ds18 has a recital this afternoon.  The house could use some tidying up.


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Good Morning!!



Had a good sleep last night. 

Not much going on today. My house needs tidying up as well. after reading the last couple of posts, it’s nice to know that mine isn’t the only house that tends towards disorder. I need to change all the bouquets. Roses are blooming, so I pick them, but then…. they die. They sure are pretty this time of year, though.

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It's been a rough day.  Dd20 was stopped by the police again and there's nothing I can do about it until I can go in person to the county clerks office.  Dd16's phone wasn't working when I needed to pick her up and so I had to park illegally and hunt her down so she wouldn't have to walk across town with her broken foot.  Then the recital happened.  
The church sanctuary the recitals are held in has terrible accoustics.  Like playing in a large conference room.  So they have to mic everything, but the mics for the first cello trio were set weirdly so everything was just a mush of occasional cello sounds with upright piano.  
Then the quartet piece was cancelled because two of the musicians didn't show up for that portion of the dress rehearsal on Thursday.  They DID make alternate plans to rehearse, but the director said the policy is that if you miss the dress rehearsal, then you can't play that piece.  That's fine for their normal group pieces - if a player or two don't play no one notices, but they don't cancel the whole piece. So ds18 and the other player didn't get to perform the quartet they've worked on all freaking year.
Then the graduating seniors all played a special piece and they did a little tribute thing but ds18 wasn't included in that and it felt really awkward, so we left.  I've never felt so pissed off at a recital.  I'd better go to bed.

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12 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

It's been a rough day.  Dd20 was stopped by the police again and there's nothing I can do about it until I can go in person to the county clerks office.  Dd16's phone wasn't working when I needed to pick her up and so I had to park illegally and hunt her down so she wouldn't have to walk across town with her broken foot.  Then the recital happened.  
The church sanctuary the recitals are held in has terrible accoustics.  Like playing in a large conference room.  So they have to mic everything, but the mics for the first cello trio were set weirdly so everything was just a mush of occasional cello sounds with upright piano.  
Then the quartet piece was cancelled because two of the musicians didn't show up for that portion of the dress rehearsal on Thursday.  They DID make alternate plans to rehearse, but the director said the policy is that if you miss the dress rehearsal, then you can't play that piece.  That's fine for their normal group pieces - if a player or two don't play no one notices, but they don't cancel the whole piece. So ds18 and the other player didn't get to perform the quartet they've worked on all freaking year.
Then the graduating seniors all played a special piece and they did a little tribute thing but ds18 wasn't included in that and it felt really awkward, so we left.  I've never felt so pissed off at a recital.  I'd better go to bed.

Sounds like an awful day, Susan!! The whole recital thing sounds like a disaster.  What was the reason those kids missed the dress rehearsal? If it was an unavoidable emergency, I would have thought a little grace would be in order. 

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Good morning!

I played for both services this morning and now tired.  The two youngers played first service but I sent them home after Sunday School because they are spending the rest of the day at a friend's house.  Second service was freezing - the air conditioning seems to always blast right where I sit.  I was even wearing my coat.

I'm having leftover hot and sour soup for lunch and then I'll probably try to take a nap.


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Back home. waiting for pizza dough to rise.

Had church business meeting this afternoon.

Church was kind of funny this morning. we have a large auditorium with two screens on either side of the front for music lyrics and sermon notes. there is a screen in the back for the pastor to look at if he needs to and for song lyrics for the choir. Well, about midway through the sermon, Pastor must have toggled his mic a bit because he was coming across as really muffled. But, when he used the podium mic it was fine. All the sudden DH nudges me and tells me to look at the screen in the back, and the sound guys are sending him messages….”fix your mic or use the podium mic”, but i guess he never looked up because throughout the course of the sermon he never used the podium and the messages kept changing, trying to get his attention. Of course they got the attention of the congregation because people kept looking back and chuckling. It was hilarious. Finally, he must have looked because he did end up using the podium mic, but by then, due to the muffling of his voice and everyone was distracted by the sound guys trying to get his attention, not many people were paying attention to the sermon.

Edited by KrissiK
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41 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

Back home. waiting for pizza dough to rise.

Had church business meeting this afternoon.

Church was kind of funny this morning. we have a large auditorium with two screens on either side of the front for music lyrics and sermon notes. there is a screen in the back for the pastor to look at if he needs to and for song lyrics for the choir. Well, about midway through the sermon, Pastor must have toggled his mic a bit because he was coming across as really muffled. But, when he used the podium mic it was fine. All the sudden DH nudges me and tells me to look at the screen in the back, and the sound guys are sending him messages….”fix your mic or use the podium mic”, but i guess he never looked up because throughout the course of the sermon he never used the podium and the messages kept changing, trying to get his attention. Of course they got the attention of the congregation because people kept looking back and chuckling. It was hilarious. Finally, he must have looked because he did end up using the podium mic, but by then, due to the muffling of his voice and everyone was distracted by the sound guys trying to get his attention, not many people were paying attention to the sermon.

I guess that’s the beauty of a tiny church. Someone would have just spoken up and told him to use the other mic. 

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