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I don't know. Cartoon ponies with big eyes.


My Little Pony is on Netflix. We've seen the entire series about 20 times. No exaggeration. There are only one or two episodes, and their second movie, that I did not like certain magical elements in it (it was too dark to me. Twilight Sparkle's gift is magic, but that doesn't bother me). I don't remember  "stupid" in there at all. Pinkie Pie likes duh, but she's the party pony (like, birthdays), so it's good-natured. Rainbow Dash the jock will say duh sometimes. But, she's also possibly dyslexic and we have a special connection with her. She represents the element of Loyalty, so she's not a bad gal, er, pony. I like the episode in which her friends use different teaching styles/strategies to help her learn what she needs to pass an exam. A lot of thinking outside of the box, people don't learn the same way type stuff. In all, I like it.

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Slache, hope you got some pears or figured out a craving for something you do have.


Critter, your painting is awesome.  I can't decide whether to love you or hate you for it.


Renai, glad you are resting.  Take your meds.  Take your blood pressure.  Tell Openhearted and Tex and Jean what it is twice a day because they know more about that than I do. 


Ducklings, glad you didn't let that ice cream go to waste.


Susan, enjoy the jelly beans, but don't think about Tuesday yet. 



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I was wondering what was wrong with these grapes until I realized that they weren't grapes.  Tex won't let me eat candy


No candy for Jean!

Updated my picture. Because NaNoWriMo and I need to be focused.



It's all To Kill a Mockingbird.  I heart it.

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I ate an apple and fish and chips.


I want to take a break from my mom but I don't know how because John's birthday is in 2 weeks, I owe her money, and I'm afraid if I stop talking to her she'll kill herself. If we stop talking now she won't get John or I a birthday gift or anyone Christmas gifts and she would carry that guilt for the rest of her life. She wouldn't come to the hospital when Mary was born because I admitted online that I grew up poor and one of her friends saw it. I had to show up at her house without calling right before she moved or she never would have seen Mary and it would have haunted her like crazy. I don't know how to balance this right now. It's such a terrible time. She's more depressed than she's been in years.

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On the dark days, I will comfort myself that a middle aged woman who has never met me thinks I am hot. :coolgleamA:





Actually, I have seen exactly half of your face in a selfie back a few hundred pages ago.  And you in a unicorn hat, come to think of it.  So I'm 100% qualified to rate you on both your hotness and your overall emotional stability.  You scored well in one category, at least.  :D

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I ate an apple and fish and chips.


I want to take a break from my mom but I don't know how because John's birthday is in 2 weeks, I owe her money, and I'm afraid if I stop talking to her she'll kill herself. If we stop talking now she won't get John or I a birthday gift or anyone Christmas gifts and she would carry that guilt for the rest of her life. She wouldn't come to the hospital when Mary was born because I admitted online that I grew up poor and one of her friends saw it. I had to show up at her house without calling right before she moved or she never would have seen Mary and it would have haunted her like crazy. I don't know how to balance this right now. It's such a terrible time. She's more depressed than she's been in years.


I hate to sound mean, but her feelings are her responsibility. I'm learning this from a particular significant other and I am refusing to allow that person's feelings dictate mine and my children's wellbeing. Much of it is crazy talk or just plain manipulation to get you to do what they want. If she doesn't want to get help, there's nothing you can do about it, and no you can't help her. It's enabling her.

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I have my new meds, but the data sheet says it may not work as well on black people.  :confused1:  I just looked again, and thought how familiar this med seemed. Then told dh, I think this is the same thing you have, just a lower dosage. We checked, and I was right. 

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Slashie, in my experience, there is no good time to set these limits.  Also, you are not responsible for your mother's mental health, lack of it, her feelings,or her actions.  Do you have Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend?  If not, get it right away and read it through.  Then, when you finish, read it again.  Repeat until the message sinks in.  You have a lot of thinking errors about your responsibility for your mother's well-being.  No amount of gifts is worth a relationship with a crazy person.  As your mother, she should feel responsible for you, not you for her.


That said, I know it is really hard to disengage.  It will take a long time.  It will not feel good.  


Edited by texasmama
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I have my new meds, but the data sheet says it may not work as well on black people. :confused1: I just looked again, and thought how familiar this med seemed. Then told dh, I think this is the same thing you have, just a lower dosage. We checked, and I was right.

A lot of medication doesn't work as well on black people. The reverse is true as well. The difference is probably so miniscule that it's not worth worrying about. They wouldn't have prescribed it to you if it wasn't a good option.

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Also, you are what, 25?  I have a 20 year old dd.  No way would I put that sh!t off on her.  Not even a little bit.  She is an adult, but she is still my child, and her needs come first.  That is the mother I had, and that is the mother I will be.  In adulthood, the relationship does shift, and I am more honest with her about my own struggles, but if I decide to blow my brains out or take 1,000 Tylenol, that is on ME.

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Slashie, in my experience, there is no good time to set these limits. Also, you are not responsible for your mother's mental health, lack of it, her feelings,or her actions. Do you have Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend? If not, get it right away and read it through. Then, when you finish, read it again. Repeat until the message sinks in. You have a lot of thinking errors about your responsibility for your mother's well-being. No amount of gifts is worth a relationship with a crazy person. As your mother, she should feel responsible for you, not you for her.


That said, I know it is really hard to disengage. It will take a long time. It will not feel good. I went to therapy and cried over setting limits with my bat guano crazy MIL. And she was just my MIL, but I still felt guilty and sorry for her. Well, it is sad that someone conducts themselves in such a way that they have no meaningful long-term relationships, but I cannot fix this. No way. No how. All I can do it keep me and mine safe. I am about to set a big limit with dh's siblings. I will not be there for any upcoming holidays. I have requested that the kids not be there. Not easy for him, but I will no longer pretend that I do not notice the contempt with which I am treated. Nope. No more. Lots of chances have been given. But I am old and have the benefit of many years of therapy, and it is still hard to do when the rubber meets the road. It is not the person I want to be, but sometimes people paint you into a corner no matter what you do to make nice, and all you can do it walk away.

I wasn't concerned about not getting gifts. I'm not that shallow. I don't own the book. I've heard good things.

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Well someone's in an assertive mood. :lol:

Thanks for the honesty.


You're my bestie.


And I'm tired of being hurt or watching my family get hurt. By golly, now that you're family, I can't watch someone make you miserable from a distance. She's not even in your house.


And...I'm coming from a counseling session yesterday with dh, the pastor, his wife (who interprets to Spanish), pastor's parents (who also speak Spanish), and I was pissed.


I actually feel a lot better today. :D

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I have my new meds, but the data sheet says it may not work as well on black people.  :confused1:  I just looked again, and thought how familiar this med seemed. Then told dh, I think this is the same thing you have, just a lower dosage. We checked, and I was right. 

That seems really weird.  If the meds were no good, why would a smaller dosage work?

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I wasn't concerned about not getting gifts. I'm not that shallow. I don't own the book. I've heard good things.

No, I didn't think that, just that you wanted your mom to be able to give gifts.  But there is always an occasion for gifts, you know?  It will always be "coming up".  When we weren't speaking to MIL, she still gave the kids gifts.  Not in person, but we did not refuse to allow this. 

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There just isn't much she can give me. I have an allergic reaction to beta blockers, which is the more common treatment and safe during pregnancies. Since I'm not on birth control, there were medications she couldn't prescribe because of my risk of getting pregnant.  :laugh: She wanted to give me a cholesterol med that works well, but risk of pregnancy. I'm just a difficult patient.  :lol:





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