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I drive past homeless encampments daily so I need to make sure this kid does not need a sandwich at least. Please let us know what we can do.


AFAIK, the baby is in a home somewhere (still waiting for a call-back). It is his father who is homeless under a bridge, which is equally as tragic. I blame my brother and his wife for that, although I know of course that people make their own decisions, but my brother and his wife made some rilly, rilly bad decisions regarding this young man's life when he was just 8 or 9. Long sad story. Makes me angry. :cursing:

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Just read that October 13th is No Bra Day.


Will not be participating.  What the heck?


I slept last night.   :D  Dh came in at 3 am and woke me up, but I was able to go back to sleep.  I am now in the market for some good ear plugs.  Please tell me what these might be or I will be forced to post on the Chat Board and involve the general public.


Funny, I just got an email from Maidenform and they didn't mention the no bra thing.  :hat:   I won't be participating either. 


SOOOO glad you slept last night.  Your DH is in hot water if he so much as breathes next time you're sleeping, lol.  Sorry, I don't know about good ear plugs. 


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I'm just liking that the baby is in a home, Ellie.  What a sad story.  Praying for a happy ending, and so glad YOU are in their lives.  


I am, too, but this would be a half sister of the baby's father, who grew up three or four other half-siblings because the mother was dysfunctional and who died young, probably of a drug overdose. I know that she could have turned out well in spite of her childhood, but still....


No return call yet. I suspect that mine might not be the only thing going on today at Child Protective Services, and how sad is that?

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Also, while trying to cut through the security tape on a packaged toy from the store, I cut through my fingertip instead with a steak knife.


Then all I had in the house was blister bandages which aren't absorbent.


SO much medical tape. 

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Funny, I just got an email from Maidenform and they didn't mention the no bra thing.  :hat:   I won't be participating either. 


SOOOO glad you slept last night.  Your DH is in hot water if he so much as breathes next time you're sleeping, lol.  Sorry, I don't know about good ear plugs. 


I know, right???


He was up working or doing the taxes or something and came in at 3 am.  He barely made any noise, but at the click of the door opening I was wide awake.  3 am is the witching hour for me.  I must get some earplugs.  You people are the least amount of help ever in the ear plug department.  Still waiting for stupid blood test results, and I am despairing of finding out today, either.


But I slept, and that was so amazing.

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The pink and yellow disposable ones construction workers use.

So now I have to find some construction workers and ask them what brand of ear plugs they use?  No thanks!


I found this article, which was both helpful and funny:




I ordered the number one rated ones on Amazon and they will be here in two days.  Maybe dh won't get a wild hair to do the taxes all night until then!

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I know, right???


He was up working or doing the taxes or something and came in at 3 am. He barely made any noise, but at the click of the door opening I was wide awake. 3 am is the witching hour for me. I must get some earplugs. You people are the least amount of help ever in the ear plug department. Still waiting for stupid blood test results, and I am despairing of finding out today, either.


But I slept, and that was so amazing.

Stick your fingers in your ears. There? Is that better?

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I just want to say I survived the day.  And that I might deserve a medal, except it was more by the grace of God than my own merits. 


Added a new read aloud to morning time.  Eventually got school done with everyone who needed me to do it with them.  Took ds13 to TKD, the younger 3 dc tagging along.  Got us lunch.  Worked on school in the car.  Brought everyone home.  Finished school and piano with anyone who still needed it at that point.  Went to oldest ds's school for school-wide parent-teacher conference night to confer with his algebra 2 and chemistry teachers.  Because #thestruggleisreal. 


Now I'm in pajamas.  Except I'm still not celebrating today's holiday yet. 

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Stick your fingers in your ears. There? Is that better?

Yes, only I can't last all night like that.


When I was pg, oddly greasy and heavy food helped the most with nausea.  With kid #3, a breakfast sammie from Sonic (thick toast with cheese, eggs, bacon) and a Dr. Pepper left me good for most of the day.  I only ate it once, though, because I was not wanting to weigh 400 pounds by delivery.  With kid #4, Taco Bueno bean burritos and Dr. Pepper did it.  I ate a lot of Taco Bueno food sitting in the parking lot after going through the drivethrough.


Such junk, but it make me feel not sick.

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And you should thank your husband for staying up late to work/do taxes so you don't have to.


Quit your whining.


(Said lovingly, of course.)

I don't do the stupid taxes.  I do everything else.  He should thank me for doing them. :laugh:   Also, if he had planned ahead and not put it off, he would not have to stay up all night!






P.S.  In case you are still feeling the tiniest bit sorry for him, I do all of the tax prep - getting the numbers together.  He asked me AGAIN for the Word document that I sent him many months ago, and I produced it.  Also, I produced a W2 from my former employer.  Because I am freakin' wife of the year, that's why. :hat:


P.P.S.  This is Day 10 on Paleo.  I want a medal for that, too.


P.P.P.S.  I like your skeleton, and I want it when you're done.  I always wanted a skeleton.  <sniff>

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I have to give Harry back. We're kind of sad about that now that we have him. I may have to keep forgetting for awhile. He's much cooler than I thought he would be.



Now I'm sad, and I will miss Harry.  Keep forgetting.


The other day dh and ds12 found two dead mice in the garage and I asked if it was just the bones because I wanted us to study it.  Also, I have wondered about digging up our dearly departed foster kitten in the front bed and seeing if it is bones. :leaving:


See why I need my own skeleton?

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Also, I just found out that little dd told a basketball mom/friend of ours that I am so tired lately that I never cook dinner and she has to fend for herself. :confused1:  Little dd had gone to practice with dh to give me a break.  So the mom took her to run errands, praised little dd for being so nice, and bought her a meal at Chick Fil A. :mellow:   Trust me, it is not that grim here.  Little dd just knows how to work it.  The mom texted and asked me if little dd could come to practice today, and now I know why.  She wanted to feed the poor, starving child. :ohmy:

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Just spoke to CPS. The baby is in care, with relatives, but nothing is permanent yet. They (whoever "they" are) are working with the parents to help them fix whatever is wrong. I will be getting the letter that was sent to my other brother in August, and I will fill out whatever information they ask for and send it back. I told the woman I spoke to that I was willing to take the baby. So we'll see.


Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and hugs and whatnot. Keep 'em coming. :grouphug:

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Just spoke to CPS. The baby is in care, with relatives, but nothing is permanent yet. They (whoever "they" are) are working with the parents to help them fix whatever is wrong. I will be getting the letter that was sent to my other brother in August, and I will fill out whatever information they ask for and send it back. I told the woman I spoke to that I was willing to take the baby. So we'll see.


Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and hugs and whatnot. Keep 'em coming. :grouphug:



I'm glad you found out something today and did not have to wait, worry and wonder another day.


We will continue to remember this in our prayers.


Bless you, Ellie. What a dilemma!

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Tex - the orange ones Howard Leight Max are the ones we use.


Lynn - Neko was not just crying "meow"  (someone say this is funny - I've been trying this joke out on people and everyone rolls their eyes at me).  He has cystitis.  They let us look at his cysts in the microscope.  Score one for science!  I was impressed, dd wasn't.  


We were supposed to go do yardwork at the ILs rental today.  SIL is understandably getting crabby at having to do more than her fair share of elder care.  This is not on my top ten list of things I'd like to do (and I may very well pay for it physically afterward).  But because of the Neko thing we got out of it today.  We'll have to do it tomorrow.

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