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So, here's the newest drama in my life:


My brother Bob is a slacker. The other brothers and I cannot figure out what happened, but it is so. He married Brenda, who has a good job, and so for the most part things have worked out for him.


Before he met Brenda, he had a relationship with another woman whose name I cannot remember. They had a child together, whom they also named Bob, except they called him Little Bobby. Oh, the pain. Anyway, They were together for only a short time. She had custody of Bobby, plus a child from a previous relationship, plus a couple of children after. Then she died. Her parents wanted custody of Bobby and the others, but Bob and Brenda fought and won. We cannot figure out why. Bobby would have so much better off with his grandparents *and other siblings.* Because family.


So, grown-up Bobby is a druggie and is apparently living under a bridge in Seattle. :sad: He has a son with a woman (I don't know if they are married or not), and CPS in Washington has taken the child from her, and I'm assuming has terminated parental rights, because one of my other brothers received a letter in August asking if they would take the child. My brother thought I had gotten the same letter and so didn't say anything to me. He and sil are so, so tired of the Bob Chronicles that they did not want to be involved at all. I only found out Friday (two days ago). My sil thinks the child has already been placed, but I'm going to call CPS on Tuesday (gov't offices closed tomorrow for Columbus Day) and see what I can find out, because Mr. Ellie and I are willing to take this child into our home. Because family.


That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Ugh. Just finally scrolled back and found this. So sorry to hear. :(


I'm super glad that my SIL got her tubes tied after her last delivery a few months ago, and, well... enough said.

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I was barely here, and now I'm gone.


100 mg of Trazodone had no effect last night, and I did not sleep at all.  Today is ds1's bday.  Leaving now to take little dd to an appointment.


Happy Birthday to Tex's DS!! :party:  :party:  :party: :party:  

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I painted absolutely nothing all weekend. I was sick and exhausted. 4th or 5th cold since September

Put your toothbrush through the dishwasher or get a new one. Change your pillowcases too.


I don't know if I was reinfecting myself or not, but I seemed to improve after I did these things.:)

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Put your toothbrush through the dishwasher or get a new one.


I vote get a new toothbrush. 


Also, if you have a reusable water bottle with one of those pull up/push down spouts - ditch it.  I had strep 5 times one winter due to one of those things.  I thought boiling it was enough, but it wasn't.  They trap the germs.  My throat starts to hurt just remembering it.  Gah.

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My wife is Queen Goddess Germaphobe, so I'm pretty sure it's not reinfection. I just have a very depressed immune system because of my Crohn's. This is par for the course, unfortunately. Even when I'm on meds, it's still pretty bad. :)

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Well, I couldn't. The very idea gives me the shivers.


I'm not a fan of rampant, pointless consumerism at all, but a love of Disney has been hardcoded into me since childhood, I can't help it. My wife and I both love it.

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Well yeah. Everyone already knows this. It's been established.


Here's a handy tip:  If you're bored, don't read the venting thread.  It's depressing.  :leaving:   #Aintnobodygottimefordat

Not surprising.


I was here.

Prove it.


Coworker left box on my desk for use with our human body studies. We're on skeletons now. I'll try to post pic later.

Do you think that maybe you should call the cops instead?


9 days to Disney World and I'm so wrapped up in figuring out the finances of the thing and what we're going to do about homeschooling when my wife's schedule changes a week after we return that I'm actually totally ambivalent about the vacation. That... has never happened before.

Of course we're flying this time (we drove last time and I loved it, but my wife did not.) I'm terrified of airplanes, which probably tempers my enthusiasm as well.


Who the heck can't get excited about ELEVEN DAYS at Disney World? I can't even fathom it even while I sit and go "Hmm oh yeah it's almost time."


Sigh. :p

Be happy. I don't know if I'll ever get my kids to Disney World.

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My aunt was supposed to show up last night and didn't. Not that I'm surprised.


I'm slightly stressed right now. We have about $100 more in bills than paycheck, $100 in checks that need to go out from medical stuffs, a $120 birthday/Cmas gift for the SIL to purchase, about $200 in groceries to buy, and I promised John he would get a bunk bed for his birthday (11/4) six months ago and he's super exited. My husband has just stopped making money with Uber and Lyft. We don't know why. We think the market is saturated. I know that God is bigger than this, He's done it before, but I would just feel better with a written report on how he plans to accomplish this. I'm sure some of you can relate. ;)


"Peaches are like butts." -Mary

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Coworker left box on my desk for use with our human body studies. We're on skeletons now. I'll try to post pic later.



Do you think that maybe you should call the cops instead?


Well, I asked him to bring it in for me, so that wouldn't be very nice.


Harry is going to hang out with Bob and DS for a few weeks.  He's headlining the show.  :lol:  :lol:  I promised to return him before Halloween.


I'll include Bob in the picture later, too.  Bob has labels with Velcro tabs for learning.  I had fun hanging out with Bob on Saturday.  But now that Harry is here...

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We started Drawing With Children shortly after John turned 4. I loved it, but a little under half way through he became frustrated and asked to stop so we switched to Art For Kids Hub which he adored. He wants to start back up again and Daddy wants to do it with us. :D

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Two neighbors' houses were broken into a couple nights ago. No one was home in either house, thankfully. Not sure of what all was stolen; probably the usual stuff.






This is our nightmare. So far, no break-ins, but my wife and I do refer to two local homes as "the meth house" and "the child abuse/dead baby house" for conversational expedience at this point, which is pretty great. It took quite a lot of rot in our neighborhood to get us to be this laissez faire about it.

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This is our nightmare. So far, no break-ins, but my wife and I do refer to two local homes as "the meth house" and "the child abuse/dead baby house" for conversational expedience at this point, which is pretty great. It took quite a lot of rot in our neighborhood to get us to be this laissez faire about it.


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We started Drawing With Children shortly after John turned 4. I loved it, but a little under half way through he became frustrated and asked to stop so we switched to Art For Kids Hub which he adored. He wants to start back up again and Daddy wants to do it with us. :D


My oldest liked Drawing with Children too. I'll eventually start it with youngest.

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Well, I asked him to bring it in for me, so that wouldn't be very nice.


Harry is going to hang out with Bob and DS for a few weeks. He's headlining the show. :lol: :lol: I promised to return him before Halloween.


I'll include Bob in the picture later, too. Bob has labels with Velcro tabs for learning. I had fun hanging out with Bob on Saturday. But now that Harry is here...


Smaller than I would like, but here they are: 



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I could *kill* my husband right now. John has been excited about the baby for like a year and a half. He's talked about how he's going to hold the baby, how he's going to feed the baby, how he's going to sing the baby to sleep, how he's going to read to the baby before bed, how he's going to share Mickey with the baby... this is like an everyday thing. Well, Matt is now concerned that if he talks about it that people will figure out that I'm pregnant (95% sure on that) so he tells John that there is no baby, but there will be some day. John cried for like 20 minutes. Mommy fixed it. I was so pissed. There was absolutely no reason to bum him out like that.

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Renai, sorry you're tired, but glad to see you!


Ikslo, your ds is precious! 


Slache, sorry about dh.  I'm a terrible liar (most of the time).  I would not have liked the deception or its results either. 


I should run in the morning, but I have to take kitty to the vet for her shots.  Which messes up my run time.  Bummer. 


Tex, hope you get better sleep tonight (any would be better than none, right?) and a better long term solution. 

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Ikslo, nice skull. Oh, and kid.


Renai, if it's twins I'll FedEx you one.


Lynn, get up earlier.


Booya, song and stuff...


Slash, you love your babies too much to share with me, although I would help raise one in a heartbeat. I can be a godparent (a broke one).

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