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I am watching Asesino en Fuga while doing my homework. I wish I knew the title in English. These titles are often interpreted rather than translated, so I can't figure out what it was supposed to be.


Anyway, I am revising the literature review that I started in the last class. I also have to add at 4 more primary sources and integrate that info into what I already have. I don't understand whether I'm supposed to have those other 4 sources today, or when I turn in the final in week 3. Hmmm...

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Not age, personality. My youngest is the age of your oldest and has never been anything close to compliant.


Strong personalities require a lot of guidance to become the great leaders they are destined to be. This is what I continue to try to convince myself.


I keep telling myself that...

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Congratulations, Slacheypoo!


Ds20 is home but has spent the afternoon practicing for his concert tonight. I think he is also worried about coming down with whatever it is I had.


I've been making candles for about 4 hours and I'm done. Half of the time was supervising my kids and the 4 neighbor kids who came over and made candles too. The rest of the time was spent using up the remaining wicks. I even made some small birthday candles.


I need more coffee and a nap.

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I've only lost 7 pounds this year. It's my worst year yet since I started losing weight. I lost 40 that first summer. I'm so depressed. It's been a year of injuries and rest. Now I don't think I'll be able to do extreme fitness for another year. I'm bummed. I think I'll take this time to focus on flexibility, muscle gain and being active every day without fail. My large frame holds a baby well and I'm not stupid-fat until the last month. Then I have a bit of a waddling problem, but I'm good until then.

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I care about your lack of weight loss and loss of extreme fitness options. Pregnancy made me chubby with not much I could do about it so I got kinda panicky about it. Now I have no excuse. Once I told dh I needed to lose ten pounds and then could get pg. Instead I gained ten pounds and got pg.

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I've only lost 7 pounds this year. It's my worst year yet since I started losing weight. I lost 40 that first summer. I'm so depressed. It's been a year of injuries and rest. Now I don't think I'll be able to do extreme fitness for another year. I'm bummed. I think I'll take this time to focus on flexibility, muscle gain and being active every day without fail. My large frame holds a baby well and I'm not stupid-fat until the last month. Then I have a bit of a waddling problem, but I'm good until then.



7 lbs is a lot. It's 17 more than I've lost (I was weight training so I gained 10).

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I care.  Protein.  Lots of protein - might combat nausea and fatigue more than carbs.  I'm assuming you probably usually lose weight during the first trimester?  Not that it should be a goal of course, but does that offer any comfort?  I would lose a little bit and then there would be that one check up where I gained 7 lbs in one month and get the "talk" about watching my weight.  (Ugh, look dude, I'm keeping food down, stay out of my way!)

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I care too, Slache.


Everything will work out, one way or another. I have faith.


Sending you my prayers, good thoughts and good vibes.;)

Thank you. I know. I'm just pissy. I'm feeling a lot better knowing we don't *have* to get a van. I'm planning my workout routine now. ;)

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I care. Protein. Lots of protein - might combat nausea and fatigue more than carbs. I'm assuming you probably usually lose weight during the first trimester? Not that it should be a goal of course, but does that offer any comfort? I would lose a little bit and then there would be that one check up where I gained 7 lbs in one month and get the "talk" about watching my weight. (Ugh, look dude, I'm keeping food down, stay out of my way!)

I don't remember. I gained a ton of weight with John because my nausea was so bad that I ate a bunch of ice cream and eggnog. I could only keep down dairy. With Mary I heavily relied on slim fast because I was trying not to gain and learned later there's a link between diet and PPD, which I had really bad. Like, kill your kids bad. I cried every day for months. Now that I know gluten causes nausea for me I'm going to go completely gluten free and see if that allows me more real food.

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I am ON IT.


I prolly am not the best for content, but I can grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation edit like a beast.


Which is exactly what I need. I'm usually really good with grammar, etc. but lately working half asleep has affected my quality. The last paper I turned in last class, even the professor mentioned how the first half sounded soooo good, but "maybe because of time constraints" it declined in quality toward the end. My content is on point, though. I get good marks for it.

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Which is exactly what I need. I'm usually really good with grammar, etc. but lately working half asleep has affected my quality. The last paper I turned in last class, even the professor mentioned how the first half sounded soooo good, but "maybe because of time constraints" it declined in quality toward the end. My content is on point, though. I get good marks for it.

We shall be a good team. :)
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Don't be silly. Of course you could! Do it for poor pitiful me. It will make me feel better. We are besties after all...


But, but...then I'd feel guilty and feel like I'd need to do Jillian Michaels or something before bed. The thought of which makes me feel more nauseated...

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No running today, right?


If someone told me I had to run, I definitely would throw up. And I don't have to be feeling bad to begin with! :D




ETA: Well, lookie there a booya.


This BOOYA is dedicated to Lynn, Slache, Jean, Susan and those that have been feeling badly....


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they'll continue posting forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends...BOOM SHAKALAKA

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I can't decide if I'm getting sick, or if my throat is swelling again from mysterious allergies or whatever it is, again. Not that I have to decide or anything. But it does make a difference what I do to try and solve it.



A lady told me the other day that when you are starting to feel sick, you should do what the Scandinavians do with their saunas and cold baths which will increase your white blood cells. Three minutes super hot shower then 30 seconds cold, 3 minutes hot/30 sec. cold, 3 min. hot/30 sec. cold.


I think I would probably have a heart attack.

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