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Susan -- So glad you are feeling better! And YAY for return of Ds20!


Lynn- I am impressed. 6:30am run kind of impressed. Dh let me sleep in today and I got up at 10:30. :scared: Haven't done that since.... high school?? I'd like to blame it on something nice like pregnancy, but nope. I'm just old and outnumbered and tired. :svengo:


Slache - I'm ignorant. Does the Tai Chi/Cheng work your core? I'm looking for something gentle that does that.

YES! I'm loving it.

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Me thinks so.



:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:




What vehicle do you have?  Try googling solutions for your car model. 


We crammed three Sunshine Kids carseats into the back of our Civic.  They are known for being narrow carseats.  But they are heavy (FAA approved) and not cheap so that's the downside.  I'd gladly give you ours if you lived closer.  They weigh so much I can't imagine shipping costs.  

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:hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:




What vehicle do you have? Try googling solutions for your car model.


We crammed three Sunshine Kids carseats into the back of our Civic. They are known for being narrow carseats. But they are heavy (FAA approved) and not cheap so that's the downside. I'd gladly give you ours if you lived closer. They weigh so much I can't imagine shipping costs.


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"The Beachbody On Demand digital program will ONLY cost you the price of a Team Beachbody Club membership- a risk-free cost of $2.99 a week, billed $38.87 quarterly. (And you can cancel any time in the first 30 days for a full refund.) That's only $.44 cents a day!"

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And we got the Sunshine Kids because it was cheaper (slightly--ha!) than the alternative, which was upgrading to a van.    There are two things I hate about them, though:  1) They are heavy and cumbersome (and the weight is distributed in such a way as to make the dang thing fall backwards on your toe every.time), so you won't want to switch them often from one vehicle to another, nor will you want to do air travel with them; and 2) it's a major pain to remove the cushions and wash them if a child spills or has a potty-training accident.  Hopefully the latter has been corrected in newer models, but I did finally solve the problem but cutting and restitching the cushions so that they could be removed without actually disconnecting and taking the carseat out of the car.  


But they fit in our car until we could afford a van.  And they are SAFE to the max.   So I give 'em credit for that.  

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This was the only thing that kept me from throwing up all day with my last pg.




It is pricy, but it was so worth it.  It really works.  I wore it from the time I woke up until I was almost asleep for about six months.  With little dd, I was nauseated at least part of every day until I gave birth.  I was able to go without the relief band after six months because the nausea did not lead to throwing up.

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Will you please do the morning sickness for me? I throw up anywhere between 3 and 10 times a day for 8 months.


This was me. Laughter is the best medicine (for me). My first, I vomited pretty much until the end. The second, every. Little. Thing. Was funny to me. Maybe that's why I rarely threw up - I was too busy laughing. I was nauseated all the way through though. So, I feel you.

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This was the only thing that kept me from throwing up all day with my last pg.




It is pricy, but it was so worth it. It really works. I wore it from the time I woke up until I was almost asleep for about six months. With little dd, I was nauseated at least part of every day until I gave birth. I was able to go without the relief band after six months because the nausea did not lead to throwing up.

Oh my gosh. $75? Maybe. Not today. I can't even afford a pregnancy test until the 15th.

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As I recall, we actually used two Sunshines with a standard cheap Graco rear-facing baby bucket (no frills, because frills are wider) in the middle.  It was tight; one seat was always slightly askew after we closed the door.  But it worked until the baby outgrew the carrier and we needed three sunshines.  


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I told my daughter her weekly chore was worth $10, and I'd pay her my $5 if she did my half or we could do it together. She came out with $5 for me to do her half.


People don't get it. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH MY KIDS. Nothing. Ever. Works. But. Screaming.

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I told my daughter her weekly chore was worth $10, and I'd pay her my $5 if she did my half or we could do it together. She came out with $5 for me to do her half.


People don't get it. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH MY KIDS. Nothing. Ever. Works. But. Screaming.

These posts are frightening to me. My kids are perfect 90% of the time, but I wonder how much of that is them and how much of it is their age. I imagine it's mostly their age.

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I told my daughter her weekly chore was worth $10, and I'd pay her my $5 if she did my half or we could do it together. She came out with $5 for me to do her half.


People don't get it. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH MY KIDS. Nothing. Ever. Works. But. Screaming.

How old is she?


At my house, that would get a laugh and a "Nice try!" 

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Just tell her that wasn't part of the deal.  The $5 was for her to do your half, not the other way around.  




There is no "just". I don't tell her anything. I start an argument. Me: "The sky is blue." Her: "It's not really blue." "Okay." "Then why did you say it was blue?" "I don't know..." Argument ensues. "That wasn't part of the deal." "But that doesn't make sense because..." "This is not up for discussion." "Why? Why isn't--" "I am not discussing this!" "You never--" "STOP ARGUING!!!" "I'm not arguing, I'm just--" At that point I go outside and lock myself in the car so she can't argue with me. I have explained a million times. It doesn't work. The only thing that works is screaming. I think she actually can't hear me unless I'm screaming in her face.


"Nice try," "no way," "LOL!" will all start an argument. That's what the $5 is for. She's paying to have an argument. This is why we don't homeschool.


Nobody believes me.


I did tell her that I didn't need the money, and admitted that I'd planned to manipulate her into doing chores but since it didn't work, that I would tell her the backup plan. "I guess we'll just do it as usual: I scream, you cry, then you say you were about to do it, but you don't do it, I scream, you cry, and so on. The entire day can be a joyful cycle of anger and pain. Now that I say it aloud it doesn't sound so threatening. I'm almost sorry I offered money... it just postponed the Day of Joyful Screaming. Okay, let me get a drink of water to prepare for the screaming which will ensue to ensure things get done. This may include screaming to stop your arguments. Now please, bring on the whining and arguments. Go for it. I can't wait. I'm ready. Whine. Argue. This is exciting.[Clears throat.]"


Five minutes later, the chore was done.




These posts are frightening to me. My kids are perfect 90% of the time, but I wonder how much of that is them and how much of it is their age. I imagine it's mostly their age.


No, my daughter was always like that. From the moment she started talking in full sentences at 16 months until now. Even as a baby she would climb on me then pull away then head-butt. It's just her personality. You would already be miserable and questioning your fitness to reproduce if you had my kids. The little one also pushes buttons but responds more quickly to shouting. It hurts her ears so she stops. I just have to sound harsh one time and that's like a punishment to her. To my older one, yelling is like--she loves it.


The only thing she responds to is proving me wrong. I have half a mind to tell her she'll never get into a good college. She'd get into MIT just to prove me wrong.

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No, my daughter was always like that. From the moment she started talking in full sentences at 16 months until now. Even as a baby she would climb on me then pull away then head-butt. It's just her personality. You would already be miserable and questioning your fitness to reproduce if you had my kids. The little one also pushes buttons but responds more quickly to shouting. It hurts her ears so she stops. I just have to sound harsh one time and that's like a punishment to her. To my older one, yelling is like--she loves it.


The only thing she responds to is proving me wrong. I have half a mind to tell her she'll never get into a good college. She'd get into MIT just to prove me wrong.

Not a terrible idea. ;) I'll bet she becomes a really cool adult.

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These posts are frightening to me. My kids are perfect 90% of the time, but I wonder how much of that is them and how much of it is their age. I imagine it's mostly their age.


Not age, personality. My youngest is the age of your oldest and has never been anything close to compliant.


Strong personalities require a lot of guidance to become the great leaders they are destined to be. This is what I continue to try to convince myself.

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