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Re circle time:


I agree with Jean. 


When my oldest was 4 or 5 I bought the cutest calendar cut out things for the different months.  I was going to do calendar and weather every day.  Awkward!  Two people can't sit in a circle.  And circle time stuff is just not the same one on one, imho.  I'm trying to remember when I started morning time - maybe with a 3rd grader and a K'er, but I was preggo that year and sick, so I might not have done it.  The next year I had a 4th grader, 1st grader and a K-er (and a 3 year old and a newborn) and I think we did it.  The next year, I know we did.  The year after that was a deployment year and I did not do as well with read alouds that year, so maybe we stopped for a while.  The main reason I keep one going now is to force everyone to get up and get started (no telling how late some of them would sleep without it), to communicate info about the day or week (appts, changes to the routine, etc.), and to start the day with prayer and Bible, and to possibly share a read aloud with everyone.  If I waited until later in the day, I'd never get them all back together again. 

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It's Saturday and I still had to get up at 6:30 to take ds to work.  Grump.  And I can't go back to bed afterwards because dd has an early morning babysitting gig and will then be up and getting ready during my "getting back to sleep" window.  Once I'm past that window, my body is up for good and can't go back to sleep.  Double grump.  

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I'm going to bed soon. I promise. School question.


Everyone I know with kids John's age do this "circle time" thing with calendar and weather and manners and intentional reading. I don't. We talk about the seasons and months and all of that as they come up naturally and they are very polite and clean and kind. School for us is 5 minutes of quick facts (memory work, map work, and flash cards), 5-10 minutes of math, 5-10 minutes of spelling. We moved Bible time to after baths while we're in my bed because school was too long. I don't see value in this circle time thing. Am I missing something? And yes they get read to about an hour a day, just not at the same time that we do everything else.

Never did circle time. DS got it at daycare, though, and I don't think he enjoyed it much because the one time I tried at home he screamed, "No!!!!!!"

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I did circle, but only because I had a home daycare. Dancer always liked it. When I didn't have home daycare, I guess we had what others are calling a "meeting time." We did memory work, calendar, sang songs and stuff. I don't think it's necessary though. I did it because it's what I knew at the time.

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That's ok. And powerpoint is boring. You can upload powerpoint into prezi and have a pretty presentation :D.


Nice alliteration.

I'm going to bed soon. I promise. School question.


Everyone I know with kids John's age do this "circle time" thing with calendar and weather and manners and intentional reading. I don't. We talk about the seasons and months and all of that as they come up naturally and they are very polite and clean and kind. School for us is 5 minutes of quick facts (memory work, map work, and flash cards), 5-10 minutes of math, 5-10 minutes of spelling. We moved Bible time to after baths while we're in my bed because school was too long. I don't see value in this circle time thing. Am I missing something? And yes they get read to about an hour a day, just not at the same time that we do everything else.

I never did circle time.  In the mornings, ideally we start out together with a Bible verse reading, a story from My Book House or Aesop's fables, and a glance at the next page of our art book by Sister Wendy.  In practice, we haven't done it like that in about a year.  The Bible verse reading used to be one Psalm and one chapter of Proverbs.  I'm in a slump and dropped it.  I plan on being in a slump for awhile yet.

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Nice alliteration.


I think I was too tired to even realize I alliterated. Hmph. In fact, I slept. It was nice to sleep. In bed. Without a computer on my lap. If I actually get down to it, I think I could finish this presentation in 2-3 hours. That would require me to close this tab though. :(

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Do it Renai!  We'll come back in a couple hours to celebrate with you!  I've started a fire (high of 55 today!!!), started laundry, and getting ready to go look at the kitchen.  ugh.  And switch out youngest's summer/winter clothes.  Meet you back here in an hour!


And isn't this the last assignment for this class?  Should I start chilling the bubbly?

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Do it Renai!  We'll come back in a couple hours to celebrate with you!  I've started a fire (high of 55 today!!!), started laundry, and getting ready to go look at the kitchen.  ugh.  And switch out youngest's summer/winter clothes.  Meet you back here in an hour!


And isn't this the last assignment for this class?  Should I start chilling the bubbly?



Go do your homework.


Stop procrastinating.



Yes, last assignment for this class.


Yes, I'll stop procrastinating. Be back in an hour with a progress report.


Ok, I know it's only been a bit over 30 minutes, but dh just returned from a short work gig with breakfast, so I'm going to break and eat. Wow, look at all those commas. I did type a few things, post a discussion response, and think a whole lot on how I'm going to summarize the research I've done so far in three categories. Sigh.

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Well, my cleaning plan went down the drain quickly.


Dh is helping some, and ds20 is going to mop the kitchen floor. Dd16 vacuumed the couch and living room this morning. I cleaned the refrigerator and done a bunch of laundry. Now I need to start on the bathrooms, and then I am calling it done.;) The twins cleaned their room and picked up toys too.:)

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I told dd that when she turned 16 she could wear makeup. Now she's ready to buy some. Where should I take her? I don't wear makeup so can't help much.

Some places will do a free makeover and help her learn what to use in hopes that she'll buy their products. I've heard it's much harder to find makeup that works if you're black, but depending on what she wants that might not matter. Some girls just rock at the makeup thing. She might have a friend with that ability that could help.

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I just sent off an email to a woman (I typed girl at first!) who I went to school with over 40 years ago.  She had found my nephew through FB, contacted him to see if he was related to me, got her e-mail to him and then to my sister who lost the e-mail for a couple of years before finding it and giving it to me this morning.  I hope the e-mail works. . .   

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Some places will do a free makeover and help her learn what to use in hopes that she'll buy their products. I've heard it's much harder to find makeup that works if you're black, but depending on what she wants that might not matter. Some girls just rock at the makeup thing. She might have a friend with that ability that could help.


Yeah, I was mentioning to her that some places will do that, but I'm not sure where. She doesn't have my coloring - she's very light, so it hopefully should be easier. 


We've bought makeup before, but it was for the stage, so cheap stuff that dried out quickly. I want to get some good stuff, so it has to be the right colors. She's buying with all the birthday money she got. :D


pic: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YNu9zACBUxR5hXmb9_hgxzV14maBaH9iHw/view?usp=sharing

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Yeah, I was mentioning to her that some places will do that, but I'm not sure where. She doesn't have my coloring - she's very light, so it hopefully should be easier. 


We've bought makeup before, but it was for the stage, so cheap stuff that dried out quickly. I want to get some good stuff, so it has to be the right colors. She's buying with all the birthday money she got. :D


pic: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YNu9zACBUxR5hXmb9_hgxzV14maBaH9iHw/view?usp=sharing

You have such beautiful girls. I just adore them. I think her skin color won't be an issue. The girl that was complaining about it was much darker and we were friends in high school, so there's an additional 10 years of products out now.


I think it would be fun to go to the mall and check out the schmancy makeup companies. You could make it a date and go for lunch or something.


I think that Sears, Macy's and places like that do makeovers, but the higher end places will walk her through it as well.


I buy makeup once a year from Target. I get under eye notlooklikeazombie stuff, foundation (makes my face a smooth color because I have acne scars and sun damage), blush, mascara, eye shadow (color above my eyes) and lip gloss. It costs $100.

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Ha! Nope. Someday. I've been working out for so long with such slow progress. I just keep going. I figure some day I'll wake up and suddenly be hot. It's only fair.


I've known plenty of big hot mamas in my lifetime. One need not be model-thin to be hot. (And many models are too thin, and not hot at all.) My picture of you stands unabated.

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I just finished drinking eggnog out of a coffee cup so nobody questioned what I was drinking.


Wonderful husband is scrubbing the [expletive] out of the inside of the vacuum because it's not working well and we can't afford a new one. The poor thing is so old.


My back is doing well. Possibly because Matt's letting me lay in bed all day, but I'm sober and feeling ok, so I'll take it.


My phone autocorrected sober to so bored. Wow.

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Sigh.  Here I was all set with two massive batches of meatballs and sauce simmering on the stove... one for tonight and one to cram in the freezer.



Then turned and discovered one cup of milk still sitting on the counter.  





Nothing like looking forward to 4 nights of dry meatballs.  Grrr.  

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Just got back home from a few hours of set building/painting and a dreaded trip to Super Walmart. Good news, though, that ds20 is coming home for the night because he has a gig in town tomorrow. We are supposed to have a neighborhood grill get-together and I hope it keeps on drizzling so it will be cancelled. I am all peopled out.





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