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Lovely pic!


Also, I have to say:  Whenever I see your avatar I keep thinking it is your head and you have stellar dreadlocks.  You do, don't you?  :001_cool:


It is my head, however they are twisties, not dreads. I was way too lazy (and vain) for dreads, lol! This was before my hair fell out after the birth of dd2. Now, it's a short afro.


It never really recovered either. Only the top of my hair grows, so I have to keep trimming it to stay even with the back. It would almost be depressing if I don't console myself with the thought that it's only because I'm getting old.  :001_rolleyes:

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Ellie's in charge of live entertainment at the slumber party!!!!!!


I still have a hard time seeing really buff guys in puffy pink (or whatever color) skirt-like clothing. I realize it's traditional (yes, when Ellie started posting these, I looked it up), but ...it's...hmmm, well. It's not a kilt.

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It is my head, however they are twisties, not dreads. I was way too lazy (and vain) for dreads, lol! This was before my hair fell out after the birth of dd2. Now, it's a short afro.


It never really recovered either. Only the top of my hair grows, so I have to keep trimming it to stay even with the back. It would almost be depressing if I don't console myself with the thought that it's only because I'm getting old.  :001_rolleyes:


But think of the leverage you'll have during the teen years:  "Do you know what I've suffered-cheerfully, I might add-for giving you life?"


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How about August?  By August I'll need another break from the heat, humidity, and stealth mosquitoes in my part of Texas!


How about NOW.  Demo started on my house on monday.  All 7 of us are living in approximately 10 square feet of space.   MRS. MALLARD NEEDS A HOME.


Surely there's a reality show out there somewhere that wants to build me a new house, right???  


Infinity points to anyone here who nominates me.  

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How about NOW.  Demo started on my house on monday.  All 7 of us are living in approximately 10 square feet of space.   MRS. MALLARD NEEDS A HOME.


Surely there's a reality show out there somewhere that wants to build me a new house, right???  


Infinity points to anyone here who nominates me.  

Come on down with your brood.  Do you want the room with the cat, the dog, or the pregnant foster cat?  I'll make up some beds.

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I guess the site went down last night. :thumbdown:  But I didn't know that, I thought it was my internet connection. :confused1:  Then I thought I was kicked off because I was bragging I had 0 warning points. :crying:  


Paranoid, aren't I?

I have no friends, you all are all I got. :grouphug:  :001_wub:


So it WAS the whole site.  Shucks.  I was JUST about to post a big whiny complainy venty post when it went down. Itsa gone.  Y'all missed out on it.  




Same here. I'm a stay at home mom that doesn't drive. My two best friends are in their early twenties and don't have kids. They're so much prettier than I am so I try to avoid being seen in public with them. 



I am almost 40 with lots of kids and frizzy hair and eyebrows in desperate need of plucking.  On a good day there may be lip gloss, and if the line's slow at Starbucks, I may actually have time to clip my toenails.   So see?  Perfect BFF material.  




I hereby proclaim that JoJosMom and lotsoflittleducklings need avatar pictures. They post too much to not have them. And we still need a nickname for JoJosMom. I'm not calling anyone fat anything.


I tried.  I really really really wanted my delicate, sandy, pedicured feet kicking back in uber-coolness at the beach last week.  You know, texasmama's converses but oh-so-more exotic and vacationy. Then I got home and discovered the tops of my toes were cut off.  Dang.  



1) I never saw the comment, so no worries.


2) I have had THREE 14-year-old boys so far, so it wouldn't have caused even the tiniest dent in my composure. AND I would have probably figured it was a kid, not you. So no worries.


3) WHY IS HE CRYING??? Tell him to stop crying!!! I will send him some chocolate!!!!







Come on down with your brood.  Do you want the room with the cat, the dog, or the pregnant foster cat?  I'll make up some beds.


Put me and preggers together.  We get each other.  The rest of my brood can hang with the dog.   I'm booking my flight riiiiiiiight…..NOW.   

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By the way, I am finally all caught up on you all now.  Sheeeeeesh.  


A long way to go to understand what BA, FA, and BAMF all mean.   (truly worth it, though.)


DH says I'm not allowed to laugh out loud anymore.  It's annoying him.  We have to share the only remaining couch tonight and the close quarters are getting to him.  


So stop being funny.



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I tried.  I really really really wanted my delicate, sandy, pedicured feet kicking back in uber-coolness at the beach last week.  You know, texasmama's converses but oh-so-more exotic and vacationy. Then I got home and discovered the tops of my toes were cut off.  Dang.  




Put me and preggers together.  We get each other.  The rest of my brood can hang with the dog.   I'm booking my flight riiiiiiiight…..NOW.   

I took my picture while at my old, boring desk job wearing my converses parked in front of one of the computer monitors on my desk.  Do I look like a desk job person????  Yep, didn't think so.  Not there any more.  It was a LONG almost three years.


The dog crate is very large, and your kids are young so a couple of kids can probably squeeze in there with her.  She's really hairy so makes a soft pillow.  Also, the fish died so now we have more room.

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By the way, I am finally all caught up on you all now. Sheeeeeesh.


A long way to go to understand what BA, FA, and BAMF all mean. (truly worth it, though.)


DH says I'm not allowed to laugh out loud anymore. It's annoying him. We have to share the only remaining couch tonight and the close quarters are getting to him.


So stop being funny.

Well, just hold the laugh in. The energy will have to escape somehow. Wink, wink. That'll get rid of DH.

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<<<<  There you go.  Avatar.  From a summer science expedition (aka walk to the beach).


Never could decide if the trapped dragonfly was cool or just disturbing in an Alfred Hitchcocky sort of way, so finally:  A Use For This Pic.  

I love it! I like dragonflies though. Yeah, I considered being your BFF and was very disappointed to see that you live on the wrong side of the country. I'z a wittle sad.

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Well, just hold the laugh in. The energy will have to escape somehow. Wink, wink. That'll get rid of DH.


I believe it already did. :lol:   He's relocated to the camping mat by the front door.  (His bed.  My bed is the couch right next the camping mat by the front door.  The children are all in drawers.)  


(Okay, the children are NOT all in drawers.  I exaggerate frequently for dramatic effect.  ONE of the children is in a drawer; the others are in beds or a crib. But my hope is that if someone thinks they are all in drawers, pity will drive them to nominate me for a new HGTV home.  You, perhaps, JoJo?)

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I believe it already did. :lol: He's relocated to the camping mat by the front door. (His bed. My bed is the couch right next the camping mat by the front door. The children are all in drawers.)


(Okay, the children are NOT all in drawers. I exaggerate frequently for dramatic effect. ONE of the children is in a drawer; the others are in beds or a crib. But my hope is that if someone thinks they are all in drawers, pity will drive them to nominate me for a new HGTV home. You, perhaps, JoJo?)

Makes my dog crate sound like a viable option. ;)

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I love it! I like dragonflies though. Yeah, I considered being your BFF and was very disappointed to see that you live on the wrong side of the country. I'z a wittle sad.



I KNOW.  Me too.  Everybody I like in the virtual world lives on the shores of the OTHER ocean.   :angry:  :nopity:


Or the Gulf.


Or Canada and its Greater International District. 


Or Australia.  


ETA: Or the Middle Of The High Dessert.  (Which sounds so much better than the Middle Of The High Desert, so consider yourself relocated, Renai.)


ETA again:  Or in the middle of a bunch of trees, possibly in MN if I'm keeping the last 3 pages of catch-up thread-reading straight? (though really that would fall under Canada and its Greater International District so in fact I DID have you covered, AMJ. :001_tt2: )


(NOW Have I covered everyone here?)

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I could have really awesome dreads, by the way.  My hair is very unruly and curly.  


I hate dreads. In my entire life, I've only seen one guy - ONE - with the prettiest, most beautiful, lovely dreads, I'd ever encountered in my entire life. Lovely. When I think of dreads, I think of him. It keeps the nightmares away.



But think of the leverage you'll have during the teen years:  "Do you know what I've suffered-cheerfully, I might add-for giving you life?"



The funny thing is, right before I had my first, I told my dh to cut my hair in a short afro. It is the same thing I told him right before #2 was born too. Only, the 2nd time it didn't grow back. I'd love another kid, but I'm afraid I'll go completely bald, lol!




How about NOW.  Demo started on my house on monday.  All 7 of us are living in approximately 10 square feet of space.   MRS. MALLARD NEEDS A HOME.


Surely there's a reality show out there somewhere that wants to build me a new house, right???  


Infinity points to anyone here who nominates me.  


My dh isn't a reality show, but he needs a job. He works construction. He's does a very good job from the foundation to the painting details. 




<<<<  There you go.  Avatar.  From a summer science expedition (aka walk to the beach).


Never could decide if the trapped dragonfly was cool or just disturbing in an Alfred Hitchcocky sort of way, so finally:  A Use For This Pic.  


Well, I kinda thought it looked like one of those low budget films of giant insects on the attack. "Dragonfly Revenge" or something like that...

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I KNOW.  Me too.  Everybody I like in the virtual world lives on the shores of the OTHER ocean.   :angry:  :nopity:


Or the Gulf.


Or Canada. 


Or Australia.  


(Have I covered everyone here?)


No, you missed me. I live in the middle of the high desert. Nowhere near an ocean, gulf, or foreign country. Although, I have lived in a foreign country before. But, it was over 20 years ago, so I don't think that counts. I can say hi in about 10 languages though, which is just as good as living in a foreign country, for now. Ok, I think that's all my stream of conscious mind has for now.

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No, you missed me. I live in the middle of the high desert. Nowhere near an ocean, gulf, or foreign country. Although, I have lived in a foreign country before. But, it was over 20 years ago, so I don't think that counts. I can say hi in about 10 languages though, which is just as good as living in a foreign country, for now. Ok, I think that's all my stream of conscious mind has for now.


My post has been edited to correct this egregious oversight.  

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I believe it already did. :lol: He's relocated to the camping mat by the front door. (His bed. My bed is the couch right next the camping mat by the front door. The children are all in drawers.)


(Okay, the children are NOT all in drawers. I exaggerate frequently for dramatic effect. ONE of the children is in a drawer; the others are in beds or a crib. But my hope is that if someone thinks they are all in drawers, pity will drive them to nominate me for a new HGTV home. You, perhaps, JoJo?)

I already sent your name in. You wanted to be on "Tiny House Nation," right?

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I KNOW. Me too. Everybody I like in the virtual world lives on the shores of the OTHER ocean. :angry: :nopity:


Or the Gulf.


Or Canada.


Or Australia.


ETA: Or the Middle Of The High Dessert. (Which sounds so much better than the Middle Of The High Desert, so consider yourself relocated, Renai.)


(NOW Have I covered everyone here?)

Still no me. But I'm not far from Canada, eh, so close enough.

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You amaze me.


Consider your dh hired. 


Yes, I am pretty amazing. And humble.




I'm off for now (I think). A new class started on Sunday and I have homework due tonight. Thankfully, they are on PST, so I have until 1am my time to get it done. It's 9:35pm right now. Easy Peasy.

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Posted Today, 11:32 PM

Lotsoflittleducklings, on 08 Apr 2015 - 11:21 PM, said:snapback.png










Renai, on 08 Apr 2015 - 11:23 PM, said:snapback.png

Here ya go, at ya service...






Golly, I really feel so much better now!  That was downright cathartic.  You really ought to talk to the Grand Poohbah, Renai.  That throttler needs to be added to the library.  


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Yes, I am pretty amazing. And humble.




I'm off for now (I think). A new class started on Sunday and I have homework due tonight. Thankfully, they are on PST, so I have until 1am my time to get it done. It's 9:35pm right now. Easy Peasy.




And I'm approaching midnight, so it's time for me to head to bed.  


Happy homeworking!   

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I still have a hard time seeing really buff guys in puffy pink (or whatever color) skirt-like clothing. I realize it's traditional (yes, when Ellie started posting these, I looked it up), but ...it's...hmmm, well. It's not a kilt.


How 'bout these kane? (men) they are not in puffy anything...


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How 'bout these kane? (men) they are not in puffy anything...




Holy. Smokes. That is not the sort of clip that inspires sleep, Queen Ellie.


It's a good thing that DH went to pick up the short person from Awana.  He might draw the line at loincloths.


But. Wow. Certainly can't describe that one as anything other than masculine.  And martial.  And masculine. (Renai!  I'm still a little bitter about providing the means for me to be throttled, but we really need a "fanning myself" emoticon.)

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Holy. Smokes. That is not the sort of clip that inspires sleep, Queen Ellie.


It's a good thing that DH went to pick up the short person from Awana.  He might draw the line at loincloths.


But. Wow. Certainly can't describe that one as anything other than masculine.  And martial.  And masculine. (Renai!  I'm still a little bitter about providing the means for me to be throttled, but we really need a "fanning myself" emoticon.)


Oh. You wanted to sleep???? You shoulda said so. I thought we were having a pajama party. My bad. ::snerk::

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Dd is finishing up an anthropology project about cave art in the Libyan Sahara. We got up early this morning to watch The English Patient (repeat for me, first for her). I cried. Oh I like that book, and the film. But it kind of made me maudlin all day and probably I didn't need that. I'm holding my breath for dd to finish this term. I'll probably pass out from 2nd hand stress by the time her finals are over.


Then I spent the afternoon helping ds code. My coding abilities suck but I'm still better than him so there we were ..

He said I'm a cool mom. :)

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Holy. Smokes. That is not the sort of clip that inspires sleep, Queen Ellie.


It's a good thing that DH went to pick up the short person from Awana.  He might draw the line at loincloths.


But. Wow. Certainly can't describe that one as anything other than masculine.  And martial.  And masculine. (Renai!  I'm still a little bitter about providing the means for me to be throttled, but we really need a "fanning myself" emoticon.)


Yeah, to all this, except the Awana bit. Oh, my. That was, um, wow Good golly. I think I like it. My dd told me, "mom, you should see your face," as she kept shaking her head. lol!


It's funny. My dd is a dancer, and she noted as I was making comments about the dance that she has taught me well. My comments consisted of, "Wow, they are really in sync. Every movement is exact. Even the angles of their arms are the same." Yep, my dd took credit for my knowledge.  :glare:



And, here: fanning.gif


Or, is this more appropriate: toohot.gif

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Good morning.  I have survived sleeping another night, and I am ready to meet the day.


My dh walked through just now, pointed at me and said, "You are suspect in this town."  I replied, "I am dangerous."  He replied, "I am not IN danger.  I AM the danger."  (The last one is from Breaking Bad.)  All we have left is communication through movie lines and snippets of songs.  Fortunately, that provides a lot of fodder.

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Good morning.  I have survived sleeping another night, and I am ready to meet the day.


My dh walked through just now, pointed at me and said, "You are suspect in this town."  I replied, "I am dangerous."  He replied, "I am not IN danger.  I AM the danger."  (The last one is from Breaking Bad.)  All we have left is communication through movie lines and snippets of songs.  Fortunately, that provides a lot of fodder.


Here, we have The Princess Bride.  I'm sure someone watching the movie for the first time would have no idea that is so applicable to everyday life situations. Silly them.

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Here, we have The Princess Bride.  I'm sure someone watching the movie for the first time would have no idea that is so applicable to everyday life situations. Silly them.

Sorry. I got the grasshopper one though! Asian dude, bratty kids, wax on awkwardly, wax off awkwardly.

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I really recommend that film version of My Family & Other Animals because I love the entire family & esp the mom & their relationships... but I keep forgetting to put in the warnings: there is swearing, guns, alcohol, tobacco, references to copulation, some nudity - but it all terribly innocent & often just plain funny.  It is also one of the most perfect movies about learning outside of schools & I think gets at the heart of living a life driven by interests & passion for a subject.

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I really recommend that film version of My Family & Other Animals because I love the entire family & esp the mom & their relationships... but I keep forgetting to put in the warnings: there is swearing, guns, alcohol, tobacco, references to copulation, some nudity - but it all terribly innocent & often just plain funny.  It is also one of the most perfect movies about learning outside of schools & I think gets at the heart of living a life driven by interests & passion for a subject.

Wow!  Something for everyone in there.  ;)


Dh and I have a joke.  We read the ratings information when we are going to watch a movie, and if it says "Sex and Violence", we say, "All right!!!"

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