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:( I want to do your papers for you so you can graduate. I know it's wrong, but I really want to do it.


I get really brilliant ideas as I'm falling asleep. I forget by the time I wake up. I sleep with the laptop many days because I just cannot stay awake. Lots of nights on the couch with the laptop at my head because dh cannot sleep with the typing. If I could stay awake long enough, in a quiet house, I wouldn't have a problem. I love to write. I love my topic. The topic has been swimming around in my head for at least 3 years. The extraneous assignments throw me off, but I realize it's to understand the different types of research and how to go about doing stuff (coding, etc.). I wish I wasn't working. I have a class from hell in the morning. I thank Jesus every day I don't work a full day program (there are two half-sessions). My teen who will turn 16 on Monday, gets very little work done when home. Virtually none. I don't know what the hell she does all day. She needs the computer for some of her classes, but even yesterday without the computer she did nothing. She's probably on fb, I know she watches stupid stuff on youtube, and probably watching Once Upon a Time on Netflix. Dh has never supported me when I pursued higher education. But what can I expect from someone who didn't get through --- never mind. He only asked how he could help me a few minutes ago because my mom was telling the family they need to help me more and he saw me crying at the laptop.


The laptop is my only friend. I need a vacation. After I graduate. Whenever that will be.

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Forget everything but school for now. And feeding people cuz folks need food. The rest will get sorted out later. You can come visit Texas when you're done. :)


One thing dh is good at is feeding people. I've fed people maybe twice since I started work.


I'll get to work now. I trying to figure out this synthesis paper that was due on Monday that I thought I was going to complete on Tuesday, but then changed my question. Oh, well. I'll see if she grades it.

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One of my students wrote a book and shared it with the class today. It was about 5 pages long, illustrated and written on the back of some legal-looking papers her grandma didn't need, and had squiggles across the top that represented her writing.  :001_wub:  Poor kid couldn't remember what all the squiggles meant and kept pointing at them asking me to read them. I just told her to tell us about the pictures. She put it in the class library to share. She's so sweet.

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As an avid My Little Pony fan, I love unicorns. That must be why you're my bestie. That and displaced Disney princess...

My favorite movie growing up was The Last Unicorn. Ever seen it? I need to read the book. I still watch the movie when I'm sick. It brings me comfort.

One of my students wrote a book and shared it with the class today. It was about 5 pages long, illustrated and written on the back of some legal-looking papers her grandma didn't need, and had squiggles across the top that represented her writing.  :001_wub:  Poor kid couldn't remember what all the squiggles meant and kept pointing at them asking me to read them. I just told her to tell us about the pictures. She put it in the class library to share. She's so sweet.

That's so sweet. I love it.

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I know I missed the name discussion, but I like Maria.  I also like Molly (also related to the name Mary, if it matters).  I like Amy so much I have one.  I like Caleb.  Not sure what it's current popularity is, but it seems like there are lots of Calebs around now (maybe just in homeschooling groups?  LOL).  Maybe it doesn't matter to you, but I usually try to avoid whatever is trendy.  I kind of like 70s names for that reason, lol.   

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I know I missed the name discussion, but I like Maria. I also like Molly (also related to the name Mary, if it matters). I like Amy so much I have one. I like Caleb. Not sure what it's current popularity is, but it seems like there are lots of Calebs around now (maybe just in homeschooling groups? LOL). Maybe it doesn't matter to you, but I usually try to avoid whatever is trendy. I kind of like 70s names for that reason, lol.

How are Mary & Molly related? We do like to avoid popular names. We had intended to call John Jack but it didn't fit. He was named after Matt's great uncle Jack whose name is John. Wonderful man.

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Renai, hugs lots of them.


I am cheering for you so hard. I am amazed at all you are doing right now: homeschooling, working, going to school yourself and taking care of your family and home. I agree with your mom, people need to help you out all they can.


So when you are feeling overwhelmed, think of all of us here, and know you have your very own cheerleaders.


Give me an R

Give me an E

Give me an N

Give me an A

Give me an I


What's that spell. RENAI. Say it again. RENAI. One more time. RENAI. GOOOOOOOOO RENAI.


I wish we lived closer because I would dearly love to help you in some way, but I am cheering for you.:)

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I must apologize if we woke any of you up last night at 12:00 PDT with a dreadful high pitched squealing, sounding vaguely like fingernails in a chalk-board over and over again. Our smoke alarm went off for no apparent reason. Nothing like a strong dose of adrenalin to ensure a good night sleep. Not!

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Um. Good job, Jean.

If you set really small goals then you can succeed at them and end up with a lot of gold stars for the day.  At least that's my philosophy.  I'm going to actually load up the washing machine now.  I'm wearing an uncomfortable dress at the moment and really would like to change to my normal yoga pants and t-shirt.  

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If you set really small goals then you can succeed at them and end up with a lot of gold stars for the day. At least that's my philosophy. I'm going to actually load up the washing machine now. I'm wearing an uncomfortable dress at the moment and really would like to change to my normal yoga pants and t-shirt.

I have two types of days. I have those days where the house is spotless, the kids have been read to, everyone's been for a nice walk, and dinner is filling the house with a wonderful aroma. And then I have days where I don't wear pants. This is a No Pants day. I don't know why that capitalized but I'll leave it that way. It works.

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I have lots of No Pants days.  Just ask Tex.  Not that she's seen me sans pants.  That would be weird.  Not that we've actually ever met other than in texts and pictures but she knows about my No Pants days.  'Cuz she's accepting of things like that.  


Edited to add a Booyah!  


This is the thread that never ends. . . .  lalalalala!  

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