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We have an orb(?) spider in the garden called George. The ones in our house are just called daddy long legs (only kill if out of reach), black widows (exterminate on sight), and some black spider with a red butt that we always kill on sight because it looks dangerous.


IMPORTANT:  Please do continue to kill the black spiders with red on their butts.  They are most likely adolescent black widows.  Turns out the juveniles can also have bits of white in addition to the bits of red.  I learned these tidbits when FIL looked online to identify the black spider with red on its back that he ran across. 


Apparently the immature ones and males can even be non-black in color.


From a quick google search:





How about brown widow spiders?  I never heard of them before.


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My hair is also black-brown. Except in the Texas summer sun when most of it turns red(!).


When I was younger everyone thought I had black hair, like my Dad, until they saw me in bright sunlight.  That's when they could see the brown.  My hair never had that much red (my brother got it all), but for some reason hair stylists always wanted to mix red into the hair dye they would put on me.  I finally switched stylists yet again and told her at the start I did NOT want red added to my dye, I quite liked MY brown and wanted that.  She did her best and came very close.  It apparently still had red in it to get the brown right because you could see red glints in the bright sunlight.  The dyed parts that are still growing out also have faded to a reddish brown (it's been more than a year since my last dye).


I've grown out the gray to about my jawline now.  People are starting to suggest I cut my hair short to get rid of the rest of the dyed hair, but that won't let me pull it back in a ponytail.  I'll maybe get it cut back to shoulder length again soon (it's a little longer than that) to get rid of more, but I'll wait until about Christmas to cut it any shorter.  If I can't ponytail it I want to wait for the coldest part of the year.


I quite like the look of my very dark hair with the white scattered through.  It actually looks thicker than the solidly-colored dyed hair did, due to variations causing shadings.  I'm glad, too, that I opted to transition from dyed to natural now, at an age when it is not uncommon.  My grandmother died her hair black to her dying day, in her mid-80's, and I never quite wanted to emulate that.

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IMPORTANT:  Please do continue to kill the black spiders with red on their butts.  They are most likely adolescent black widows.  Turns out the juveniles can also have bits of white in addition to the bits of red.  I learned these tidbits when FIL looked online to identify the black spider with red on its back that he ran across. 


Apparently the immature ones and males can even be non-black in color.


From a quick google search:





How about brown widow spiders?  I never heard of them before.



No, that's not what it is. The butt is elongated and completely red.



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When I was younger everyone thought I had black hair, like my Dad, until they saw me in bright sunlight.  That's when they could see the brown.  My hair never had that much red (my brother got it all), but for some reason hair stylists always wanted to mix red into the hair dye they would put on me.  I finally switched stylists yet again and told her at the start I did NOT want red added to my dye, I quite liked MY brown and wanted that.  She did her best and came very close.  It apparently still had red in it to get the brown right because you could see red glints in the bright sunlight.  The dyed parts that are still growing out also have faded to a reddish brown (it's been more than a year since my last dye).


Yeah, my red highlights made my stylist cringe when I was young. She said it looked to dull. Hence, the blue-black hair dyes.

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I think I need to start teaching Gymnast German. We were listening to a Pimsleur lesson that I got off of Audible at a discount a few months ago which she liked, plus I sing Good Morning song every day in class. She keeps speaking gibberish to dh and claiming it's German, lol! I'd prefer to do Japanese, but it is what it is.

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I think I'm awake because I'm worried about class. I got an email from student services saying that if I considered withdrawing from the course, today is the last day to do so. I'd have to re-enter Oct. 4. Dancer said that's crazy, because I'm almost done and would still be in the same position come October. I wasn't considering it anyway. I'd take time off of work to finish school before I'd postpone school.

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I'm enjoying my Spanish conversation class so far. I have a fun group of teens. I like teens anyway. We had so many students sign up, we could only accommodate taking half of them. Until my graduation, we split the students into two groups and each group attends every other week. After graduation, I'm opening a second session on a different day and will hold class weekly.

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Ouch, Renai, sorry you're up at a crazy time.  But no kids in the classroom, today, right?  Hope your weekend is homework productive and a big step towards completing your class!


That spider is scary looking!  It might require dynamite.  And then you'll have to move anyway.  So, I'm with Ikslo.


Thankfully, no kids. It's been a rough week. Yes, I'm still up, responding to the kids in my conversation class forum. I think I'll try to sleep for the next hour now.


Lol, we rarely see that spider. But, like I said, it's kill on sight with that one! This is one of the beauties of living county instead of the city. We get more critters. :D

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In music appreciation today the girls learned that the ubiquitous Canon in D is written by Pachelbel, not Taco Bell.


:001_rolleyes: :nopity:


Pachelbel, Percell, Albinoni, and I couldn't resist inflicting on the girls the glorious sounds of Vivaldi (currently playing).  After that we will wind up MA class with a female composer of the time, Elizabeth Jacquet de la Guerre.  I have a book on Women Composers with an accompanying CD of samples of said composers' works.


DD14 is also being forced to drop her stereotype of organ music being Transylvanian.  I told her if she doesn't drop the stereotype she won't be allowed to go to the theater to see Hotel Transylvania 2 when it comes out, and will have to wait a while until it appears on Netflix.  If it appears on Netflix.  And then it will have to wait its turn in Daddy's queue of CDs.  She might luck out and get to see it before she goes off to college.  *evil grin*


She is opting to try to dispel the stereotype.

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In music appreciation today the girls learned that the ubiquitous Canon in D is written by Pachelbel, not Taco Bell.


:001_rolleyes: :nopity:


Pachelbel, Percell, Albinoni, and I couldn't resist inflicting on the girls the glorious sounds of Vivaldi (currently playing). After that we will wind up MA class with a female composer of the time, Elizabeth Jacquet de la Guerre. I have a book on Women Composers with an accompanying CD of samples of said composers' works.


DD14 is also being forced to drop her stereotype of organ music being Transylvanian. I told her if she doesn't drop the stereotype she won't be allowed to go to the theater to see Hotel Transylvania 2 when it comes out, and will have to wait a while until it appears on Netflix. If it appears on Netflix. And then it will have to wait its turn in Daddy's queue of CDs. She might luck out and get to see it before she goes off to college. *evil grin*


She is opting to try to dispel the stereotype.

And for a different take on that canon...


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I drew a picture of an elaborate garden on the chalkboard with a little purple girl (Mary's favorite color) and wrote "How does your garden grow?" over it. She's super ecstatic and telling me all of the things she's going to grow and what she's going to make with the food.

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Okay, yet another sign that I may have been ordering too much stuff online of late:


Both FedEx and UPS trucks came onto our street and stopped at other houses, not mine.  I feel a little miffed and overlooked.  I want presents, too!



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And for a different take on that canon...



The system didn't like my 2 dozen clickety-clicks I did on the like button for this one.





The girls groaned, and I'm sure rolled their eyes, when I called them over for an extension of music appreciation.  They cracked up as much as I did!



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Okay, yet another sign that I may have been ordering too much stuff online of late:


Both FedEx and UPS trucks came onto our street and stopped at other houses, not mine.  I feel a little miffed and overlooked.  I want presents, too!

Or maybe that's a sign that you haven't been ordering enough - otherwise they would have stopped at your house too! :driving:  :leaving:

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Here's another good one (though this one isn't Pachelbel related).  I found it chasing waskelly wabbits after searching YouTube for "Pachelbel funny".  There's some really hilarious stuff out there.  Who knew one hit from 300+ years ago would last so long?



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Or maybe that's a sign that you haven't been ordering enough - otherwise they would have stopped at your house too! :driving:  :leaving:


DD14 was just asking me what was with the "weird emoticon".  She thought the driving guy had a weird mustache, and was dancling and periodically touching his microphone.


And she just informed me she would prefer being referred to as "AD14" instead of "DD14".  The "A" is for "imaginative"!

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Or maybe that's a sign that you haven't been ordering enough - otherwise they would have stopped at your house too! :driving:  :leaving:


Oh, and I've ordered plenty.  It's not my fault the shippers can't get my stuff here any faster.  Grump grump.  Seriously -- my new mop was 4 days late!

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