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22 minutes ago, Another Lynn said:

Yay for Slache and Matt!

Yay for Susan's stash of E strings!

DD's back still hurts even with ibuprofen before practice.  If we alternate heat and cold - how long do we do each?  Do you take a break in between or no?  How long do you do it? 

20 minutes each. 

She might benefit from sitting on a donut (shaped pillow).


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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


2 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!  

I have been down the long road and back again.  Ds13's audition (for middle school all-regional orchestra) seemed to go well.  He lacks the nervous gene, somehow.  The rest of us seem to have gotten extra large nervous genes.  :blink:  We will find out the results tonight, if I remember to check.

When we got back to the warm-up room, this sweet little kid was standing there with a broken e-string on his violin and his parents were a bit distraught. Fortunately, I had literally 8 e-strings in my purse and gave them one.  Hope his audition went well after that.

Dh is bringing dd20 home for the week.  We're having birthday cake after lunch, and then some people are off to writers club and I have to get way across town to play for a party.

More Coffee!

Yay for spare e-strings!

I remember a broken string right before an orchestra concert when I was 9 and the kind mom of another violinist who gave us a spare.

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1 hour ago, Slache said:

According to my chiropractor you only want to do cold because heat causes inflammation. Do cold for 20 minutes and stop for an hour then do cold for 20 minutes stop for an hour...


1 hour ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

20 minutes each. 

She might benefit from sitting on a donut (shaped pillow).



1 hour ago, myblessings4 said:


What she said.

Thanks!  We had to go somewhere this afternoon and brought a cushion for in the car. Seats in the car are worse because of the angle. We'll try ice later. ?

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2 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

This is happening so fast!  I'm not sure I'm ready for it.  


2 hours ago, Slache said:

Wait. What?


2 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

That's what happens when you sneak off to a mountain top.  Krissi moves and leaves no forwarding address. . .   ? 

Yeah, it is moving fast. But with us, you move fast or you think about it too long, realize you can’t do it and then you do nothing. Before I met DH, I just did. I made up my life as I went and didn’t worry about too much. But then, I met DH, who is an engineer and thinks everything through. Too much.

We’ve needed a bigger house for a lot of reasons, and those reasons continue to rear their ugly heads, and finally we decided that we needed to “do something” and things kind of started falling into place.... so, here we are. It’s a nice house, 10 years older than our current one. It is in our basic subdivision, but about 5-6 residential blocks away.

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26 minutes ago, Junie said:

I have been in a lot of pain yesterday and today.

I took a nap this afternoon and even in my dream I was in pain.  I was limping really badly and people kept offering to help me.  They were getting annoying.



And this is a gentle and loving Hugs for Junie, Booya/h!!!

Edited by KrissiK
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I forgot the journal.

The Night Before

Dropped off the kids and we're off to the setting of essentially every horror movie ever made. We should be at the hotel by 8:30 and plan to be up at 4. I took a sleep aid. A brilliant move I'm sure.

Portland is gorgeous at night! I always forget.

We're in Washington. Where's Jean?

We just passed the evil hotel with no AC, a horrible bed and that smells like cigarettes. I hate that hotel. I spit on you. Ptooey.

I can't even text anyone from the hotel room!

We got $5 margaritas but the straws have gluten. They gave us plastic straws from the back. Shhh. Don't tell.

I'm eating all the food for tomorrow.

I'm 500 steps short! I'm too tired for this crap.

Step goal made.

The Climb

We have layered clothing, food packed, minimal gear and some tech. We downloaded offline maps to ensure we stay on the trail and know where we are on the trail. Last time we constantly reached the peak just to find that there was another peak. That wasn't fun.

2:00 I can't sleep.

3:00 We forgot to leave the car seats with the babysitter! Aww man! They had such a fun day planned! (We got them to them in time because they didn't want to give the kids up when we got back. They're at John's Incredible Pizza Co. right now).

3:20 We're getting ready.

4:00 Slow husband is slow!

4:30 Climber's Bivouac is open! (Shorter climb)

4:40 We're here.  Matt forgot the permit. It's 38°.

5:00 We're off and running like a herd of turtles. After Matt had to go back to the car 3 times...

5:40 I made my step goal before my normal wake up time. Go me!

5:45 Timberline. Making terrible time.

7:50 Matt hurt his ankle. We're going back.

Conclusion: Almost 8 miles. Very purty. I am content to admit that I don't like this and don't want to do it again.

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1 hour ago, Junie said:

I have been in a lot of pain yesterday and today.

I took a nap this afternoon and even in my dream I was in pain.  I was limping really badly and people kept offering to help me.  They were getting annoying.


Quoting myself to clarify that the annoying people who were trying to help were in my dream.

There are people in my house who annoy me, but rarely because they are offering to help.  ?

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17 minutes ago, Slache said:

Please share anything cool you find for the kids.

Um, this is my selfish Christmas list.  ?

It's mostly clothing that I want because I gained weight this year and most of my clothes don't fit.

That, and I've been binge watching old episodes of What Not to Wear.

Buying stuff for kids is not fun for me.

The kids make their own lists

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1 minute ago, Junie said:

Um, this is my selfish Christmas list.  ?

It's mostly clothing that I want because I gained weight this year and most of my clothes don't fit.

That, and I've been binge watching old episodes of What Not to Wear.

Buying stuff for kids is not fun for me.

The kids make their own lists

I don't need a list for me because I already have one and it's 8 miles long. Everything on it is expensive. I always have to come up with 8 million things for the kids because I get asked what they want and typically the response is "I don't want to buy that" so I have to have a lot of ideas.

I don't really like buying clothes. I find it depressing.

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2 minutes ago, myblessings4 said:

My fitbit didn't count all my steps.

Supper is ready!

I have had an issue for a few weeks where I will have a certain number of steps, say 5,000, and then later have a lower number like 3,000. I got the 20K badge today but I only have 12K now. I must have gotten to 20K before I lost the steps. Does that make sense? Does yours do that? A few weeks ago I was getting ready for bed and had 37 steps. I nearly exploded.

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18 minutes ago, myblessings4 said:


I don't know because I rarely look at it during the day.  I just look at the total after work or at night.  Today I noticed (I looked because you mentioned it) because I know I walked 4 miles in addition to the grocery store and my regular day, and my fitbit said 1.91.  

Yeah, see, no. This is not good. Do you think it's the app or your device?

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7 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Have you checked to see if it has an update?

It hasn't. And I should be to 25K now I think, so I'm cranky. I went from 20, dropped to 11 and I'm now at 19,403.


Eta: I never saw 20, I just got the badge.

Edited by Slache
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We are back from Thanksgiving At my parents’ house. It was good. I ate too much.

DS2 is finding pictures of the fire. What is so eerie is you see roads with cars on them, lined up, like in traffic, but the cars are all burned out. I just wonder what happened to the people in them. And now frightening that the fire came so fast and furiously that they had to leave their cars (hopefully) and run for it.  This whole thing is so awful. It is unimaginable.

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