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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


24 minutes ago, Slache said:

I have wanted this devotional for 2 years but have never had the money on hand at the right time. The Kindle version is on sale today for $0.99 so I napped it. I'm linking in case you're interested.


Nice!  Jack Miller was a mentor of many a pastor in my area.  My favorite quote - 'Cheer up! You're a worse sinner than you ever dared imagine, and you're more loved than you ever dared hope.' 

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2 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Thanks for the Nirthday Wishes!  

Guess whose birthday is on Monday?!?

You hush.

To accentuate the fact that I am an old fuddy duddy, I was one of the only people who could purchase things at the pharmacy today when their debit/credit card system went down.  Real live checks to the rescue! 

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23 minutes ago, Paradox5 said:

Maybe we need to start a new ITT thread. This one is long! It’s almost like a sub forum!


21 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

No new threads.  This thread has history.  And a queen.  And it's own island.  And Susan comes to wish us Happy Anniversary every year. 

Oh no! No new threads.  This is the original. Like Jean said, it has history. And it has its own culture, language and traditions. 

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They are almost finished with the floor, I think. Now we have a drain in the middle of a random room. WTH? It wasn't visible under the carpet and we had no idea it was there. They cut a hole in a plank and put a white cap on it. I don't like it. I don't know if there's anything I can do about it but it looks terrible. It's a safety hazard too because it's big enough for Baby to fall in, there's water in it, and there's nothing securing the cap. 

DH said they'd have to pull up most of the floor in that room to cover it up. ?

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One week from today we will be in the Caribbean, swimming with the Nemos. Can't wait!!!

DS(17) is being a typical teenage butthead and doesn't want to go. I'm pretty sure he'll have fun once there, but ugh...he can't just be happy. The same kid at 7 whined all the way on a drive to Disney World about how we should have just left him at Grandma's house because he didn't want to go. Of course he had the most fun out of anyone once there and was happy we didn't leave him. 

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20 minutes ago, Paige said:

One week from today we will be in the Caribbean, swimming with the Nemos. Can't wait!!!

DS(17) is being a typical teenage butthead and doesn't want to go. I'm pretty sure he'll have fun once there, but ugh...he can't just be happy. The same kid at 7 whined all the way on a drive to Disney World about how we should have just left him at Grandma's house because he didn't want to go. Of course he had the most fun out of anyone once there and was happy we didn't leave him. 

How about if your ds17 and I change places for a week.  He can homeschool my kids and make them dinner and I'll go to the Caribbean.

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We had beef / bean tacos.  With fixins and nothing else because I was in such a tizzy over Lynette's pet-bed heater that I forgot to make a vegetable or salad.  I guess the toppings could count as a salad.  

The pet-bed heater had a stupid prong on the plug so I couldn't use it with the thing I had set up.  Dh found an extension cord that works, so it's OK now.

Snowflakes are now sitting next to 11pm and 12am.

We had the last (church) Children's Choir rehearsal for the season.  They sing this Sunday - Thanksgiving Sunday - instead of at Christmas which I am grateful for.  

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19 minutes ago, Paige said:

One week from today we will be in the Caribbean, swimming with the Nemos. Can't wait!!!

DS(17) is being a typical teenage butthead and doesn't want to go. I'm pretty sure he'll have fun once there, but ugh...he can't just be happy. The same kid at 7 whined all the way on a drive to Disney World about how we should have just left him at Grandma's house because he didn't want to go. Of course he had the most fun out of anyone once there and was happy we didn't leave him. 

Be sure to check out any available properties suitable for the ITT Island.  :biggrin:

I'm so excited for you guys!

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1 hour ago, Junie said:

Paige, is that the trip you won!?!  If so, that's awesome!

If you ever win anything you can't use, let me know!

No, it's a trip we've been saving up points for and planning for years. We were going to go to Central/South America the spring before Baby was born before we knew he was coming and put it on hold because of Zika. We decided to go to the Caribbean instead with Baby because it feels safer and easier with a little one. If we waited for him to be older, I know DS (17) wouldn't go. I'm a little disappointed because I really, really, really, wanted to see Tikal, but even a small malaria risk is too much for me with someone who can't take a pill. 

The trip I won is to Hawaii and only for 2 people, but we can bring Baby at our own expense. I'm going to try to schedule that in Feb. The other kids are jealous but Baby isn't expensive to bring and they would be. 

I should win a trip for everyone to go to ITT Island!

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6 minutes ago, Paige said:

No, it's a trip we've been saving up points for and planning for years. We were going to go to Central/South America the spring before Baby was born before we knew he was coming and put it on hold because of Zika. We decided to go to the Caribbean instead with Baby because it feels safer and easier with a little one. If we waited for him to be older, I know DS (17) wouldn't go. I'm a little disappointed because I really, really, really, wanted to see Tikal, but even a small malaria risk is too much for me with someone who can't take a pill. 

The trip I won is to Hawaii and only for 2 people, but we can bring Baby at our own expense. I'm going to try to schedule that in Feb. The other kids are jealous but Baby isn't expensive to bring and they would be. 

I should win a trip for everyone to go to ITT Island!

I totally agree with you about not worth the Zika risk.

Dd14 is the only one of our kids that we took to Hawaii.  She was not quite 1 still nursing and I didn't know about the trip soon enough to wean her.

Dd16 and and ds18 were little and the cost/value ratio was not worth it.  They stayed with grandparents.

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11 minutes ago, Paradox5 said:

Just finished registering Son 2 for his last community college semester. He graduates in May then is off to no idea yet. I am so going to miss him. But no where close has the degree he wants.

What degree does he want?

My ds18 is majoring in criminal justice.

Dd14 wants to be a costume designer.

The rest don't yet know.

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I can’t believe that it took me so long to figure out what is wrong with me. I accidentally took my morning meds at bedtime (because I had just filled my pill boxes). I realized right away and took my evening pills too minus duplicates that I take morning and night. But in the morning pills was a thyroid pill and I have been practically buzzing for the past two hours. 

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Good Morning!

Go Critter, Go!  :smile:

Dd15 has 24k words so far.  It sounds like she has a sci-fi novel in the works.  (She's making up new species.)  She has lots of extra time for writing now that her tutorial classes are done for the semester.

Ds14 has a cello lesson this morning in the not-to-distant university town, and I need to stop for gas so we make it there.  It's cold (32*) but we're not as cold as Critter!



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I made coffee today without any coffee! ? I had a new filter, all my sugars and fixings in the cup, pressed start, but forgot to put actual coffee in the filter. Obvs need more coffee. 

It's sleeting. It took me a while to figure out what that weird crinkling sound was because it's so early in the season. They will have to drag me onto the plane kicking and screaming when it's time to leave the beach. 

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Good Morning!!!


Friday Eve!!!!

School. Our charter school teacher is coming by this afternoon. That’s fine. She’s a friend of mine and is pretty laid back. 

We’re not going to my parents’ house for dinner tonight, as we are having Thanksgiving there on Saturday. The kids are disappointed, they love going to Grandma’s house and can’t figure out why she wouldn’t want to have company and make 2 big dinners in the same week.?

Yesterday was piano lessons day. My kids take lessons from a friend of my parents from waaaaaaay back in the day. She’s 90 and lives in independent living apartments at our church’s retirement village. It’s 5 minutes away from my house. Anyhow, so I drop DS2 off and her husband (2nd husband, who she married 2 years ago?) signals me over. He’s taking out the trash. So I drive over and he just wants to talk. He’s a great guy and always has interesting stories. Loves to talk. Finally, I get away in time to run home and pick up the girls for their lesson and I get back there and he’s still standing there with his trash can talking to someone else.?? 

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Hey. I am hoping for second sleep. Good thing I live with an RN. It was a rough night. I almost went to the ER. My heart kept speeding up and then slowing way down. Mild chest pain. But I finally slept around 2 a.m. or so. Still feel a bit wonky. Dh says to skip this morning’s dose of thyroid medicine. What I mess up, I mess up good. 

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John wants to join the military, Mary wants to be a waitress until she's a mom and I see Alex doing something physical like warehouse work or park ranger. I would not be surprised to see John in the military but will try to talk Mary into a trade if she doesn't want to go to college. My girlfriend who does hair is totally banking, loves her job and makes her own schedule.

We leave for Washington tomorrow night. Gah!

There is coffee in my coffee. Yay!


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When I was little I wanted to be a "diamond lady".  Ie.  I wanted to be rich.  Boy, that never happened! 


Woo hoo!  A diamond lady booyah!  It  must be sign!  Yes, this year I win the lottery!  (Which would be a true miracle since I don't play the lottery. . . ) 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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I wanted to be a math teacher until I wanted to be a Spanish teacher until I wanted to homeschool. When I retire I want to be a NICU volunteer.


We had fun with replacing words in our poetry recitation earlier. I subbed scream for sing. 

I wake up in the morning early,
And always the very first thing,
I poke out my head and I sit up in bed
And I scream and I scream and I scream.

John chose bleed and Mary chose ice cream.

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