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The only thing I have to turn in tonight is the reference page. It's supposed to be perfected. Really. The grad assignment is to turn in the Reference page with everything done right. Because APA.


I did tell one person in that thread that APA is not a "simple research paper."

Oh, jeez, Renai. Are you still whining about that APA research paper? C'mon now. I've heard of 4th graders doing that.
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Not abig Dewey fan here. What's DOI?


At least Dewey made sense. I had it memorized.


I have no idea. I just know I have to find that number for every article I've cited (in APA format). I'm using CrossRef.org, but so far having trouble with two.

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I'm back from running (finally!  first time this week - on a THURSDAY!) 


Anyway, I don't know if I reported that I tracked my route last week and discovered that I was only running 2.5 miles instead of the full 3.  So, I went back to week 1 day 1 (again) trying to do the running part faster like interval training to help my breathing and my pace.  I'm not sure how long I should do this before I go back to trying to add to my distance.  A week?  2 weeks?  or alternate?


Thanks Dawn.  Ds is supposed to have a basketball game tonight, but I have a feeling he won't be going (he's going to hate that!). 

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I'm back from running (finally! first time this week - on a THURSDAY!)


Anyway, I don't know if I reported that I tracked my route last week and discovered that I was only running 2.5 miles instead of the full 3. So, I went back to week 1 day 1 (again) trying to do the running part faster like interval training to help my breathing and my pace. I'm not sure how long I should do this before I go back to trying to add to my distance. A week? 2 weeks? or alternate?


Thanks Dawn. Ds is supposed to have a basketball game tonight, but I have a feeling he won't be going (he's going to hate that!).

Congrats on the running. I guess your dh got the shed door fixed. That's good.


Awwww, I hate it for your ds. Poor guy.


I hate it when children are disappointed. Hugs to you all.

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Jean, how are you?


Mark, you're expected to read the entire thread. How else will you ever hear my first driving story?


Lynn, I'm sorry about the game. Are you still running for the first two and a half minutes? I saw a book called "100 Marathons You Should Run Before You Die." I thought to myself, they should have just called this book "No."

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I like your new outfit, Chewy.


I really need to get on the stick and finish the legs. I'm due for an appearance at the local library next month. I should have started the day we got back from our trip but latch hooking hair is SO mind numbing and I've got like a dozen irons in the fire right now. Gah!

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At least Dewey made sense. I had it memorized.


I have no idea. I just know I have to find that number for every article I've cited (in APA format). I'm using CrossRef.org, but so far having trouble with two.


facepalm.gif  Opps.  I was thinking educational theory; you meant library organization.  I'm with you on the DDS.


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I slept well after my last post at 2am this morning.


I got up at 2am to use my nebulizer which is always fun. It's so loud I always worry about waking everybody up.


Then I decided to make some green tea to settle my stomach. I learned that my new Kermit mug I bought at Disney World last week isn't really microwave safe. it heats WAY up. 


Instead of settling my stomach, the tea made me really nauseous. I dunno if something leached from the microwaved mug (had to take it out with oven mitts because even the very large handle got incredibly hot) or what, but now I'm paranoid about it.


Took a gram of Tylenol this morning, but still have a headache. I think I'm building a tolerance to Tylenol, which is swell.


Otherwise a great Thursday. :-D

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It's 8:05. I'm going to start my homework. Older dd lost the charger to the laptop she uses for school, so I decided to work for 2 hours with a specific goal in mind, then let her use this laptop so she can attend her two classes. Then I get the computer back.


See ya!

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I got up at 2am to use my nebulizer which is always fun. It's so loud I always worry about waking everybody up.


Then I decided to make some green tea to settle my stomach. I learned that my new Kermit mug I bought at Disney World last week isn't really microwave safe. it heats WAY up. 


Instead of settling my stomach, the tea made me really nauseous. I dunno if something leached from the microwaved mug (had to take it out with oven mitts because even the very large handle got incredibly hot) or what, but now I'm paranoid about it.


Took a gram of Tylenol this morning, but still have a headache. I think I'm building a tolerance to Tylenol, which is swell.


Otherwise a great Thursday. :-D


Ah, we were up together! Sorry you're feeling ill.

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This booyah is dedicated to my pants, which are having a party in the washing machine.


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they'll continue posting forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends...

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