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I am neither/nor. Smack in the middle.

Who's Ted?

Ted Cruz. Very conservative, running for president, senator from Texas, known for his 21 hour September 2013 filibuster in which he advocated the defunding of the ACA in the 2014 appropriations, and recently calling the Senate majority leader a liar on the Senate floor.
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They are sharps, which are for raising a musical note 1/2 step, as in from F natural to F# or C natural to C#. You can also have a double sharp, but that looks completely different.


The general population has become so enthusiastic about sharps that they have become a normal part of digital speak. Gooooooooo Beethoven!



:001_wub: Beethoven!  (I keep his 6th and his 9th in the car at all times!)

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I may need to be a bit more proactive in teaching Gymnast some letters or something. She knows about 4 of them, I think. She's not pushing and neither am I. So on Sunday, I put Smile of a CHild on the Roku. She was sitting eating breakfast and started saying, "sm...sm...smah, smah..." I realized she was blending the S and M together. I should probably teach her some more letters, huh? I could give that job to Dancer/Singer.

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I may need to be a bit more proactive in teaching Gymnast some letters or something. She knows about 4 of them, I think. She's not pushing and neither am I. So on Sunday, I put Smile of a CHild on the Roku. She was sitting eating breakfast and started saying, "sm...sm...smah, smah..." I realized she was blending the S and M together. I should probably teach her some more letters, huh? I could give that job to Dancer/Singer.


Yay for gymnast!  Either...


a) Give the job to Dancer/Singer




b)  Wait until November




c)  Find a free app in the meantime




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Good morning.


It's supposed to be rainy here all week.  Which means I don't have to stop at the park every single day on the way home and we get more schoolwork done.  Yay.  That's intended to be an enthusiastic yay even though I am not feeling it.  We're in our 4th year and I finally smacked into my wall.  Need some encouragement here, folks!  Where's our cheerleader?

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Yay for gymnast!  Either...


a) Give the job to Dancer/Singer




b)  Wait until November




c)  Find a free app in the meantime





:iagree: Focus on you/finishing.  Besides, sounds like she's figuring it out just fine on her own. :laugh:

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Yay Ikslo!  You're amazing - working full time and homeschooling.  I don't know how you do it!


Which kind of wall are you hitting?  Self-doubt?  Feeling pulled in too many directions?  Lacking enthusiasm for enrichment?  Can you streamline?  Can you make some things independent?  Have you listened to SWB's burn out talk?  It's SO good.   

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Good morning!!!!!


It is raining this morning. Yay...we need the water. It has been dry and dusty. Because gravel road.


I still don't know about dd's birthday party. Sunday at 1pm about 30 people are going to show up, and so far I have nothing and a dirty house.


Oh well. I will figure it out.........later.:D

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:iagree: Focus on you/finishing.  Besides, sounds like she's figuring it out just fine on her own. :laugh:


Well, she was sounding out the only two sounds she knew on the screen! I know she knows the s, m, o, and y. Why y, you ask? Because it's the first letter of her name. :D There's just not a whole lot of words one can read with those letters...

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Just in a rut.  Non-enthusiastic. No time for enrichment though we need it.  Work - got a promotion which is good money-wise, but I used to be able to leave it all at work and not care.  Now I bring it home on weekends (and home in my head on weekdays).  I used to plan, plan, plan and now I have no desire to even open the books when it's school time, never mind to plan.  I'm burnt out, I guess.  Also have no time for real exercise, so I'm feeling at and lazy and tired.  I need to change things up, but I have no energy to do so.  Blah. 


SWB's burn out talk?  No.  Where would I find it?  I haven't even read her book.   :leaving:  

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Good morning!!!!!


It is raining this morning. Yay...we need the water. It has been dry and dusty. Because gravel road.


I still don't know about dd's birthday party. Sunday at 1pm about 30 people are going to show up, and so far I have nothing and a dirty house.


Oh well. I will figure it out.........later. :D


daughter wants party = daughter cleans

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Thanks, guys.  I know I WANT to this, I'm just not feeling it.  If I can just make it to Thanksgiving... 


Maybe I need to break out our Foldscope tonight for something different.  Foldscope and art class.  And German.  Because foreign language.  No math or grammar.  I'm fairly certain DS will be onboard with this plan.




Time to make the donuts.  Have a good day everyone.

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Thanks, guys.  I know I WANT to this, I'm just not feeling it.  If I can just make it to Thanksgiving... 


Maybe I need to break out our Foldscope tonight for something different.  Foldscope and art class.  And German.  Because foreign language.  No math or grammar.  I'm fairly certain DS will be onboard with this plan.




Time to make the donuts.  Have a good day everyone.


If I can just make it to...  is often my mantra. Many times, it's just the next day. Or hour. You can do this!


Donuts? Did you say donuts??

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Here's a link to the burn out talk:  http://peacehillpress.com/index.php?p=product&id=331 The book has its place, but often her talks are even better, more real. 


I understand lack of enthusiasm.  Normally I consider morning time the heart of our homeschool, and last spring I had grand plans for how great it was going to be this school year.  So far, I hardly feel like reading aloud at all and these have been the shortest morning times ever.  Last year we had notebooks with hymns, poems, Bible verses, nature drawings.  This year, I'm reading to them about health.  HEALTH!  (Is there a more boring school topic?  But, they need to hear it from a source other than my brain.)  This summer I made a cd of 2 hymns, 2 American songs, 2 folk songs and 2 praise songs thinking we would listen to it in the car.  We have not listened to it once.  I made a CD of Brahms for our composer study.  We have not listened to it once, nor have I even breathed his name to them.  I can't explain it.  I still believe in the importance of these "extras" I just can't do it right now.  And I'm okay (ish) with that for right now.  


I agree with you about exercise, and understand about finding time for it too.  


You're doing a great job of hanging in there!  

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So there is hope.  I guess I can endure another year.  Sigh.

She only did it one night and was back in bro's room last night.  #thestruggleisreal


The hash tag thing is a joke. It doesn't work. I don't understand why we do it.







It's part of our thread history and culture, and we cannot leave it behind.  #forefathers


Just in a rut.  Non-enthusiastic. No time for enrichment though we need it.  Work - got a promotion which is good money-wise, but I used to be able to leave it all at work and not care.  Now I bring it home on weekends (and home in my head on weekdays).  I used to plan, plan, plan and now I have no desire to even open the books when it's school time, never mind to plan.  I'm burnt out, I guess.  Also have no time for real exercise, so I'm feeling at and lazy and tired.  I need to change things up, but I have no energy to do so.  Blah. 


SWB's burn out talk?  No.  Where would I find it?  I haven't even read her book.   :leaving:  

I heart her talks.  So real.

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I'm avoiding the family game night makes kids into better students thread out of guilt.  Why does everything that makes my kids better and smarter make me want to run away screaming? 


Me to. I avoid and also want to run away screaming. Like a maniac. Trying to decide if it is guilt or just a deep-rooted dislike of games in general. 

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Don't give up. But do treat yourself every now and then. There are some wise words about moderation somewhere, but I can't think of it right now.


Go, Slache, go.;)

Oh believe me I know. It's taken me 4 years to lose just over 100 pounds. It's just that I'd like doughnuts every day. Followed by ice cream.

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