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Silly?  We are not silly.  We are serious, classical homeschoolers.  I am deeply offended. 



:lol: :lol: :lol:



Oh, I SO crack myself up! 


(See AMJ?  You don't need others to make yourself laugh; just be a psycho like me! :wacko: :wacko: )


( I :wub:  that :wacko:  guy.)

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And 1!









And Happy 200!!


:party: :party: :party: :party: :party:




ETA: Strikeout on Booya. Until Slacheypoo apologizes for her mean-spirited refusal to give me her crockpot recipes.

Yeah, um no.

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Everyone is throwing up and we all have fevers. Mary cried for about 20 minutes until I just stopped and cuddled her. John's following me around and laying at my feet wherever I am and Mary keeps requesting that I move her from location to location. Fortunately my kids never stay sick long.


I'm so sorry.  I hope everyone gets better soon.  Poor babies....

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You could get an exercise ball and bounce all day. :lol:


Can you see a PT about your ankle? I imagine the right exercise would strengthen your ankle.


I'm thinking of asking for one of those stand-up desks.   A few people here recently have been trying them out.  I prefer to be lazy and sit but I know it's not healthy.

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I have a fitness band that I've learned a lot from and I think it might benefit you. It tracks my activity,sleep and eating habits. It's informed me of how certain foods and behaviors affect my ability to sleep and move. I used to sleep 4 hours a night and take two naps. Now I sleep 7 hours a night and nap on occasion. I've also uped my step count by an average of 2000 steps without trying just because what I've learned about myself from the data has made me healthier. I know you have several health conditions, I'm not pretending you don't, but I just can't believe how it's changed my life.


Thank you for posting this.  DH gave the girls and me inexpensive bands of this sort just last night.  As soon as I saw your post I ran upstairs to get it.


I did figure out one gotcha already, however.  I can't get the charging cord off of it and I can't wear it with the cord on (it attaches inside the bracelet).  Sigh.  I'll have to wait for DH to get home unless I can get this thing to detach without breaking it.


It would have been a good thing for me to wear with today's level of busy-ness, too....

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I've offended so many people here. It's ridiculous. I feel so bad. There was a thread of over wight people and someone said "it's not that all thin people are the enemy" and I said "they're not?". Huge mistake. I also have a tendency to say Catholic vs Christian instead of Catholic vs protestant. Not good. I'm sure I'm on a few ignore lists for that.


Yeah, you fit right in here!

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Thank you for posting this. DH gave the girls and me inexpensive bands of this sort just last night. As soon as I saw your post I ran upstairs to get it.


I did figure out one gotcha already, however. I can't get the charging cord off of it and I can't wear it with the cord on (it attaches inside the bracelet). Sigh. I'll have to wait for DH to get home unless I can get this thing to detach without breaking it.


It would have been a good thing for me to wear with today's level of busy-ness, too....

Which one did you get?

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It's not quite noon and I'm sleepy again.  I'm going to sign off here and go to the pharmacy again on my way to pick dd up at the Y.  It's sort of like Cheers when I go to the pharmacy.  They all know me in there.  I'm not so sure it's a good thing that they no longer ask for my name or birthdate and just go get my meds off the shelf.  Convenient, though!  I now know most of their names as well.  

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I'm thinking of asking for one of those stand-up desks.   A few people here recently have been trying them out.  I prefer to be lazy and sit but I know it's not healthy.


Dh has thought about this too. Instead he has some sort of app that stops him a pre-set times and reminds him it's time to get up and go stretch/walk/exercise.

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I've offended loads of people on the hive haha, sometimes on purpose but mostly by accident and then I feel badly.  Usually due to a miscommunication, like they thought I was saying something other than I was because I did not word a post right etc.  It's funny irl I am thought to be wise-ish, and people come to me asking for advice etc, but on the hive I sound like a dimwit, and can't get my thoughts out on screen properly and don't use the huge vocabulary that others us etc.


THat's partly why I like this thread.  There is no pretension, I don't feel like I have to have 3 degrees to be part of the conversation, I'm not witty with a comeback for everything, and not that smart but ya'll seem to take me as I come, which is all anyone can hope for.


Yeah, we are all ignoring that nonsense here.  We all flub up now and then.  This thread is for fun and friendship.

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It's not quite noon and I'm sleepy again.  I'm going to sign off here and go to the pharmacy again on my way to pick dd up at the Y.  It's sort of like Cheers when I go to the pharmacy.  They all know me in there.  I'm not so sure it's a good thing that they no longer ask for my name or birthdate and just go get my meds off the shelf.  Convenient, though!  I now know most of their names as well.  



Hope you can squeeze in a nap, Jean.  



Tracking says my kids will arrive by 4pm.  



(and really do hope you feel better quickly!  :grouphug: )

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They are over wight because they are unsocialized homeschoolers, they just need to leave their house some more and get some sunlight on the wight skin :lol:


Oooooooooh.  I misunderstood.  I thought they were all stuck up in zeppelins hovering over the Isle of Wight....

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Because I need more chaos in my life, I'm looking at maybe volunteering with Virtual Homeschool Group this upcoming year. No, I still have not accepted the offer from the school district.


I've heard that that which does not kill you makes you stronger.


I'm not sure it's very helpful.

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And I'm over wight. Be nice. I think it's damaging to other people's eyes.


So am I.  Half the time I'm okay with it, and the other half I'm tired of feeling like Mr. Staypuff.  What I really need to do is just adjust the stuff I'm eating.  That's easier to stay on top of when I'm not feeling overwhelmed.

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I've gained a bit of weight lately, and it is making me angry with myself.  I need to get off my tush and do something about it.


Side note:  I just learned tush is an interjection, too.


Tush, my tush is pushing the boundaries of what I deem is acceptable.


Pish tush.  You look like a beanpole in your avatar.

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Because I need more chaos in my life, I'm looking at maybe volunteering with Virtual Homeschool Group this upcoming year. No, I still have not accepted the offer from the school district.

Don't. Your kids need you to not do too much.

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Not that you asked, but I'm rude so...


Daily hour long walks do wonders.

Roasted veggies for lunch easily lowers your calorie intake.

Water bottle.


Lose it app (free).

YouTube videos for fitness.



I'm housebound for the next 3 months or so, due to high heat, massive humidity, and the threat of being bled dry by all of the mosquitoes.  I do go paddling when we can on weekends.  I bathe in Deep Woods Off and paddle fast, and the water helps cool me down.  We do have a treadmill, a stationary bike, and a cable weight machine, but I never seem to stay on them long.  I am seriously thinking of trying to find a former personal trainer of mine to see if I can get her to come train me here, in my home.


I love roasted veggies.  I needed that reminder of how easy they are.


I love water.


Quinoa is great in Scrappy Soup.  I'm not sure what else to do with it.


Lose it app -- I'll go look it up, once I've found my phone.  Yes, I really have misplaced it today.


I can't watch things and do stuff at the same time.  I'll stop what I'm doing and just watch every time.

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So am I. Half the time I'm okay with it, and the other half I'm tired of feeling like Mr. Staypuff. What I really need to do is just adjust the stuff I'm eating. That's easier to stay on top of when I'm not feeling overwhelmed.

I meant pale (white), but I'm fat too. I'm starting P90X in a few weeks along with a whole 30. Care to join?

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Everyone is throwing up and we all have fevers. Mary cried for about 20 minutes until I just stopped and cuddled her. John's following me around and laying at my feet wherever I am and Mary keeps requesting that I move her from location to location. Fortunately my kids never stay sick long.


Bummer!  Hope everyone is better soon!

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I run my spinach through a food processor so it's less like spinach and more like pretty green decorations. I like it with...


Oh, wait. I forgot I stopped giving you recipes because of your constant h-ing. Remember when you asked for slow cooker recipes? Um yeah. I'm awesome with a slow cooker. Sucks to be you!


It's okay, Ducky, Slashie doesn't really have any recipes.  She's just trying to pretend she does. 


Lookie there!  Booyah again!


La la la thread la la la la

la la la on and on la la


I couldn't think up another verse because the laundry is dinging again.  Dingbat....

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I'm housebound for the next 3 months or so, due to high heat, massive humidity, and the threat of being bled dry by all of the mosquitoes. I do go paddling when we can on weekends. I bathe in Deep Woods Off and paddle fast, and the water helps cool me down. We do have a treadmill, a stationary bike, and a cable weight machine, but I never seem to stay on them long. I am seriously thinking of trying to find a former personal trainer of mine to see if I can get her to come train me here, in my home.


I love roasted veggies. I needed that reminder of how easy they are.


I love water.


Quinoa is great in Scrappy Soup. I'm not sure what else to do with it.


Lose it app -- I'll go look it up, once I've found my phone. Yes, I really have misplaced it today.


I can't watch things and do stuff at the same time. I'll stop what I'm doing and just watch every time.

Cto5K app plus the 100 pushups app are both free. I like to make a weeks worth of roasted brussels sprouts with bacon on Sunday and eat them all week. I put diced spinach, tomatoes, and mozzarella in my quinoa usually. Serve cold.

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