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Ignore this thread!

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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK




Oobedoo!  I wanna be like you-oo-oo

I wanna walk like you

talk like you



What I desire

is Man's red fire

so I can stop monkeying around!


I actually prefer


Look for those - bear necessities

Those simple bear necessities

Forget about your worries and your strife.


I mean those, bear necessities

Of mother nature's recipes 

that bring those bear necessities to life.



Wherever I wander

Wherever I roam

I couldn't be fonder

Of my great home.


The bees are buzzing in the trees

To make some honey just for me.

Look under the rocks and plants

And take a glance at the fancy ants.

And maybe have a few....


The bear necessities of life will come to you...


Yes, I spelled bare as bear because a bear was singing it. And yes, I pathetically remember the words even years after seeing the movie.

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Hi. I needed goldfish at 2 AM. You get it, right?



Um, no. I can only understand Slache. That's why we're besties. 



I liked this, but actually I don't like it.  I'm stuck staying awake until my broccoli risotto torte finishes baking.  





She just wants you to believe this.





I think I'm in a later time zone than some of you.  It's not even 8 pm here - way too early to think about bed.  Come to think of it, Slache, you're in my time zone!  


Tonight is The Voice Finale.  Am I the only one who's going to be watching?  (Don't tell me who won if you already know).  

Our bedtime is 8:30 because we get up so early. I've been going down early with my issue, but that wasn't that early for me.


:grouphug:   :grouphug:   :grouphug:   :grouphug:


Poor Slashie.

Yes, poor me.

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I think I'm beyond help.  :o

Ya think!


I'm a very long time lurker on this thread.  So yes.  


Dd just noticed I was posting here.  She said "They sucked you in!"

This is very uncomfortable. I feel like I got really comfortable walking around naked and then realized the windows were open. I mean I *knew* the windows were open, but it really just hit me.


When dd's first tooth started to come out (JOJOSMOM, LOOK AWAY!) it was hanging by a thread too.  I reached over and yanked it out.  She screamed (not in pain) and cried,  "Put it back!"  

That's adorable.


:D   You sound like an evil cow!

Well that was rude.


Uh oh.  Your dad isn't going to come after us with a shotgun, is he?

He might. He's pretty protective. And a total hick.


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No, I checked her thread and it's foot related.  I can't help her there other than to say get an x-ray.  I'm the nitwit who broke the same toe twice in the same day clobbering it on the same chair leg (chair still was sitting in the same wrong location, too)....

No. I keep salivating.


And a four

This is lazy singing.


Um, no. Those of us with importance are too important to go back and draw attention to our importantness.



Every time I laugh, dd15 says, "Ignore thread?"

So does my husband.


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OK, so, me again. Our smoke alarm started going off at 4:45 and wouldn't stop. Seeing as by our lease I'm not allowed to touch the thing I called emergency maintenance. I knew he was sleeping and I could live with the beeping, but the kids couldn't. So he walks in at almost 5, unhooks it, leaves, and says he'll be beck in a few hours.  :lol:

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You are finally beginning to understand the importance of listening to the Matriarch.  Now get busy.


OMG - I have to catch up on the new stuff first.  You gals were busy last night.


And I have, like, a job and stuff. (Not nearly as important, I know...)

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500?  I don't do numbers very well.  I try to ignore them.  It makes teaching math difficult.  


But you can do much of the math by ignoring the numbers and going on pure reasoning.  Still, if you want to drop your total points down to 500 we can accommodate....


*Simon McGree grinning and rubbing his hands icon here*

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Hey, Tex!


Is all well in your corner of Texas?  I just saw on the news that there were more tornadoes.  Hopefully, not in your corner of the state. :sad:


Exactly what I was coming to the thread to post this morning.  Have you been blown to Kansas?

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I actually prefer


Look for those - bear necessities

Those simple bear necessities

Forget about your worries and your strife.


I mean those, bear necessities

Of mother nature's recipes 

that bring those bear necessities to life.



Wherever I wander

Wherever I roam

I couldn't be fonder

Of my great home.


The bees are buzzing in the trees

To make some honey just for me.

Look under the rocks and plants

And take a glance at the fancy ants.

And maybe have a few....


The bear necessities of life will come to you...


Yes, I spelled bare as bear because a bear was singing it. And yes, I pathetically remember the words even years after seeing the movie.


I know a few more people who could still sing this, too, including me!  DH used to collect every Disney animated film, and my sister-of-my-heart used to have EVERY Disney song on 45 RPM records.  She even quite literally ran into Danny Kaye once at Disneyland (she was 6 or 7 at the time and collided hard enough to knock herself down).  She said he was a VERY nice man!


I posted a bit of King Louie's song because the picture that spawned that threadlet was of a foot that looked like his.

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I'm still learning. I don't want to steer you wrong. There seems to be a lot of rules for such a seemingly simple word.


*sigh*  Well, okay.  But once you have any of it clear you are to come here to tell us.

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No. You cheat. Brat.


It's not cheating to post and post and post when others could be expected to be there but aren't responding.  There is a lot of Booyahing going on when I'm not on the thread, so I'll Booyah when I can when I AM here.


Besides, it's in the interest of thread health.  Getting to new pages increases thread morale and helps keep the thread visible on the New Content page.  People are wandering in when they see how many pages we have!  


Also, it helps to keep some of the thread participants on the Top Posters of the Day list, which also gets people wondering.   :D


So, as you can see, I am doing all of this in the interest of our little community here.   :Angel_anim:

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Really??? None?

Us either. It is lovely. Every time we found a snake when the boys were little, I could say, "Go pick it up" lol. I suppose it could have bitten them, but they never did. They were harmless little garters. In fact, one time, I impressed the entire neighborhood full of boys because they found a snake and I walked right up to it and grabbed it by the tail. They thought I was pretty cool. :-)

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Every time I laugh, dd15 says, "Ignore thread?"


Same with DH when he hears me.  Sometimes I'm laughing loud enough he can hear me over his headphones.  Then he has to pause what he's listening to in order to find out what is so funny.


So in reality he's kinda sucked in, too!

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No. I keep salivating.


This is lazy singing.




So does my husband.



Responding to multi-quoted posts are a little difficult for me, but I have to ask:


Why are you salivating over my having broken my toe?  OMG, Slashie is a zombie as well as a vampire!


And that wasn't singing.  That was counting the beat.  Backwards, because it was a count down.  I know about counting beats because my Grandpa was a musician with a traveling orchestra back in the day.

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OK, so, me again. Our smoke alarm started going off at 4:45 and wouldn't stop. Seeing as by our lease I'm not allowed to touch the thing I called emergency maintenance. I knew he was sleeping and I could live with the beeping, but the kids couldn't. So he walks in at almost 5, unhooks it, leaves, and says he'll be beck in a few hours.  :lol:


:ohmy:   But he left your family undefended against further smoke incursions!  

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(Tentatively sticking a toe into this thread. 110 pages long and this is my first time in it. Tiptoeing back out again to try to figure out what we are all supposed to be ignoring, but obviously no one is...)


We got another one, and she thinks there's an internal coherency to the thread!


Ehem.  Welcome, Ewe Mama!  You will find everything you need to know if you simply read from the beginning.  Be sure to read the whole thread, now!  There will be a quiz when you are all caught up.



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Us either. It is lovely. Every time we found a snake when the boys were little, I could say, "Go pick it up" lol. I suppose it could have bitten them, but they never did. They were harmless little garters. In fact, one time, I impressed the entire neighborhood full of boys because they found a snake and I walked right up to it and grabbed it by the tail. They thought I was pretty cool. :-)


Hooray, someone else is on with me at this time of the morning!


And they were impressed because you were really bad a$$.  Coolest Mom in town!  Which gives her boys some serious street cred.

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Okay, confession time:  I am getting obsessed about new pages.  Not so much for the Booyahs, but because I find it easier to come back to catch back up if I leave the thread at the start of a new page.  Trying to leave the thread mid-page makes my skin itch.  So, more post padding until we get to another page, and then I have to fix breakfast and convince my kids that today really should include some of the remaining school work.

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Same with DH when he hears me. Sometimes I'm laughing loud enough he can hear me over his headphones. Then he has to pause what he's listening to in order to find out what is so funny.


So in reality he's kinda sucked in, too!

Me too. You all have me laughing out loud multiple times a day. It's very healthyðŸ˜

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After all I was good already this morning.  I took out the trash and recycling, including fishing the recyclable items out of the trash (DH sometimes puts them there when he is busy and doesn't have a recycle bin next to him).

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Since 3pm




DD10 gets her motor-mouth honestly.  Now, if I can just get her to write it all down....


ETA: this Booyah is dedicated to ProfessorMom for helping get us to a new page quickly!  Time for breakfast!  Read ya all later!

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