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I have these devil's food cream filed things in the cupboard Matt picked up for me the other day. the chocolate is too thick for me right now, but I'm perioding in a week so they will be loved.


Sounds wonderful!  And he was so smart to get them for you.


I was going to say something else, too, but it has flown right out of my head.

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I can chew with one side. I had pizza for dinner.


Hooray for rapid recovery!  Exercising that jaw with pizza will help speed things along.


See?  Pizza can be good for you.  Especially with LOTS of veggies!

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For me chocolate = acne.  I've only discovered this this past year.  Took me 38 years to put 2 and 2 together.   I've cheated a few times in the last few months and the next day I wake up to a zit fest on my face and back. 


It's depressing.  Which makes me want chocolate.



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Hooray for rapid recovery! Exercising that jaw with pizza will help speed things along.


See? Pizza can be good for you. Especially with LOTS of veggies!

I actually have a fantastic diet. I've lost about 100 pounds these last few years. We are huge on veggies, fruits, lean protein, good gays HA! That was supposed to say fats. Anyway. We have pizza on occasion. We are a carb loving and dishes hating family.

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For me chocolate = acne. I've only discovered this this past year. Took me 38 years to put 2 and 2 together. I've cheated a few times in the last few months and the next day I wake up to a zit fest on my face and back.


It's depressing. Which makes me want chocolate.

Lo siento. Yo tambien.

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For me chocolate = acne.  I've only discovered this this past year.  Took me 38 years to put 2 and 2 together.   I've cheated a few times in the last few months and the next day I wake up to a zit fest on my face and back. 


It's depressing.  Which makes me want chocolate.


I liked your post in sympathy, not because I like imagining you with a bunch of zits.  Truly!

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I actually have a fantastic diet. I've lost about 100 pounds these last few years. We are huge on veggies, fruits, lean protein, good gays HA! That was supposed to say fats. Anyway. We have pizza on occasion. We are a carb loving and dishes hating family.


Sounds like a good diet to me, for the most part!  Just not the gays.  I draw the line at eating any people.  Studied cannibalism in college, but decided I wasn't quite ready to try it for myself.  I'll take anthropology only so far.

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Sounds like a good diet to me, for the most part! Just not the gays. I draw the line at eating any people. Studied cannibalism in college, but decided I wasn't quite ready to try it for myself. I'll take anthropology only so far.

Did you really? I think that would be interesting, but I'd probably just cry every time I opened my book.

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Did you really? I think that would be interesting, but I'd probably just cry every time I opened my book.


Yes, it came up in a few different courses, including Food & Culture, believe it or not.

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I'm sorry. Me too.



Hey a Duolingo account. Learn things.


I keep trying, but I'm not good at learning languages.  I keep getting them mixed up with German....

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Life has been eventful and dramatic.  

Dad goes back to specialist June 24, then surgery will be scheduled to remove eye. :(  He is not doing well.  His shoulder is getting better, but he has no appetite, nauseous, and diarrhea after eating....He is losing weight. At first I was thinking it was because of medication from the dislocation and eye pressure reduction. But now I don't know. How has been off the eye pressure medicine for a week now and is just using drops. If he is not better next week, we will be going back to the doctor.


I had to go to a school board meeting and tell off the superintendent. Not because of my children, but because they were trying to force my sister in law into early retirement.  Long story. But is working out well I think.


Older dd tore her toenail off last week. Little ds got scratched on the forehead by the cat defending itself from the dog that has decided to stay here. Little dd was running in flip-flops and now has road rash on her right foot.


And........Older ds was involved in a flash explosion.  Only first degree burns on his right arm and leg, and a couple of second degree burns about the size of a half dollar. His hair was singed (sp) everywhere. Eye lashes and brows, arms, legs, head.  It could have been so much worse. Thank the Lord that it wasn't.


I am glad everyone is still here, and the thread is still going strong. :)


Oh my.  



So sorry to hear about your Dad's ongoing struggles.  And everything else as well.   :sad:   


Hugs and prayers.  I'd brew you a cup of tea if I could.  

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Y'all are Nazis.


Nu'uh!  My immigrant nun German teacher from high school would have whupped any of that right out of us!  I learned from CATHOLICS.  That Hitler dude didn't like Catholics.

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Life has been eventful and dramatic.

Dad goes back to specialist June 24, then surgery will be scheduled to remove eye. :( He is not doing well. His shoulder is getting better, but he has no appetite, nauseous, and diarrhea after eating....He is losing weight. At first I was thinking it was because of medication from the dislocation and eye pressure reduction. But now I don't know. How has been off the eye pressure medicine for a week now and is just using drops. If he is not better next week, we will be going back to the doctor.


I had to go to a school board meeting and tell off the superintendent. Not because of my children, but because they were trying to force my sister in law into early retirement. Long story. But is working out well I think.


Older dd tore her toenail off last week. Little ds got scratched on the forehead by the cat defending itself from the dog that has decided to stay here. Little dd was running in flip-flops and now has road rash on her right foot.


And........Older ds was involved in a flash explosion. Only first degree burns on his right arm and leg, and a couple of second degree burns about the size of a half dollar. His hair was singed (sp) everywhere. Eye lashes and brows, arms, legs, head. It could have been so much worse. Thank the Lord that it wasn't.


I am glad everyone is still here, and the thread is still going strong. :)

I just read this. Sorry. I'm sorry this mess has fallen on you. I hope it's cleaned up soon.

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*sigh*  Must go to bed now.  A hard day's paddling on the morrow, though we have to try to squeeze it in before it starts to rain again.  Might not have time for the picnic lunch floating on the lake.

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Sounds like a good diet to me, for the most part!  Just not the gays.  I draw the line at eating any people.  Studied cannibalism in college, but decided I wasn't quite ready to try it for myself.  I'll take anthropology only so far.


Umm, I think we discussed cannibalism upthread and I declared it to be bad. :toetap05: Do we need to work on our note-taking skills?

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Life has been eventful and dramatic.  

Dad goes back to specialist June 24, then surgery will be scheduled to remove eye. :(  He is not doing well.  His shoulder is getting better, but he has no appetite, nauseous, and diarrhea after eating....He is losing weight. At first I was thinking it was because of medication from the dislocation and eye pressure reduction. But now I don't know. How has been off the eye pressure medicine for a week now and is just using drops. If he is not better next week, we will be going back to the doctor.


I had to go to a school board meeting and tell off the superintendent. Not because of my children, but because they were trying to force my sister in law into early retirement.  Long story. But is working out well I think.


Older dd tore her toenail off last week. Little ds got scratched on the forehead by the cat defending itself from the dog that has decided to stay here. Little dd was running in flip-flops and now has road rash on her right foot.


And........Older ds was involved in a flash explosion.  Only first degree burns on his right arm and leg, and a couple of second degree burns about the size of a half dollar. His hair was singed (sp) everywhere. Eye lashes and brows, arms, legs, head.  It could have been so much worse. Thank the Lord that it wasn't.


I am glad everyone is still here, and the thread is still going strong. :)


I'm sorry that things have been so awful.  Why does trouble have to come in spurts?


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:



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When I dream the emotion carries over when I wake up. Does that happen to you? I knew I wasn't pregnant with a kitten, but I was humiliated when I woke up for like 5 minutes.




And every single time, when I go to bed again that next night, it all comes flooding back, even though I've completely forgotten about it during the day.  But only that very next night.  After that it's completely forgotten forever.  


ETA:  I'm not sure that makes a lick of sense the way I wrote it, but hey, you're drugged.  It doesn't have to. 

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Shut up. No. I'm getting a good one.


Keep it up, Slash, and I'll tell Queen Ellie that you're using the "S" word again.


You're gonna be in truuuu-bullll.  But she'll probably forgive you.


Cuz you're a blond, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Cuz you're a blond, yeah, yeah, yeah....


(Sailing away, evil laughter trailing in her wake... :auto:  )

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Man.  I'm whipped.  It's Weekly Great Pizza And Bad Movie Night, so now The Catch-Up, The Catch-Up.  


Ignoring you all is getting to be a tad stressful.  



Do not, I repeat, DO NOT aim for page 100 tonight.  I'm too tired and it's getting late.  I don't even intend to aim for Booyah; but somehow missing the event just doesn't seem right.  Tomorrow, say 10am EDT?  That works for me.  


ETA:  I Booyahed and didn't even know it.  What's the point in that??

Edited by Lotsoflittleducklings
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