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I know if I listed everything you would have had it right off the bat, but until I read the description I never would have guessed it was all related. I mean who feels pain a split second too late?


I suspect this is not as unusual as one might think.  After all, it's hard to know that you do until and unless you think to compare yourself to others, and you can only do that if you have some notion of how fast others feel it.


I have noticed from time to time that some injury didn't hurt for the first moment or two, but I chalked the delay up to temporary shock to the injury sight.  I never thought to pay attention to how frequently it occurs, though I am quite used to waiting a moment before judging the extent of an injury because of the delay.  I'll have to pay attention now to see if it happens most or all of the time for me, or just sometimes.

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I don't know.  That's hard to diagnose over the internet.  However, SPD has a strong connection to ASD.


Females with ASD present differently than males.  You have a complicated history which makes it really hard to tease it all out.  If someone asks you, you can say you are a "complicated order", ala Bon Qui Qui.   Cuz that sounds really cool and mysterious.   :coolgleamA:  


What's a Bon Qui Qui?

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Bon Qui Qui:




Nevermind.  I found it.  I'll have to wait until tomorrow to watch it -- I'm on after bedtime and don't want to wake the natives.

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Mommies get at least one cookie per child. So you get 5, Quackers. Since I only have two kids, I double the amount. :D


Oreos are small, so doubling is only right.


And eating 3/4 of a Trader Joe's Tiramisu because it was "defrosting" all over my fridge carries no caloric consequences on Mother's Day.

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 Reading it between meetings at work.  Cut me some slack.


Add up the points you get as you go through the thread and report on your total when you are through.  Triple your points if you give lots of hugs.  Quadruple your points for making us snort our beverage-of-the-moment out of our noses.



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So I guess now is not the time to mention I'm in the QA department.  Maybe your QA team is actually reading Hive posts instead of editing.  LOL


DH says obviously they are not or they would be better at grammar and punctuation, thankyouverymuch.  :closedeyes:

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People are ignoring this thread. That's not ok.


On Friday I took the kids to a park 35 minutes away to meet some new people.  Unfortunately, due to the recent rains and LUSH vegetation in said park the mosquitoes were a nightmare.  We took refuge in our car after checking to see if anyone else had shown up yet (nope).  When 2 other vehicles arrived we introduced ourselves and said hi, confirmed that we ALL had failed to bring bug repellent, and all headed home pretty quickly.  We'll try again in a couple of weeks, perhaps.


On Saturday we gave up our planned trip paddling on a lake to instead to into Houston to see the Chinese and Samurai exhibits at HMNS.  I'm getting a LOT of milage out of Mother's Day weekend, getting my presents in 3 batches (2 of them early) AND getting everyone to go to the museum on the weekend!  Woohoo!


Today (Sunday, Mother's Day) I let them feed me breakfast in bed (cashews, blueberries, mango lemonade, and some cold chocolate pop tarts) and then we picked up lunch on the way to DH's folks' house to give his mom her presents.  We ate lunch leftovers for supper while the kids and I watched junky TV shows on Netflix.


DH just pointed out that it's almost 11 PM here, so I guess I need to stop trying to catch up and go to bed.  I'll try to not ignore the thread more tomorrow.

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Dude, I was 42 in that picture.


*signsongy*  I'm older than you are!


correction:  "singsongy".  I'm on the laptop.  I don't get to blame voice-to-text or autocorrect, darn it!


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And I'm sorry you're not hot anymore. :(


I'm not.  Summers here are hot enough; I don't need to be hot on top of it.  Instead I revel in being COOOOOL....


I'm going to assume texasmama is like me, and too cool to worry about being hot.

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Hey! You promised a driving story tonight!  I suffered through a really lousy Liam Neeson flick.  Don't disappoint.  


(No pressure or anything though)


(But don't disappoint; you got til Monday, kid)


Which film?

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Everyone wants me to drive! I'm so tired of it! They think I'm being lazy or something.


But you have a witness now who should be able to back you up when you refuse.  Just refer them all to her!


That story was well worth delaying going to bed.  I really should go to sleep, now, but I'll be giggling over that as I do.  I bet those pedestrians thought twice about jaywalking for quite a long time afterward!

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Do you have an overactive imagination, too, and the ability to fixate on something to the distraction of all else for hours on end occasionally?  Just asking because you really do sound like me so far.


Ummmm... not sure about the overactive imagination (though it's possible I just use my super-compartmentalizing skill to block it out, lol.)  But I can fixate on something and block out other things for a nice period of time. 


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DH says obviously they are not or they would be better at grammar and punctuation, thankyouverymuch.  :closedeyes:


What I hate here is when I edit their grammar, AND THEY CHANGE IT BACK! 


Or when I write an email and they ask me the definition of a word I used.  You are sitting at your desk reading the email, people, and it's connected to the internet.  Google it your damned self.

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Do you have an overactive imagination, too, and the ability to fixate on something to the distraction of all else for hours on end occasionally?  Just asking because you really do sound like me so far.



Ummmm... not sure about the overactive imagination (though it's possible I just use my super-compartmentalizing skill to block it out, lol.)  But I can fixate on something and block out other things for a nice period of time. 




Ummm...I'm thinking that this quality should not count for anything.  It's merely a symptom of parenthood.  Although, I suppose if we want to get all technical and give it a label, we could call it a coping strategy.  ;)

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I have to do mine by hand.


This post, coming right after more posts about licking, left a strange image in my head.  Think Red Dwarf's Cat doing his laundry....

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It's okay. It's kinda therapeutic. When I feel like doing it.


Oops.  All this talk of laundry failed, until just now, to remind me that my washer just finished and I need to move loads if I'm going to have clean sheets tonight.



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Oh. My. Gosh.


LADIES!!!! Didjahear???


TEX has been SEXTING.






(But don't tell anyone, 'k?)



Everyone here is twelve years old.


Let's ask ourselves this:  How exactly is one suppose to sext with KITTENS???


I was right, BTW.  Two boys and a girl.  :D

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Hey, I think I know you.  Isn't your name Ma Ingalls?


Ma's NAME was Caroline.


I was just looking at the dishes (both clean in the dishwasher and dirty piled next to the sink) and sighing about how the kids told me I should do no work on Mother's Day.  Just now, after moving loads of laundry, DD10 surprised me ("Surprise!") -- she's unloading the dishwasher and putting dishes away!  She ran out of school work to do and is waiting for DD13 and I to be ready to start the class day.


*sniff*  I'm so proud.... 

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Thanks. The 10 year old we had as a pup. I was waiting in the chiro's office when a lady asked me how I was and I burst out crying.



:grouphug: :grouphug:

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<going to the mat over age now>


How old are you now?  I am 48 currently because that was a few years back.  You do not just get handed these titles - you must earn them and prove yourself.


Umm, no.  I am The Hottest F** A** Stick Person on the Planet.


Because I say so.


So there.  :001_tt2:

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I have fallen behind on this thread, but I have to relate my extremely interesting dream for which I do NOT need Freud for interpretation.


I dreamed that dh's sister had a baby but she did not want it.  She gave it to me.  Her mother (MIL) was going to raise it and moved to a new house to do so.  However, I was the one holding the baby, and as time went on and the night passed and the next day came, I realized that the baby needed to eat. I thought about nursing the baby but realized that my milk had dried up a long time ago.  I told MIL I needed to call SIL and ask what formula I should give the baby.  MIL then was all mysterious and indicated that SIL had taken care of everything and that "Cousin Cynthia" would be calling soon.  Evidently, Cousin Cynthia would adopt the baby and SIL had the baby so Cousin Cynthia could have it.  Then dh came in and announced that the baby's name would be "Jacob Mule".  I told him that we could not name the baby Mule.  In the end, what I realized was that Cousin Cynthia never called, MIL didn't take the baby, SIL had gotten the heck out of Dodge and I was left holding the little thing.  He was a sweet and perfect little baby, and he didn't even cry.  I knew I would need to raise him.  So I decided to do so.


The baby is Nan.  She is stubborn like a mule.  She tried to insist on staying in the van in the driveway yesterday when we came back from Sonic rather than getting out and coming into the house.  I had to do fancy talking to get her to agree to come in.  Also, everyone else has dropped the "baby", and I am left holding the bag.  She is not too much trouble, though.   :)


Also, MORE TORNADOES AND HUGE HAIL HERE. UGH.  Go away, spring.  You suck.  (I said "suck".)


I will try like crazy to extend my anti-tornadic influence over you-all up there.


I hope Jacob Mule is doing fine.


More hugs!  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


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Everyone here is twelve years old.


Let's ask ourselves this:  How exactly is one suppose to sext with KITTENS???


I was right, BTW.  Two boys and a girl.   :D


Oh. My. Gosh.


LADIES!!!!  Didjahear what TEX is doing with KITTENS???






Things are WILD down in Texas.


(But don't tell anyone, 'k?)



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And here I was thinking that maybe there was an adoption on the horizon.  But maybe that should be Quackers.  Working all day on a beautiful Saturday is not conducive to clear thinking.


*SIGH*  And with this post I have reached my like quota for the day.  The day just started!  It's not fair!  I haven't caught up in the thread yet!  waaaaaaaa....

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I will try like crazy to extend my anti-tornadic influence over you-all up there.


I hope Jacob Mule is doing fine.


More hugs!  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Thank you!  Jacob Mule was up bright and early at 7:30 am.  What the heck?  I think it was a bathroom call.  She looked at the mirror in the bathroom and asked what was the problem with her forehead.  She was noticing the wrinkles.  I think she believes she is about 20 years old.  I tried to reassure her.  


She gave the caregiver mild crap last night.  When the caregiver adjusted her pillow, Nan said to me, "See how she does me???" accusingly.  So then I told her the caregiver was just trying to help her.  She said, "But you are always so good."  I have no idea who she thinks I am, but she knows my face and recognizes my voice and is reassured by me.  I told dh I think I am as close to a mother as Nan gets at this stage of her life.

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In other news, 15yo dd told me this morning that she doesn't do "school" well. She'd rather just homeschool. It helps that a friend of hers that she's known a while through dance lasted even less in this performing arts school before returning to homeschooling and community college. Neither of us knew she had homeschooled before.


Aargh to this, too. 


*sigh*  I guess I should go teach my children now.  It looks like I'll have to wait until this evening before I get any likes back.  *grumblegrumblegrumble*

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And stop saying you're old. You are not that old.


It's not the years; it's the mileage.


To quote one of the all-time best movies ever!


Okay, okay.  I'll go teach now, starting with where some of the dishes go....

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Dude. I was a little busy trying to plan a duck and cover routine for my family of six, Nan, and the caregiver. Plus two cats, three kittens, a large dog, a mean parrot, a hamster, and a pepper plant named Bob. Don't ask.


Arghety argh argh argh!

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