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I donnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn't wannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnna do schoooooooooooooooooooool todaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. And neither do my kids. Life is so unfaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir.


Just saying.


So don't. Take a mental health day and go outside to enjoy the sun (if you have any). Take a book outside just in case you have the opportunity to read aloud. Everything else happening is impromptu science. Then report back to this thread with what you did today, and I'll slap some CCSS standards to it so you know you actually did school.



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:smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:


This is how I started my morning; Thanks, ladies!


Boy, did I miss some fun last night.  In case anyone is interested, I have moved to the point in life where insomnia is part of the package.  You know, when the old people start every conversation with, "So, how did you sleep last night?"  It's sad, really.


I, likewise, have no friends.  Let's face it, being a stick figure with a large posterior is rather, ..., unusual. And a bit isolating.  But I find strength in my isolation. (Insert wise lama-ish icon here-RENAI!!!)


I am the headmistress at Rivendell Academy.  Guess who named it?  (That would be the short person who has read LotR about elventy billion times.  Not "the books," because "It's ONE BOOK, in [insert number that I always forget] parts!  I can't believe that  people say that there's three books.  Jeez!" Me: turn away and :001_rolleyes: )


Nana is here from out of state, so school is minimal and is mostly done (or not) at Nana's house.  I am still living in squalor. House cleaning is not fun. And I do not like it.  I would much prefer to clean the barn.  When the short person grows up and leaves me, I am moving outside with my ponies.


Finally, I am deeply ashamed that I was unaware of Slash's thread.

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:smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:


This is how I started my morning; Thanks, ladies!


Boy, did I miss some fun last night.  In case anyone is interested, I have moved to the point in life where insomnia is part of the package.  You know, when the old people start every conversation with, "So, how did you sleep last night?"  It's sad, really.


I, likewise, have no friends.  Let's face it, being a stick figure with a large posterior is rather, ..., unusual. And a bit isolating.  But I find strength in my isolation. (Insert wise lama-ish icon here-RENAI!!!)



Didn't you see I became your friend already? I think I friended just about everyone in this thread. Except the person who started it, because she didn't stick around. :D

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I got my coffee, AND we sang the Timeline Song three times en route.  Plus the Presidents Song.  Plus math to divide up the 25-count munchkins in a way that was fair to everybody and included extra chocolates for me.  (Yes, munchkins.  I know.  Awful.  But we have no eggs unless I steal from my neighbors coop, and I am NOT going to grocery store because I hate the grocery store, and everyone's tired of oatmeal, and no one even had shoes on in the van anyway so drive-thru options were the only options.  And munchkins are yummy.)


So we did school, right??

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Click name to go to Profile. Click Add Me as Friend.


Yay! New skill!


I didn't have to add you, though.  I guess since you added me, I automatically added you. Ha! Forced mutual friendships; I love it!  Now I have to go through the thread and add everyone.  *Evil Laughter* Your reputations will NEVER recover!

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I got my coffee, AND we sang the Timeline Song three times en route.  Plus the Presidents Song.  Plus math to divide up the 25-count munchkins in a way that was fair to everybody and included extra chocolates for me.  (Yes, munchkins.  I know.  Awful.  But we have no eggs unless I steal from my neighbors coop, and I am NOT going to grocery store because I hate the grocery store, and everyone's tired of oatmeal, and no one even had shoes on in the van anyway so drive-thru options were the only options.  And munchkins are yummy.)


So we did school, right??


I think Lynn got it right upthread:  We are "unschooling."  With panache.


P.S. I thought munchkins were short people. Why are you eating short people?  And feeding them to your own?

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I'm an independent contract for an education company. I'm watching livestream, and they announced they changed they're name. Cool.


That's cool.  The company for which I write and edit (also an independent k'or) was sold at the first of the year.  I fear reorganization and redundancy. :sad:

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I think Lynn got it right upthread:  We are "unschooling."  With panache.


P.S. I thought munchkins were short people. Why are you eating short people?  And feeding them to your own?


You are clearly not from New England.


Dunkin Donuts, baby.  Everything unhealthy in one sweet drive-thru package.  Available at every street corner and usually mid-block as well for those too lazy.    (Seriously.  Counted 34 the last time we drove into the city; and that was 34 on OUR side of the street.)

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You are clearly not from New England.


Dunkin Donuts, baby.  Everything unhealthy in one sweet drive-thru package.  Available at every street corner and usually mid-block as well for those too lazy.    (Seriously.  Counted 34 the last time we drove into the city; and that was 34 on OUR side of the street.)


Oooooooo...Doughnuts...Me LIKE doughnuts.


(Sadly, me blood sugar no like doughnuts.  Have a few extra for me, will you?  It would be the kind thing to do.  And selfless.  Really, really selfless. ;) )

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Amazing ability alert:  It is shocking how incredibly adept I am at turning an opportunity to accomplish many tasks into a "fart around on the internet" experience.  Truly, I amaze myself.  If I continue to farm the short person out to Nana, I may get nothing done all week.

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:smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:


This is how I started my morning; Thanks, ladies!


Boy, did I miss some fun last night.  In case anyone is interested, I have moved to the point in life where insomnia is part of the package.  You know, when the old people start every conversation with, "So, how did you sleep last night?"  It's sad, really.


I, likewise, have no friends.  Let's face it, being a stick figure with a large posterior is rather, ..., unusual. And a bit isolating.  But I find strength in my isolation. (Insert wise lama-ish icon here-RENAI!!!)


I am the headmistress at Rivendell Academy.  Guess who named it?  (That would be the short person who has read LotR about elventy billion times.  Not "the books," because "It's ONE BOOK, in [insert number that I always forget] parts!  I can't believe that  people say that there's three books.  Jeez!" Me: turn away and :001_rolleyes: )


Nana is here from out of state, so school is minimal and is mostly done (or not) at Nana's house.  I am still living in squalor. House cleaning is not fun. And I do not like it.  I would much prefer to clean the barn.  When the short person grows up and leaves me, I am moving outside with my ponies.


Finally, I am deeply ashamed that I was unaware of Slash's thread.


[6 parts] [says the tall person who has read LotR about a gazillion billion times.]


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Your strength, it makes me weep.





It was Yum And So Worth It.  Now to wash that down with a second cup of coffee.  And THEN I will be able to tackle LA with ds, and maybe pull some weeds, and possibly even cart some mulch and wash some laundry.  


You with me, JoJosMom??  Ready…….GO!

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What's up with this?? You didn't think that my "or something" adequately addressed the topic?


(Flipping hair and storming off in a huff.)


Yeah, I got all officious on you. Be glad I didn't start quoting sections of the Act & Regulations at you. But get huffy again & I might have to send you for the longer interview in the back. :glare:  


I used to have power!  Fun fact - border people have more powers than police because they can search & seize & detain without a warrant.





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I donnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn't wannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnna do schoooooooooooooooooooool todaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. And neither do my kids. Life is so unfaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir.


Just saying.

Stop whining. We spank for that around here.


Ya know...many of you don't have a lot of friends. This board started the friend thing before fb became popular. Just so you all know.

I have no idea why I have friends here. People keep sending me friend requests and I don't understand why. The funny thing is that I like my friends here better than the ones I had on Facebook.

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It was Yum And So Worth It.  Now to wash that down with a second cup of coffee.  And THEN I will be able to tackle LA with ds, and maybe pull some weeds, and possibly even cart some mulch and wash some laundry.  


You with me, JoJosMom??  Ready…….GO!


I obeyed.


The horses are fed and happy and many weeds have been slain.


I have failed at my goal of accomplishing nothing all week.



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