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I'm sorry for the damage. I'm glad everyone's alright.




I'm sorry.


That's horrid.





I'm KonMari-ing(?) our closets today. Wish me luck.


Lots of the best kind of luck to you!

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They must have been desperate for a toilet!


That sounds very scary.  I've had a number of near misses with tornadoes, but no direct hits.  One was during my cousin's baby shower -- lots of comments afterwards about what kind of a "shower" it could have been.  What with the numerous near misses and the fact the only two hurricanes to hit my area came when I was out of state away from family I have been told I'm only allowed to travel if I take family with me.  I seem to repel vortexes just a bit, though they fascinate me.


Another odd fact about me:  I can't wear battery-operated wrist watches.  They stop working once I wear them for an hour or so, and then they work fine again after I take them off and leave them alone.  This happened with so many different brands and qualities of watches I finally took to buying really cheap ones and putting them on my belt loop.  That seemed to work fine.  Now I use my phone as a timepiece, and I simply don't wear jewelry.


I always wondered if the watch thing and the tornado thing were related....


Okay, that's kinda creepy. Not bad creepy, more like cool creepy.  But still creepy.


(Sometimes I think I spend way too much time with a twelve year old.)

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I am finished. Things are much nicer. 4 trips to the dumpster, one trunk load for goodwill and 2 very neat closets. We found a picture of Pooh's birthday party from when Matt was young and hung it in the kid's room. Machel's happy... for now. A conversation between my husband and son:


"When will you be finished?"

"I think Mama will be finished when we have no more material possessions."




I didn't know he was on to me. :leaving:

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I am finished. Things are much nicer. 4 trips to the dumpster, one trunk load for goodwill and 2 very neat closets. We found a picture of Pooh's birthday party from when Matt was young and hung it in the kid's room. Machel's happy... for now. A conversation between my husband and son:


"When will you be finished?"

"I think Mama will be finished when we have no more material possessions."




I didn't know he was on to me. :leaving:

I need to borrrow you. The minimalism is attractive.


For good news today:


It is now sunny and warm outside.


4yo can now drink dairy milk. It is Lactaid, doesn't taste like crap, and there are no ill affects. After realizing that Feingold says no almonds - the milk of which she has drunk since 12 months due to dairy issues - it's taken about a month to find a milk she'd drink. Coconut milk as a stand alone, and cashew for cereal worked only okay. So dairy, here we come! She's so happy.


Um, I think that's it. For now.

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I am finished. Things are much nicer. 4 trips to the dumpster, one trunk load for goodwill and 2 very neat closets. We found a picture of Pooh's birthday party from when Matt was young and hung it in the kid's room. Machel's happy... for now. A conversation between my husband and son:


"When will you be finished?"

"I think Mama will be finished when we have no more material possessions."




I didn't know he was on to me. :leaving:


And such a wonderful vocabulary, too, at that age!  I love it!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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I could use a few less material possessions.


It is raining here again, you know, because it has been ten minutes since the last rain!


On our morning weather report we were told the storm cell that woke us wouldn't bee all of the rain we get today -- there would be more in the afternoon or evening.  Our meteorologist also warned us that today the sunnier it gets the worse the later storms will be, and concluded ominously with "If you see blue sky today keep watching."  It was overcast but not raining all morning, but we saw some blue sky about 1 PM and now it's bright and sun-shiny everywhere.  The sky is almost cloudless.  I'm wondering how late it's going to hit us, and how bad it's going to be....


I never expected to be scared of a sunny day when the temps don't get above 90 degrees!  :sad:

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Hmm, supper is going to be interesting.  We are going to have a pot roast that has been cooking for more than 24 hours.  It wasn't anywhere near ready for supper yesterday, so I let it cook the whole night through and then, after pulling out the potatoes and carrots, left the meat cooking on low (crock pot) all day, too.  I only just remembered to put the carrots and potatoes back in, though, so I might have to do some rewarming in the microwave if they don't heat quickly enough.  Our fridge runs rather cold, so I don't know how long they will take to warm up.


At DH's insistence I put in more fluid that I thought was necessary.  The meat is falling apart so readily I couldn't pick it up with tongs.  By the time we are done serving up the plates it might be more like soup, which is what my leftover pot roast tends to be made into anyway.  I think I'd better serve it in bowls today. 


I need to find Mom's recipe, too.  The flavoring on this one just isn't quite right (though part of that is I used a roast I had DH first grill the day before yesterday, and it had A1 slathered on it for the grilling).

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Hmm, supper is going to be interesting.  We are going to have a pot roast that has been cooking for more than 24 hours.  It wasn't anywhere near ready for supper yesterday, so I let it cook the whole night through and then, after pulling out the potatoes and carrots, left the meat cooking on low (crock pot) all day, too.  I only just remembered to put the carrots and potatoes back in, though, so I might have to do some rewarming in the microwave if they don't heat quickly enough.  Our fridge runs rather cold, so I don't know how long they will take to warm up.


At DH's insistence I put in more fluid that I thought was necessary.  The meat is falling apart so readily I couldn't pick it up with tongs.  By the time we are done serving up the plates it might be more like soup, which is what my leftover pot roast tends to be made into anyway.  I think I'd better serve it in bowls today. 


I need to find Mom's recipe, too.  The flavoring on this one just isn't quite right (though part of that is I used a roast I had DH first grill the day before yesterday, and it had A1 slathered on it for the grilling).

Sounds fabulous.  I would eat that.


I threw some chicken broth in a pan and tossed in some frozen chicken breasts, chopped carrots, garlic and then some noodles.  I shredded the chicken at the end.  Not bad, and everyone will eat it.

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And such a wonderful vocabulary, too, at that age!  I love it!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That was my husband. :smilielol5: My son would have said crud.






Yes, the whole "minimalism" thing brings me much joy. I have a simple, but beautiful and flattering wardrobe, the kids have only a few toys but they are awesome toys, and I spend very little time cleaning. My mother in law is a pack rat and my husband used to be one but we now have 1/3-1/2 of what we did when we got married. Fun story: She commented on how our closets are so neat and empty and then spent $200 to ship us stuff WITHOUT ASKING beforehand because we had the room to store it. She told me a few days beforehand and I was livid. She said that she didn't want to ask me because she was afraid I would say no even though it was better for us to store it than her. The day the packages came I told the mail man that we refused the packages and please sent them home. Yeah, I'm that unpleasant. I think there's a word for people like me, but I just didn't care. Don't send me your crap.

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That was my husband. :smilielol5: My son would have said crud.






Yes, the whole "minimalism" thing brings me much joy. I have a simple, but beautiful and flattering wardrobe, the kids have only a few toys but they are awesome toys, and I spend very little time cleaning. My mother in law is a pack rat and my husband used to be one but we now have 1/3-1/2 of what we did when we got married. Fun story: She commented on how our closets are so neat and empty and then spent $200 to ship us stuff WITHOUT ASKING beforehand because we had the room to store it. She told me a few days beforehand and I was livid. She said that she didn't want to ask me because she was afraid I would say no even though it was better for us to store it than her. The day the packages came I told the mail man that we refused the packages and please sent them home. Yeah, I'm that unpleasant. I think there's a word for people like me, but I just didn't care. Don't send me your crap.


Oh no she didn't! I can't believe...never mind, I've read enough about people's moms/mils to realize people like this exist. That's just not ok.

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Oh no she didn't! I can't believe...never mind, I've read enough about people's moms/mils to realize people like this exist. That's just not ok.

I can tell you one thing. I am going to be a FABULOUS mother in law. I will never allow my family to be divided like hers has. Everyone has moved at least an hour away. When she has an emergency nobody comes. It's sad. She's struggling to take care of my father in law who is home with cancer and very not well, but nobody will help. We live 2,000 miles away, but those who live close don't answer the phone.


I keep thinking I need to bring my oldest back home and homeschool the rest of high school.

You're a good mom. You will do the right thing.

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I think you should, too.


Of course, I don't know the rest of the story, so...


She likes school...to a point. She just can never really find her place in it. And she's a bully magnet.


---------personal info deleted --------------------------


I broke down and cried once I got home. And I don't easily cry. It was extremely stressful.


I told her just now, I keep  considering whether to should just homeschool the rest of high school. Her answer? "Yeah, I know. Right?"

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She likes school...to a point. She just can never really find her place in it. And she's a bully magnet.


She went missing for 1.5 hours today. She was supposed to have been at the dance studio. she was seen there, then not. Turned out she was with friends because something at school had really upset them. One of the moms caught up with them and bought them food and talked them (I know this mom). I was especially upset that out of all those cell phones (at least 2 of the 4 had phones), no one thought to notify anyone where they were going.


I told the mom and her daughter with my daughter there (we talked once we caught up with them) that I'm a rape survivor. I can imagine all kinds of evil things happening to girls.


I broke down and cried once I got home. And I don't easily cry. It was extremely stressful.


I told her just now, I keep  considering whether to should just homeschool the rest of high school. Her answer? "Yeah, I know. Right?"


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Yeah, I'd keep her home.

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:grouphug:  Texasmama, Openhearted, Renai. 


I was gone all day yesterday.  DS 13 was in Mock Trial yesterday and his side won - both verdict and points.  Woo-hoo!  I'm so proud of them; they did a great job.  And he looked so handsome. 


Today is crazy too - orthodontist, TKD, and then we go three separate directions this evening for things - awards for 13yo's program, college night at 16yo's private school, and basketball game for 9yo. 



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On a different note, I was filing away the bulk of the year's school work and writing up a summary of what we completed for my younger three.  It was sufficient.  It was good.  But it wasn't what I thought it would look like when the year began.  Areas I thought we would shine, became "get 'er done and we'll try something else next year."  A hope of enjoying the pursuit of goodness, truth, and beauty, became a scratching and clawing to get to the end.  I'm not as upset as it may sound.  It's okay.  But it sets me back on my heels a bit as I think about planning next year.

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On a different note, I was filing away the bulk of the year's school work and writing up a summary of what we completed for my younger three.  It was sufficient.  It was good.  But it wasn't what I thought it would look like when the year began.  Areas I thought we would shine, became "get 'er done and we'll try something else next year."  A hope of enjoying the pursuit of goodness, truth, and beauty, became a scratching and clawing to get to the end.  I'm not as upset as it may sound.  It's okay.  But it sets me back on my heels a bit as I think about planning next year.

I understand. (((hugs)))  Having Nan here has simplified things for us, and I am hoping that that translates into school, as well.


Renai, it sounds like dd is willing to consider being at home so since you have buy-in, I would look strongly at it.  



Edited by texasmama
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And let's continue with the hugs.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


My biggest problem at the moment is that sometimes (did I say this earlier??) I don't talk out loud to real people all day long. Pfft! My hat's off to all of you!

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So that is my major plan, and I am pretty pleased with it.  Ds14 is the linchpin in all of it since he has been high in irritability lately.  Need to help him self-regulate.  Ds12 will relax once he has his room back, and little dd will be fine being in older brother's room. Mamas, I am the peacemaker here, and it is a lot lately.  Send me some hugs and prayers, please.



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I am taking Dad to his family doctor today. We are going to see if we can get him some help at home. Maybe an aide to help him clean up and a physical therapist for help with his dislocated shoulder. He can't drive with his eye like it is, so I hope the doctor will write the order for some home healthcare.


Today is homeschool day at the library. It is just spending time with other homeschoolers, and they play board games,etc. The twins always look forward to going, but they have been sick. They don't have fever now just stopped up noses and cough. I don't want to spread germs though. Our children's librarian has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I doubt she would be there, but I sure don't want her to catch their colds. I am not sure what to do. I think I should keep them in. We could only go for about an hour anyway because of dad's Dr. appt.


Renai, hugs and prayers for you too. I am sure you will make the right decision for your dd. I am sure you know already, but bullies are mean.:( I hated everyday of school because of bullies.

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I broke down and cried once I got home. And I don't easily cry. It was extremely stressful.


I told her just now, I keep  considering whether to should just homeschool the rest of high school. Her answer? "Yeah, I know. Right?"


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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 No, I do not HAVE to do this because I, after all, own the entire home.  But having Nan here has rocked all of our worlds, and I want to balance everyone needs on the head of this pin.  Ds14 loves money so it will ease his pain.  



Look. I am a HUGE proponent of my house, my rules. And, having made a professional study of parental failure (juvenile prosecutor), I am also really big on order and respect of authority.  But you are dealing with humans here, and motivation and reward is part of what keeps up moving.  For example, I loved my job, but I don't kid myself; I was there for the paycheck, not the personal satisfaction.  You know what keeps order and peace in your family, so rock on, Mama. And don't you dare feel guilty or like you need to justify your decisions.  Or some stranger on the internet will be all :toetap05: .  So there.



So that is my major plan, and I am pretty pleased with it.  Ds14 is the linchpin in all of it since he has been high in irritability lately.  Need to help him self-regulate.  Ds12 will relax once he has his room back, and little dd will be fine being in older brother's room. Mamas, I am the peacemaker here, and it is a lot lately.  Send me some hugs and prayers, please.


Sounds like a great plan to deal with difficult circumstances. Yay, you.


Oh, and :grouphug:  and ðŸ™.


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Thank you, Jojosmom.  I needed all of that.  :D


Ds12 put together the bottom bunk from the attic (with some help from me).  The large dog crate is moved.  People have been paid.  Science fair projects are moving forward.  We have rocked this day's face off.

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Man you guys are a mess. Hugs and prayers all around. I'm just now getting over all of my issues. Half of my tooth just fell off if that helps.




Dear Slash,


I am very sorry about your tooth, but WHAT ABOUT ME???  Personally, I'm a big fan of the "Dental Alert." :wacko:


:wub: ,

FA Sticky


Yeah, Slash. You're supposed to put it in all caps with stars like this: ****** DENTAL ALERT: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE JOJOSMOM *******


Because as you know, it is ALL about JoJosMom.




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Yeah, Slash. You're supposed to put it in all caps with stars like this: ****** DENTAL ALERT: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE JOJOSMOM *******


Because as you know, it is ALL about JoJosMom.





There. Finally, someone with a firm grasp of the obvious.

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