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So I was motivated by you people so I took the dog for a mile and a half walk and then ate a salad.  But the salad consisted of lettuce fresh from my dad's house, and I realized after the fact that I did not wash it as thoroughly as it could have been so I probably ate some dirt. :huh:  

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I totally get you. A pregnant one would be way cool. We have not witnessed or been anywhere near a cat birth.


When we were up visiting Aunt S's sheep ranch one of her dogs went into heat, so they fetched her son's dog over to "marry" the lucky little lady.  They didn't know how long to keep the two together in the kennel (kennel was necessary to make sure certain other dogs weren't the "daddy"), so I started googling various aspects of dogs mating.  THAT was an education in itself, and I will say there is WAY too much dog porn out there.  I learned far more than I wanted to know, and the few useful facts were rather hard to find.



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So I was motivated by you people so I took the dog for a mile and a half walk and then ate a salad. But the salad consisted of lettuce fresh from my dad's house, and I realized after the fact that I did not wash it as thoroughly as it could have been so I probably ate some dirt. :huh:

The dirt will just provide more minerals and nutrients without calories or fat.

Aha!! A new diet plan.....EAT DIRT AND LOSE IT ALL.â„¢ I trademarked already.... Texasmama we will be rich.:D

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So I was motivated by you people so I took the dog for a mile and a half walk and then ate a salad.  But the salad consisted of lettuce fresh from my dad's house, and I realized after the fact that I did not wash it as thoroughly as it could have been so I probably ate some dirt. :huh:  


GOOD for you-germ theory in action. SCIENCE, baby!

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Slache gets a twofer, too.  


Everyone who wants twins gets them.  This excludes me.  I am post-baby years.

Me: "We're having twins."

DH: "Ignore thread?"


Huh?  "Slash" isn't cool enough?

It would look stupid under Slache. I went back to my old one. I'm not creative enough for such things.


The dirt will just provide more minerals and nutrients without calories or fat.

Aha!! A new diet plan.....EAT DIRT AND LOSE IT ALL.â„¢ I trademarked already.... Texasmama we will be rich. :D

I had a neighbor that craved dirt for years. She would eat dry oatmeal to curb it. It turned out to be an iron deficiency.

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I had twins at 35. You just need a twofer. (Two at once) :D


I've always thought I'd have twins. The last twins that happened in our family was a great great great grandmother. The latest birth that has happened (that I can recall off the top of my head) is 47- my grandmother with my uncle at the same time as my mom pregnant with my middle sister.


So, if twins are to happen, it really should fall to me; preferably before 47. I'm scared of the rare chance of triplets though. After all, I'm only 4'11".

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I've always thought I'd have twins. The last twins that happened in our family was a great great great grandmother. The latest birth that has happened (that I can recall off the top of my head) is 47- my grandmother with my uncle at the same time as my mom pregnant with my middle sister.


So, if twins are to happen, it really should fall to me; preferably before 47. I'm scared of the rare chance of triplets though. After all, I'm only 4'11".

It is very possible then.:) Twins have Never been in my family or DHs. It was very random and shocking at the time. But a beautiful blessing.:)

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So I was motivated by you people so I took the dog for a mile and a half walk and then ate a salad.  But the salad consisted of lettuce fresh from my dad's house, and I realized after the fact that I did not wash it as thoroughly as it could have been so I probably ate some dirt. :huh:  


At least you didn't get critters in it, the way I did at a local restaurant, when I was about halfway finished and an earwig came out from under the crouton...




A friend who was with us was so traumatized she still can't eat any salad greens except romaine hearts...as if earwigs can't get into romaine hearts, but I digress...

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No one has posted since 11:33 last night. People are not taking this thread seriously.


This morning when I fed the critters in my back yard, one of the squirrels came right up to the feeder and began munching while I was still standing there. So cute! I don't mind the squirrels. They haven't damaged any of my plants, and I don't care who eats the food I put out. :-)


This morning Mr. Ellie and I might take a short road trip. Depends on the weather.

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I think they're Quakers; you know, "we're all Friends here."


Um, sort of.  By "Pyrs" we are talking Pyrenees, right?  (mot sure I spelled that right)


Up at DA's (dear aunt's) sheep ranch they have Pyrenees dogs that stay out with the sheep.  The vast majority of them are NOT socialized to humans, and at best are merely tolerant of us.  The dogs are deliberately allowed to be this way, to help protect the sheep, and we have been cautioned not to approach them and to get in a vehicle if one growls.  I think a lot of a dog's attitude is in the training.

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Um, sort of.  By "Pyrs" we are talking Pyrenees, right?  (mot sure I spelled that right)


Up at DA's (dear aunt's) sheep ranch they have Pyrenees dogs that stay out with the sheep.  The vast majority of them are NOT socialized to humans, and at best are merely tolerant of us.  The dogs are deliberately allowed to be this way, to help protect the sheep, and we have been cautioned not to approach them and to get in a vehicle if one growls.  I think a lot of a dog's attitude is in the training.


Good point.  Of the livestock guardian dogs, though, Pyrs tend to be non-aggressive toward humans.  Some other LGD breeds I wouldn't even consider owning because of aggression.  All the LGDs were traditionally bred to do just want you DA's dogs do:  live in the flock exclusively.  Very cool critters.  (Can you tell that I like animals?)

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Um, sort of.  By "Pyrs" we are talking Pyrenees, right?  (mot sure I spelled that right)


Up at DA's (dear aunt's) sheep ranch they have Pyrenees dogs that stay out with the sheep.  The vast majority of them are NOT socialized to humans, and at best are merely tolerant of us.  The dogs are deliberately allowed to be this way, to help protect the sheep, and we have been cautioned not to approach them and to get in a vehicle if one growls.  I think a lot of a dog's attitude is in the training.

You spelled it correctly.  :)


There are basically three ways to train (for lack of a better word) a Pyr.  You can have one as a family pet with no livestock guarding responsibilities.  They are low energy, friendly, protective dogs who have the potential to make great family pets.  You can have one as a livestock guardian and have them bond only with the flock and not with people, which is what your aunt has.  In the Pyrenees Mountains, there are many Pyrs who are livestock guardians and function mostly as wild animals, hunting and killing their own food in the wild while guarding the flock and not coming into contact with people for long stretches of time.  You can have a Pyr who is socialized to the family/people who is also a livestock guardian.  We have friends with some acreage and a large herd of goats (they raise and sell them for meat).  They have three Pyrs to protect the goats who are very good at their job but who are also socialized to people.  We've visited, and the dogs are very friendly.  They feed them dog food.  These dogs will tear up any enclosure that they are confined in.  They need to roam.


I think Pyrs are pretty versatile.  Mine would be happier with a larger area to patrol.  She went nuts cooped up inside after her spay surgery.   She likes to patrol outside and guard us from things like joggers and squirrels.  Ideally, we would fence most of our 4 acres and let her roam freely.  We have only a small area fenced.  Fences are expensive.  I sometimes wonder if she would be happier with my friends' Pyrs at the goat ranch.  We took her in as a stray when she showed up in our yard, so we are doing our best by her, but our situation is not ideal for her needs.


This is a very interesting breed, and I had only encountered them at our friends' goat ranch before Daisy showed up in our yard and refused to leave about a year ago.  :)

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Foster girl Phoebe.  She LOVES little dd.




She looks like my cat!  (She's not -- my cat is here.  But they look more alike than my cat and her litter mates.)


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Ok, so in the interest of culinary amusement, I have included links to:


1) my beautiful (ahem) bundt cake with its infamous fancy pan:



2) How I shamelessly used frosting to distract everyone from noticing that the cake was split in half:



3) And, as an added bonus (and because I am a little proud of how it turned out), the final Easter table. (The lighting is crummy for photos and I didn't have everything out yet, but it is what it is:-):



Sorry they are links, I couldn't get photos to attach, so I just used a public link on my sugarsync account (like Dropbox). You don't have to download anything. Just clicking on the link should pop up a small version of the pic.


Oh, and we had mimosas too. I self-medicated with those. :lol:


Good job!  It all looks wonderful!


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Thanks... I was pretty happy with it:-) it just proves that frosting could change the world, if only we would let it, hee hee.


DD13 here would agree with you!  When the girls were littler the three of us would do justice to one serving of cake and ice cream.  DD13 would eat the frosting, DD10 would eat the ice cream, and I'd eat the leftover cake.

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33 pages?  We've got this, girls.  Piece of cake.  


Bundt cake!


I am consistently amazed at how much farther I have to read to catch up again.  Between the trip, being sick after getting home, and trying to get the housework caught up (from being sick, not being gone on a trip) I can only read for so long before I have to leave off again.  Each time I make progress and go deal with something else I come back and there are just as many new pages as what I had just read!

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I'll trade.....I have a dd5 keeps asking when we are going back to Maryland so she can have snow. I guess she wasn't made for Southern California warm sunny weather all year.


Me, neither.  I'm in the wrong end of Texas.  We (not DH, but the girls and I) were thrilled when we encountered a few flakes and a tiny bit of grapple on our recent trip up north.  I miss snow.  It only snows here every 9 years or so, and the last few times were sleet with a tiny bit of grapple.  Meanwhile Galveston (further south of us) got REAL snow one of those times.  It's not faiiiiiirrrrrrr (*whine*)!!!!!!!  BIL and his family near Dallas get snow, and they don't have to shovel it much!  (That's DH's main complaint.)

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Confession here. Don't tell anyone. Everyone else stop reading. When I work out I will often refer to myself as a BAMF. Not the real words though, just the acronym. Heaven forbid my children learn the term and call me that at church.




Sorry, you wrote too loud.  Couldn't help over-seeing!

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I remember being really thin, and really unhealthy. I'm glad I recognized it as unhealthy though. There were some big girls who could do flips around me, literally. I was inspired by them. Then, I got pregnant at 36. That'll change things! Well, actually, a couple of years prior to that, I distinctly remember hiking one day and felt my ab muscles give up the ghost. It was like, they just decided, "I ain't doin' this no mo'!" Anyway, after baby, I looked at my body (remember, 4'11", almost 9lber) and thinking I was a mess. Then decided I was going to love the skin I was in because I'm mom. I still decided to get healthy though, but in a "I want to be good to myself" way.


So, remember gals, be good to yourselves!


Yes!!  And be careful what you wish for.  When I was younger I was a skinny beanpole who could eat whatever I felt like and not gain weight.  If fact, I had to watch it and make sure I ate well enough when things got busy, because I could get so caught up in studies that I simply forgot.  Losing 5 lbs would have me at my limit and put me in a rather shaky condition.  I used to wish (quietly) to not have that problem, and to better understand why so many gals I knew were obsessed with losing weight that I thought looked healthy.


Then in late 20's/early 30's I got hit with hypothyroidism, and the weight started to PILE on.  I couldn't get rid of it, and now I easily weigh at least half again as much as I did back then.  Trouble is, even after DECADES I still remember the skinny body feel, and am flustered when my extra padding (temporarily tactilely forgotten) gets in the way of old movements I used to pull off.  Part of me wants to get back to my old 120 lbs, but I think I would be amazed to get below 140 lbs again.  I don't think the 120 lbs. would be healthy for my current body.  I am getting started (again) on certain strategies that helped in the past, but my main mantra is to be good to myself.


And it doesn't hurt that DH still tells me I am sexy and desireable, no matter what shape I'm in!

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I would like to point out that I have 0 warning points.


That is all.


:confused1:   Where do we see warning points?  Are we going to start a warning points competition?  It could be dangerous, I warn you....  (There, a warning.  But do you get the point for being warned, or do I get it for doing the warning?)

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TYVM. I hope that Mr. Ellie and I both have this experience. :-)



One must be rude, crude, and socially unattractive.


When I first started posting here, someone I knew from another forum--actually, from a couple of forums, including VS--and whom I had actually met IRL, where she stayed at my home for a weekend and I stayed at hers, had inexplicably begun attacking me, and she badgered me to such an extent that TPTB banned her from this forum (she was banned on the other one, as well, for similar behavior towards several people).


So don't do that.


Also, don't continue to post certain topics when you've been warned not to.


Okay, got it.  So, no fun warning points contest, then, because it wouldn't actually be fun.

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I liked those birth stories.   :)


FYI, this is top secret information.  (SHHHHH...<whispers>....I am starting to think about trying to keep the foster cat once she weans her kittens...she is precious, laid back, and friendly.  This may or may not be a terrible idea.  We have another cat who is particular and has an auto immune condition so Lily would need to accept Phoebe.  Phoebe has claws, and Lily was declawed when she came to us.  We will not declaw a cat, but dh objects to cats claws.  Sigh.  I have a lot of issues here.)


My sister has little claw caps put on her cat's claws, and that seems to do the trick for them.  I don't know what they are like personally (our cat is indoor/outdoor and we have stray dogs roaming our neighborhood, so we leave her claws armed and ready), but maybe that's one solution worth trying?

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Oh dear.  You do feel my pain.  (((hugs)))


True story:  My dad always thinks there is something seriously wrong with him.  It has been Emphysema (lifetime nonsmoker), Diabetes (thin, no family history, very healthy eater), and Congestive Heart Failure (see Diabetes).  I kept arguing with him, and his doctor reassured him, but he kept insisting he has Emphysema because a crazy doctor told him once he had it and put him on meds that made him nuts.  It was bad.  I told him that the next time he said he has Emphysema that he had to pay me $100.  He is a super cheapskate, so he never said it again.   :)


My dad is continually hunting for a doctor that will prescribe Testosterone for him.  He finds it helps wake up his mind (which is going on 83 years of age AND damaged from a head injury in 1992), but he becomes a ROYAL A$$ when he is on it.  He talked one  doctor into it once, but he then kept asking for dosage increases, and started seeing more than one doc to try to get more.  Now no doctor he can find will prescribe it for him because of his past behavior and the fact his blood work tests normal on that count.  (He claims he has always been on the far end of the bell curve and that "normal" for most people is "too low" for him.  I'm not buying it, however, especially seeing how much of a j3rk he can be when he's on it.)

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No one has posted since 11:33 last night. People are not taking this thread seriously.



I was actually on at 6:15am (had a wah shift at 6:30), and was also dismayed at the amount of time had since the last post. I thought I had posted about my dismay, alas, I was focused on waking up so I could work and closed the screen.

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You have got to learn to multiquote sweetie.


But that requires reading, then GOING BACK after I read to multi-quote.  I'm playing catch-up here, and can be interrupted at any time!  Therefore, I respond immediately upon reading, and trust to fate to make anything I say that is not immediately understandable at least laughably entertaining....

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Back OFF.  That's MY bestie you're talking about.  She only said that to you so you'd stop stalking her.


Hey, a promise is a promise!  But you can put your sleeping bag on her other side and join us for make-overs.  *head-tilt with charming smile*

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You may be a friend-stealer, but you've got great potential as a party planner. 


I realized I was truly starting to catch up when I saw a response I really liked and was miffed that I didn't have a like button for THAT ONE POST.  Then I realized it was mine (the entertainment planner post you just referred to)....

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It just dawned on me that this thread is like a series of Facebook status updates and replies. I'm quick like that.


This is better than Facebook.  I know that's not saying much, but I've never seen Facebook this entertaining!

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It is my head, however they are twisties, not dreads. I was way too lazy (and vain) for dreads, lol! This was before my hair fell out after the birth of dd2. Now, it's a short afro.


It never really recovered either. Only the top of my hair grows, so I have to keep trimming it to stay even with the back. It would almost be depressing if I don't console myself with the thought that it's only because I'm getting old.  :001_rolleyes:


Hot diggety, I knew it!  I love your avatar, and your hair!  And I'll bet your current hair is just as cool, no matter what length it is.

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So it WAS the whole site.  Shucks.  I was JUST about to post a big whiny complainy venty post when it went down. Itsa gone.  Y'all missed out on it.  






I am almost 40 with lots of kids and frizzy hair and eyebrows in desperate need of plucking.  On a good day there may be lip gloss, and if the line's slow at Starbucks, I may actually have time to clip my toenails.   So see?  Perfect BFF material.  





I tried.  I really really really wanted my delicate, sandy, pedicured feet kicking back in uber-coolness at the beach last week.  You know, texasmama's converses but oh-so-more exotic and vacationy. Then I got home and discovered the tops of my toes were cut off.  Dang.  








Put me and preggers together.  We get each other.  The rest of my brood can hang with the dog.   I'm booking my flight riiiiiiiight…..NOW.   


It was only after a minute or two AFTER reading this post that I realized the tops of your toes were cut off in a PICTURE and not in real life!  (Or so I hope....)



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<<<<  There you go.  Avatar.  From a summer science expedition (aka walk to the beach).


Never could decide if the trapped dragonfly was cool or just disturbing in an Alfred Hitchcocky sort of way, so finally:  A Use For This Pic.  


I have been wondering just where you managed to find such a big dragonfly, and why you would use such an ominously threatening avatar.  I mean, mosquitoes in MN really do get that big, so I just assumed dragonflies did somewhere, too, KWIM?


Your explanation here sets my mind at ease.  Avatars change on ALL posts as soon as they are reset, so I was seeing the new avatar on posts made before you switched pics.  Makes for some really interesting references, sometimes....

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I KNOW.  Me too.  Everybody I like in the virtual world lives on the shores of the OTHER ocean.   :angry:  :nopity:


Or the Gulf.


Or Canada and its Greater International District. 


Or Australia.  


ETA: Or the Middle Of The High Dessert.  (Which sounds so much better than the Middle Of The High Desert, so consider yourself relocated, Renai.)


(NOW Have I covered everyone here?)


How about trapped among too many trees?  I'm surrounded....

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Here. Try this:


Pin the Tail on the Donkey


Okay, I especially liked the expression on the donkey when my first pin ended up a little south of the target, but it still can't compare to the Polynesian dancers!  Hu-la!  Hu-la!  Hu-la!


And you can give us lessons.  I'll help!  I took Hawaiian dance lessons a couple decades ago....

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Dd is finishing up an anthropology project about cave art in the Libyan Sahara. We got up early this morning to watch The English Patient (repeat for me, first for her). I cried. Oh I like that book, and the film. But it kind of made me maudlin all day and probably I didn't need that. I'm holding my breath for dd to finish this term. I'll probably pass out from 2nd hand stress by the time her finals are over.


Then I spent the afternoon helping ds code. My coding abilities suck but I'm still better than him so there we were ..

He said I'm a cool mom. :)


uber cool!  What books and other sources would your DD recommend about Libyan Sahara cave art?  I love anthropology and archaeology, but I'm not very familiar with that part of the world.

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No one has posted in half an hour. People are not taking this thread seriously.


Did I tell y'all that I'm running for city council? A new lifetime experience. :hat:


Well, here in TX I think that would lock in the Good Citizenship required subject.  Want to move here?  I hear we have seats available in my town's city council.  We vote in May.

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Well, shoot. I was hoping it would be something like a surprise pregnancy or the like. Pregnancy throw up is a lot better than sick infection throw up. Just sayin'.


Hope you feel better.


I agree (mostly) and I appreciate your support, but at age 50 I'm not sure a pregnancy would have been better.


The part I agree with is that pregnancy throwing up is better, but only because the cause is then known, since my worst nausea was during pregnancy -- at least until this bout.  With this infection I threw up harder than I ever did when I was pregnant, and I was pretty darn nauseous throughout half of each pregnancy (ended up in the ER a few times during the first to be re-hydrated).  It is taking a couple of days for the pain to subside, now that I'm keeping food down again.  I suspect I strained connective tissue at the ribs, because the ribs hurt like blazes.


Yesterday I tried to get DH to stay home because he was dizzy and a little queazy -- he thought it was the weather.  He had a meeting at work he really needed to attend, so he went, then ended up leaving it early to come home.  He thinks now that perhaps it wasn't something I ate, but something we caught.  He's not quite having the same trouble I am, though, and the kids are just fine.


For reference:  if you ever get prescribed Zofran for nausea (the oral-dissolve tabs) try to get brand-name instead of generic.  I now have experience with both.  The brand name tastes slightly less foul than the generic, and it dissolves under your tongue quicker (so you get the taste out of your mouth sooner).  I do not need to get more (only picked up a partial fill), but if I ever have it again I'm getting brand name.


Further reference:  Zofran can be a lifesaver when you can't keep anything down, but be prepared for some considerable constipation in the days afterwards.


End of public service announcement.  I'm sitting upright today and ate toaster waffles.  I might attempt a trip to the grocery store in a bit (we'll see).  Folding the laundry that was in the dryer was more than I was able to handle before I was exhausted again, so I may just have to sit here until I'm all caught up with this thread.  Only 2 or 3 more pages to go now!

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