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Nothing New/Mindful Spending week ten


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The "rules" of this challenge are self-defined. Anyone can join in at any time. The aim of the challenge (for me) is to combat consumerism, wastefulness, mindless buying, and overspending. It is meant to nurture creative problem solving, ecology, frugality, intentionalism, and resourcefulness. To support these goals, I seek to buy nothing new. I aim to use existing resources, borrow, hand-craft, and buy existing second-hand materials to the greatest extent possible. However, I recognize that life is unpredictable, and family life increases this factor exponentially, so I will buy new in the following cases, when a non-buying option does not present:


Food, health, and necessary household goods excluded.

Requirements for school, work, or health and well-being which cannot be obtained used.

Gifts, when a creative non-commercial option will not suffice.

Anything animal or gardening related that cannot be obtained used.

Fuel/energy sources.


Posts will appear each Saturday, referring to the week that is ending. Post your successes, creative solutions, relapses and weak moments. It doesn't matter if you have a weak moment! Just keep swimming!

Due to a bunch of snow and frigid temps, I was again mostly house-bound, which turns out to be good for the budget. I did buy seed-starting supplies today, along with chicken feed and groceries. No "illegal" book purchases this week.


How is everyone else doing?

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ugh, I haven't been keeping good track.  But, we decided to send our twins to one last year of Montessori school, to complete the 3 year cycle, and since then I've been afraid to spend money. :lol:



We bought DH a pair of jeans, but he had an Amazon gift card so we only paid $10.  I say that's a win!



I haven't been great about buying used.  Our consignment stores are not good at all.  I am excited for garage sale season.  My SIL and I go to the really nice areas and I have gotten some good stuff!

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Big victory this week was fixing the wonky fridge all by myself! We have a model that has been known to lose chill in the fridge part even though the freezer is still ice cold. That happened this week but I cleaned and vacuumed all the vents and coils and overnight it started working again. Yay.

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Big victory this week was fixing the wonky fridge all by myself! We have a model that has been known to lose chill in the fridge part even though the freezer is still ice cold. That happened this week but I cleaned and vacuumed all the vents and coils and overnight it started working again. Yay.


Ours is having the opposite problem, everything in the fridge has ice crystals, even though it's turned all the way down.  Maybe the thermometer is broken?  Your post inspired me to figure this out. :lol:


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Big victory this week was fixing the wonky fridge all by myself! We have a model that has been known to lose chill in the fridge part even though the freezer is still ice cold. That happened this week but I cleaned and vacuumed all the vents and coils and overnight it started working again. Yay.



I tried to fix my dryer once by YouTubin'. It was too complicated, though. It was a heat sensor gone bad and I would have had to open it up entirely. Boo.

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Wanted to go out to eat 2 times this week and resisted. But that's because we knew we'd have to eat out yesterday when we traveled far from home in the middle of the day. But this is ok. We're learning how to plan ahead for eating out and doing it only when necessary or when it's really special. Even though we ate out yesterday it was mindful so I'm ok wth it.


I bought us all pi day shirts for next week and they cost more than I thought they would plus we ordered them online and they barely fit. I'm guessing it was a Chinese company where the sizes run super-small for Americans. No time to return them, so we'll just squeeze into them, but it's another reminder NOT TO BUY CLOTHES ONLINE. Not for us anyway. It often doesn't work out.


My grocery shopping has been going well, but it often does. I write a list and stick to it. This is one area I'm pretty sucessful in, so I will revel in my victorious shopping trip of today. No extras purchased at all!

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I spent $45 for a half marathon registration. But I went shopping yesterday with my daughter and spent 0! That's not that hard for me 'cause I hate shopping. However, I was able to go into Hobby Lobby and resist the Siren Song of crap that I really don't need, but I think is so cool anyway. :) I went there looking for fabric for a baby boy quilt, but they really didn't have anything I liked. I was pretty proud of myself for not buying anything.

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Spent $160 to have our bikes tuned up and to have new tires put on mine. The new tires weren't necessary but I wanted less knobby ones and the ones on the bike were original- 21 years old!  And it turns out there was a small hole in the front tire, and they replaced the tube too. 

Money well spent.  They get a lot of use when the weather is decent. 


We ordered pizza for a midweek splurge. It was delightful and I'm really going to miss this pizza place when we move away from here. We had enough for lunch the next day too, so I got out of cooking twice! Mmm...bbq chicken pizza with bacon! And a dessert pizza. 


I also bought a Pepsi while dh and I were out getting the bikes (shop is 50 minutes away). I HATED spending that money but I was thirsty and it's our guilty pleasure. Dh and I only drink Pepsi when we're alone together in the car. Weird, I know. 


I felt no guilt over $160 on the bike service but resent $1.50 on Pepsi.  



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I spent $45 for a half marathon registration. But I went shopping yesterday with my daughter and spent 0! That's not that hard for me 'cause I hate shopping. However, I was able to go into Hobby Lobby and resist the Siren Song of crap that I really don't need, but I think is so cool anyway. :) I went there looking for fabric for a baby boy quilt, but they really didn't have anything I liked. I was pretty proud of myself for not buying anything.

Lol! I know what you mean! That's me at Michaels or JoAnne's! Especially when Easter is near. I love rabbit motif things. I tend to buy them for no reason at all!

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Spent $160 to have our bikes tuned up and to have new tires put on mine. The new tires weren't necessary but I wanted less knobby ones and the ones on the bike were original- 21 years old!  And it turns out there was a small hole in the front tire, and they replaced the tube too. 

Money well spent.  They get a lot of use when the weather is decent. 



I need a bike.



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I haven't been great about buying used.  Our consignment stores are not good at all.  I am excited for garage sale season.  My SIL and I go to the really nice areas and I have gotten some good stuff!


I am great at buying used, but it's usually stuff I didn't need in the first place, LOL. This week two vintage children's records (the Burl Ives was worth it, Electric Company is a dud) and a teak cheese plate with a dome. Only $6! 


I know, I have a problem.


I am, however, using the dome as a cloche to protect a volunteer tomato seedling I found in a parking lot and transplated to my garden, so that's a win.

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I am, however, using the dome as a cloche to protect a volunteer tomato seedling I found in a parking lot and transplated to my garden, so that's a win.


I can envision this so well. It's already a perfectly-formed blog post in my mind!

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I need a bike.



So true. I WISH I could bike anywhere meaningful where I live. The road is too dangerous and it is no less than five miles to get anywhere useful, if by useful I mean a gas station where I could buy a lottery ticket. Lol.

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This thread and others in the minimalist group have really helped me to reconsider how I buy clothing and create a functioning wardrobe.  While I don't work for pay, I do certain volunteer tasks that have required me to have some professional type clothes or items beyond jeans.  Money is not a critical issue for me but I don't want to just toss it to the wind.  Essentially I have decided that I would rather buy a few well constructed pieces than a bunch of stuff that I end up not wearing or cheap stuff that wears out.


On that note, I spent a week staring at the web site of a European company with clothing that sings to my personality.  Today I ordered several pieces, fingers crossed that their sizing will work for me.  Then I placed an LL bean sweater that is not flattering for my body type in a bag for a charity shop.  There is a skirt in my closet that needs to join it.  An old bathrobe went into the trash. To be honest, more should go as well but I feel this is a healthy start.


I spent last weekend and part of this week visiting friends who are renting a cottage at Saint Simons Island, GA.  They travel a lot, embracing a more simple philosophy that expands their budget. For one thing, they rarely eat out.  This is in part due to some dietary concerns, but they recognize that by cooking their food budget does not vary much whether at home or on the road. Secondly, they always travel with their bicycles on their car rack.  Biking on rails to trails paths is one of their hobbies. When I visited, we spent an afternoon biking on Jekyll Island.  On Saint Simons, we biked to the library to borrow a DVD.  Frugal and fun.

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This thread and others in the minimalist group have really helped me to reconsider how I buy clothing and create a functioning wardrobe.  While I don't work for pay, I do certain volunteer tasks that have required me to have some professional type clothes or items beyond jeans.  Money is not a critical issue for me but I don't want to just toss it to the wind.  Essentially I have decided that I would rather buy a few well constructed pieces than a bunch of stuff that I end up not wearing or cheap stuff that wears out.


On that note, I spent a week staring at the web site of a European company with clothing that sings to my personality.  Today I ordered several pieces, fingers crossed that their sizing will work for me.  Then I placed an LL bean sweater that is not flattering for my body type in a bag for a charity shop.  There is a skirt in my closet that needs to join it.  An old bathrobe went into the trash. To be honest, more should go as well but I feel this is a healthy start.


I spent last weekend and part of this week visiting friends who are renting a cottage at Saint Simons Island, GA.  They travel a lot, embracing a more simple philosophy that expands their budget. For one thing, they rarely eat out.  This is in part due to some dietary concerns, but they recognize that by cooking their food budget does not vary much whether at home or on the road. Secondly, they always travel with their bicycles on their car rack.  Biking on rails to trails paths is one of their hobbies. When I visited, we spent an afternoon biking on Jekyll Island.  On Saint Simons, we biked to the library to borrow a DVD.  Frugal and fun.


I wish I had someone nearby who would help me put together a wardrobe! I'm no good at it, and like you, I'd prefer to have a few nice pieces than a bunch of ill fitting, poor quality things. What's the company you bought from? I would LOVE to find a company that 'sings to my personality'. I love that phrase. 


We're spending a week in south Georgia next week, and I sure wish we could take our bikes.  1000 miles...too far for dh to feel comfortable dragging them. Too bad- I would LOVE to bike around the coastal islands! Still plenty of snow on the ground here so I'm itching for bike weather. 


Dh and I travel a good bit now that kids are grown. We rarely spend much on food when we travel- it really makes a big difference in travel costs!

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I wish I had someone nearby who would help me put together a wardrobe! I'm no good at it, and like you, I'd prefer to have a few nice pieces than a bunch of ill fitting, poor quality things. What's the company you bought from? I would LOVE to find a company that 'sings to my personality'. I love that phrase.


We're spending a week in south Georgia next week, and I sure wish we could take our bikes. 1000 miles...too far for dh to feel comfortable dragging them. Too bad- I would LOVE to bike around the coastal islands! Still plenty of snow on the ground here so I'm itching for bike weather.


Dh and I travel a good bit now that kids are grown. We rarely spend much on food when we travel- it really makes a big difference in travel costs!

Enjoy your travels to and in Georgia! You should have a well deserved break from the snow.


I ordered from a Swedish company that will definitely not be everyone's speed! Their clothes are a riot of color.



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I ordered from a Swedish company that will definitely not be everyone's speed! Their clothes are a riot of color.




I envy your sense of adventure with clothing! I'm in my 50's and seem to gravitate towards plain clothes.  Yesterday I sent my dd a pic I took at the gym and she was shocked that I had on a pink shirt. Yeah, if it's noteworthy that I was wearing a plain pink shirt, the clothes in the link you posted isn't right for me.  But oh how I wish it was!! Beautiful stuff! Hope you love what you chose!

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I envy your sense of adventure with clothing! I'm in my 50's and seem to gravitate towards plain clothes. Yesterday I sent my dd a pic I took at the gym and she was shocked that I had on a pink shirt. Yeah, if it's noteworthy that I was wearing a plain pink shirt, the clothes in the link you posted isn't right for me. But oh how I wish it was!! Beautiful stuff! Hope you love what you chose!

Well I too am in my 50's but I have never shied away from color. I will be shying away from the striped tights though.

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We got back home from our trip to Tucson last Wednesday. I did fairly well spending on the trip, only because Grandma and Grandpa are all too happy to go hog wild spending on the kids. So, we got to do quite a lot, all free for us. I love my parents for being such involved grandparents.


We're getting ready for our move next week, so we're just putting money away to pay for traveling upfront. We get it all back moving with the military, so it'll all eventually find its way to savings.


We'll be buying a house when we get there. We've found one lake front property and a few with acreage - so I'll be blowing this whole minimal spending thing in a few weeks! 😉

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We've rented several movies from Redbox the past two weekends and bought an MLB At Bat subscription, but we haven't bought nonconsumables or gone out to eat (unless you count one Starbucks drink and the red velvet Russel Stover egg thing I impulsively grabbed at Walgreens). DH needs new dress pants because he broke two zippers in the past month (and I am no seamstress). Goodwill didn't have any in his size - either one size too big in the waist or one size too short. I'll check one more Goodwill store in the morning, but I'll probably have to buy those new.


DH decided he and we need a vacation, so we are using our tax refund for that. We've never taken a vacation before, and there's other drama involved that may end up its own thread, but at least we have a good reason to crack down on spending for a couple months!

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After my baby shower, I had a list of 9 items I still needed. But, we got enough cash and gift cards, that I was able to use those for the 9 baby items! Woohoo! I still have $45 left which I think I'll use for diapers and wipes.


I bought the kids big sibling gifts to give them when they come meet the new baby at the hospital but I think it was money well spent. I like being able to surprise them with something special when they aren't expecting it.


I know groceries aren't really part of this challenge but, I have to share how well I did this weekend. Dh is taking a class this coming week so he won't be bringing in any money. I made my menu/list based on meat/produce sales + what we already have on hand and added my total as I went through the store. At the end, I put back 3 snacks that weren't necessary and were pushing too close to my budget limit. So I came out $20 under budget and we have enough food for 7 breakfasts, lunches, and dinners + snacks!

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groceries aren't really part of this challenge but, I have to share how well I did this weekend. Dh is taking a class this coming week so he won't be bringing in any money. I made my menu/list based on meat/produce sales + what we already have on hand and added my total as I went through the store. At the end, I put back 3 snacks that weren't necessary and were pushing too close to my budget limit. So I came out $20 under budget and we have enough food for 7 breakfasts, lunches, and dinners + snacks!

That is fantastic!


I feel like our grocery spending is out of control. Blah.

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Last year the chickens destroyed the chaise lounge pad. The frame has been sitting in our backyard looking sad for months. Target had a red chaise lounge cushion on sale this week. Money out the door, but it refurbishes/restores an existing item, keeping this one out of the waste stream and obviating the need to manufacture a new one, so that's good. And the red looks nice against the green in the garden.

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That is fantastic!


I feel like our grocery spending is out of control. Blah.

Mine has been too! I've been buying too many convenience foods and it adds up so fast! This trip was more in line with how I should be doing the shopping anyway (and was until third trimester misery set in.)

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My favorite pair of shoes were a bit scuffed up and it occurred to me as I was shining them up that my shoes were always polished back in my son's Montessori days.  Shoe polishing was one of his favorite lessons back then.  We paid him a quarter to polish a pair of shoes at home. My parents even gave him a shoe polishing kit for Christmas one year.


At the risk of sounding like a geezer, I'll mention shoe polishing and the use of a cobbler to extend the life of a pair of shoes.

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My favorite pair of shoes were a bit scuffed up and it occurred to me as I was shining them up that my shoes were always polished back in my son's Montessori days. Shoe polishing was one of his favorite lessons back then. We paid him a quarter to polish a pair of shoes at home. My parents even gave him a shoe polishing kit for Christmas one year.


At the risk of sounding like a geezer, I'll mention shoe polishing and the use of a cobbler to extend the life of a pair of shoes.

I remember polishing shoes as a kid!

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My favorite pair of shoes were a bit scuffed up and it occurred to me as I was shining them up that my shoes were always polished back in my son's Montessori days. Shoe polishing was one of his favorite lessons back then. We paid him a quarter to polish a pair of shoes at home. My parents even gave him a shoe polishing kit for Christmas one year.


At the risk of sounding like a geezer, I'll mention shoe polishing and the use of a cobbler to extend the life of a pair of shoes.

At the risk of geezering with you, i am a believer in polishing and re-heeling shoes. I had a beautiful pair of black boots years ago which I kept going for ten or more years by having them re-heeled, re-soled, and polished/cleaned. When i worked as a Legal Secretary, I often had my pumps re-heeled. The downtown streets were very hard on shoes, but I could keep a good pair going for years this way.

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Finally some success at Goodwill! I got a pair of dress pants, two dress shirts, and a pair of jeans for DH for $11.50. They didn't have any khaki-colored ones, so I had to buy new - definitely more than $11.50.


I stayed within my grocery budget, other than Costco pizza and Fig Newtons. Technically the Fig Newtons could be considered an "educational expense" because we just finished reading Dragons of Blueland and they were curious what a Fig Newton was.


We no longer have a cobbler within 60 miles. We used to re-sole dh's dress shoes and re-heel mine. :(


Dh needs new dress shoes this fall. He rotates between two pair. They last only 2-3 years with the amount of walking he does each day. I need to start setting aside money for them as it will be $400ish.

Can I ask what kind of shoes he wears? DH has back problems and I'm always looking for shoes that would be better for him.
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He wears Johnston & Murphy for one pair, and some Italian brand for the other (he is wearing them now and is still at work). He wears Sperry Top-Sider leather loafers when a dress shoe is not required. His running shoes are currently Champions from Payless (oddly high rated). He replaces his running shoes every xxx miles--about every 3-6 months....

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He wears Johnston & Murphy for one pair, and some Italian brand for the other (he is wearing them now and is still at work). He wears Sperry Top-Sider leather loafers when a dress shoe is not required. His running shoes are currently Champions from Payless (oddly high rated). He replaces his running shoes every xxx miles--about every 3-6 months....

Thanks! I think his black pair is Johnston and Murphy, the brown ones are Sketchers loafers, but he doesn't like them as much as he thought he would.

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