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Cat naps, or getting older

Night Elf

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I've started napping just sitting on the sofa. I can be watching tv or reading a book and my eyes just close. I sleep for 20 to 30 minutes. This is new behavior for me. My sleeping habits haven't really changed. I do take a sleeping pill to help me stay asleep at night, but I still go to bed and wake up at the same time. Even a double espresso drink from Starbucks doesn't keep me awake. I guess this is just another little step to getting older. I'm only 47 though. I shouldn't need cat naps, especially sitting up!

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I usually only start falling asleep sitting if I've been up really long hours.


That said, I like me a nice nap in the middle of a stressful day.  :P  I wish I could have one every day.


I'm 48 and I do seem to have less ability to stay up crazy hours than I used to.  It could be age, or it could be because I'm a night person with kids who need to catch a school bus at 7:35am.  :P  Probably both.

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Have you had bloodwork done recently? It could be hypertension or thyroid problems. Those are two common problems you want to rule out before dismissing naps due to age. I've always been a napper because I like to stay up late but get up early. Still when my 40-60 minutes rest periods went from a nice extra to a 2 hour necessity last year I found out my blood pressure had suddenly rocketed up to 120s/180s. My best friend just found out she has thyroid cancer at 34 and her only real symptom was fatigue.


Once you rule out health causes, you can take herbs and supplements that help your energy levels quite a bit in middle age. I'm sure hormone fluctuations have something to do with it.

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I love me a good cat nap! I actually blame my cat for my need to nap. I never get quite enough sleep at night and a lot of that is due to his waking me up for breakfast at 5:00 instead of 5:45! I can't get back to sleep that close to my wake-up time.

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I deleted my long, commiserating post when I realized that you are only 47.


There is a wide range of normal when it comes to aging, but you might want to see if better nutrition, a lower dosage of your sleeping pill, regular exercise, and just generally taking better care of yourself helps.


Your kids deserve a healthy mom even on those days when it's hard to feel like you deserve a healthy body.





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Now that I homeschool and we don't have to be anywhere at any particular time/early, our sleep patterns can easily get all jacked up if I am not vigilant.  When I'm tired, I nap, but I go the whole hog and crawl into bed under my cozy warm comforter and knock out an hour nap.  I don't even feel guilty about it anymore; I just have that be the kids' independent work time or their break time.  I had a check up last year and had no health issues, so I just roll with my nap.

I've started napping just sitting on the sofa. I can be watching tv or reading a book and my eyes just close. I sleep for 20 to 30 minutes. This is new behavior for me. My sleeping habits haven't really changed. I do take a sleeping pill to help me stay asleep at night, but I still go to bed and wake up at the same time. Even a double espresso drink from Starbucks doesn't keep me awake. I guess this is just another little step to getting older. I'm only 47 though. I shouldn't need cat naps, especially sitting up!


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Could be leftover grogginess from the nightly sleeping pills. I was tired in the afternoons when I took sleeping pills. Now that I learned to get natural sleep, I seldom feel a desire to nap. If you want to quit the sleeping pills, try wearing amber glasses for two hours before bed and sleeping in a dark room or wearing a sleeping mask. Sounds crazy, but for many it really works. You can read more on lowbluelights.com, a website that I am not affiliated with.

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