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The weirdest rash - what is this?


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Thursday about mid-morning I realize my 4 year old is developing some sort of rash around his elbows. Small, raised bumps. Some are red, most are not. By evening his arms are covered, as well as his legs and I can see some starting to show up on his face. They aren't really noticeable, but I can see them. He has none on his trunk at all. In fact, they seem to be only where his clothes are not covering his skin. He hasn't been sick at all. No fever, nothing. Thursday night I gave him some benadryl because they were itchy. Yesterday and today he hasn't had any new ones appear. However, in the evening the ones he has appear to be more red and they start to get itchy again, so I've given him a dose of benadryl again each evening. He's got several hundred of these spots. And it's the weirdest thing. Some of them have the tiniest little scab on the top, but that may be from his itching.


So far I've only got 2 guesses. We got a cat on Sunday, so I'm wondering if this is some kind of allergic reaction?? I didn't find anything on dr google that says it sounds like a cat allergy. My other guess is molluscum. It's been making its rounds through my kids sloooooowly the last couple years. This child has had a handful of spots over the last 6 months or so. He's got a couple right now, like one on his chest. These could be molluscum in the early stages, before they get the white center. But to suddenly explode all over is just bizzare. Also, the fact that they are limited to his arms and legs is a bit weird.


Anyway... any more ideas?

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I hope he feels better soon!

From what I understand, most rashes associated with a virus appear after being sick and then start on the trunk and move out. So I don't think it's chicken pox or measles or anything else like that. However, I still don't want to take him out in public just in case. Because even if it's not, people might think it is.
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From what I understand, most rashes associated with a virus appear after being sick and then start on the trunk and move out. So I don't think it's chicken pox or measles or anything else like that. However, I still don't want to take him out in public just in case. Because even if it's not, people might think it is.

Well, chicken pox on DF's son started on his face.  


Call monday if he is still has it and get an appointment.

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Did they eventually move to other parts of his body though? He hasn't gotten any new spots in 48 hrs, and they are still limited to his arms, legs and face. And it's mostly his arms. For whatever reason they do get red(der) and itchy each evening.


It has been over a year but what I remember is it was several days just on his face and then later moved to his arms.  It took several doctor visits before they figured it out.  They thought he had an allergic reaction to something he touched.

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I'm going to say it's probably a contact allergy. Is he rolling around on the floor? If so, it could be an allergy to the car, or a new cleaner. They probably start itching again because the benadryl wears off but he continues to have contact. I'd put him in long pants and sleeves, and socks and see if that improves anything (after a nice bath and more benadryl). If that doesn't improve it, I'd get an appt for Monday.

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My guess is the cat.  ds11 we learned is allergic to cats...we had 10 in the house at the time, now down to 4.  He gets a raised rash almost identical to what you described on his arms usually, if he has spent too much time snuggling them he gets it on his trunk as well.  We have had cats his whole life and had been dealing with this rash fro years until he had blood work done to check for allergies and his one to cats was very high.

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My skin is hyper sensitive skin (Windex makes me break out in hives).  I get contact rashes like this all the time when I touch or interact with something that my skin decides it doesn't like.  If you have carpet, it can be a carrier as well.


Wash all his clothes, dress him in long sleeves and long pants for a few days, bathe at least twice a day, and see if it gets better.  More than likely it is the cat...sorry to say....

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Chickenpox seems extremely unlikely particularly with no fever, no tiredness, no known exposure to chickenpox, and how you're describing them as most definitely not on the trunk at all. It's possible but that was not my first thought at all. It sounds like an allergic reaction to me. I hope you get it figured out!

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Sounds like the cat is a likely culprit. Just wanted to throw out my experience: I have dust mite allergies that manifested as rashes, mostly on my arms, when I was about 8yo. I scratched like crazy in my sleep--one time even scratching myself raw. I didn't really start having the typical sinus symptoms until a few years later.

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