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Taking a week off mid-semester?

Susan in TN

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Several of my kids' classes have had a maximum absence policy -- with the maximum absence being two or three per semester. Being away for a week could use all the allowable absences, leaving nothing if your student got sick or overslept or whatever. (My dd's foreign language class meets 5 days per week, so for her missing a week of classes would exceed her maximum allowable absences.)


Also, what about quizzes and exams? If a student misses a quiz or an exam for a personal reason, a prof might not be obligated to give the exam to the student when the student gets back.



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At our university, we accommodate students who attend university sponsored events, such as competitions etc. They get makeup exams and their absences do not count towards any max number. They still have to submit assignments on time. It's hard for the student to catch up on material if he misses an entire week, because most are time consuming difficult classes (STEM uni). Some recover, but some fall behind and never catch up; sometimes such students fail and have to repeat the course.

A student missing a week for any other reason, such as a private event, would not be entitled to makeups for assignments or tests; they would be covered under rules like "lowest score is dropped" and use that up. In a small class, an instructor might be able to accommodate a student who has to miss for a medical event such as planned surgery - but for private events in the middle of the semester, student is on his own.



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My son's buddy took off a week off for a funeral...he spoke to his profs in advance and got the work done. He made arrangements to make up a lab.


I wouldn't consider a funeral a planned event. Our CC would acknowledge bereavement leave but not a wedding, a family reunion, an extra spring break or family vacation. The school publishes the calendar about a year in advance (2015-2016 calendar has been available for a couple of months) so students and families should be able to plan accordingly.

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I understand what you are saying, Heigh-Ho.  It's the same thing with childbirth.  The event is inevitable; the timing is the unknown. Giving the instructor a head's up about a possible absence is one thing; planning a long absence for something that could be scheduled at a different time is another.


*I am not at all inferring this what the OP is planning.

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My dd has taken off two days for her conference's meet. Being off two days was extremely difficult, even when she is allowed to make-up the work. She is currently waiting to find out if she was selected for the National level meet. That would be a full week out of classes. She will turn it down if given the option by her coach. She cannot imagine a week out of school when one or two days is next to impossible.


Her roommate took a week off last year to go on a mission trip out of the country with her mother. It was actually two weeks, but one was spring break. I guess the school approved the trip somehow and allowed her to make up all work missed. I know she is having to repeat two of those classes due to low grades. She probably should have just taken the semester off.

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My sophomore missed 3 days to attend a professional conference this fall. She had a number of interviews lined up for internships. She talked to her professors beforehand, and they were okay with it. It may have helped that almost all her classes were in her major.


She received job offers from her interviews, and she plans to go back to the conference this year. (She had an opportunity to go to the conference her freshman year, but she wasn't comfortable missing class. However, the internships that people received she knew that went freshman year convinced her to go sophomore year.)

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