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Pizza Hut Book-It, If you signed-up did you get yours in the mail?

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Dawn, what info do you need? We've done the Book It program for the last three years. Our kids really look forward to it.


We haven't gotten our information for this year yet. It should arrive by mid-September. We did just receive the confirmations of Pizza Hut receiving the kids' submissions for the summer reading program which ends on Sept. 20th (I think), so they probably will make sure the school year program info is out by then.

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You basically decide your own goals for your kids. I assign a set # of books/month for them to read from the selected library books we have for history & science as well as a few others. (Usually around 20-25 for my olders). You could set a time goal like 10 hours of reading broken up into 15 or 20 minute segments filled out on a chart. HTH Jacqui

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I feel rather silly now, as I just discovered I didn't remove everything from the envelope the first time. :D I didn't see the certificates and was trying to figure out what I was supposed to actually present to Pizza Hut. So, I answered my own question. I haven't, however, received any confirmation from Pizza Hut. I'm a little concerned about being met with blank stares when I take the certificate in.


Thanks for the offer of help! I hope you and yours are well! I'm glad you're blogging again.



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I forgot to sign up! :ohmy:


I did 'Bookit' years ago with my older boys and would like to do it again this year with youngest DC.


Is it too late to sign up?


If not does anyone have the website?


Well never mind I found it!

The homeschool sign up -Here it is incase anyone else forgot like me!





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As for goals, I set a certain # of books per month that have to be read. With a K'r I would determine how many books we could read together reasonably within a month. One a day? Three a week? Same for 2nd grader reading on own but it may be a different # for them. I make a chart where a non reader can put a sticker on each time we read a book till we reach the goal. For olders, they have to write down the Title on their chart for the month to show how many they have read.

HTH Jacqui

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For my dc, I had time goals. For kindergarten they had to read 20 minutes a day. First grade, 30 minutes. Second grade, 40 minutes. Third grade, 50 minutes. Fourth grade on up, 60 minutes. Per day.


I also asked them to keep a book list just so I could see what they were reading (and to remember books that "worked" at a certain grade level when the next dc came up).


I printed the calendar and they got to use my cute stamping markers to stamp each day they read their assigned minutes. Also, the per day was five days a week (not weekends) so I could monitor/encourage that the reading be done.

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